Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1341 Mad, you are so funny

Chapter 1341 Madhu, you are so funny

Yun Fei spoke coldly.

What's going on?

You are allowed to play with Mi Tai, but we are not allowed to touch the people who are related to you?

Are you taking yourself too seriously?

"Yunfei, your and my affairs have nothing to do with them."

Wei Ying gritted his teeth. The pain in his body was no longer insignificant at this time.

The world where Wei Ying lives has prospered and developed because of his existence, and now, it is also in extreme danger because of his existence.

Wei Yingtai knows what it would be like if a world were targeted by students from Tiandao Academy.

"Now you know that the matter between you and me has nothing to do with outsiders? Then, when you killed him, did you think that there would be today's results? There is no need to quibble. Today, you will die, and the world you live in will also die because of you. And destroy.”

Yunfei continued to hit Wei Ying with his hands, just like a man in a violent demolition project with a sledgehammer, hitting whatever he didn't like.

The eternal people were very relieved when they saw the scene in front of them.

It is a great blessing to be able to follow such a protective boss.

Even if they really die in the future, they know that their boss will definitely take revenge on them.

Wei Ying's body was definitely not something that could be smashed to death with just a few hits. Yun Fei did this just to vent his anger.

Wei Ying also knows this. He sticks to his roots. As long as there are no problems with the rules he controls, physical injuries are nothing at all.

But he was really at his lowest point and Yun Fei wanted to kill him.

After more than ten minutes of frantic smashing, Yunfei stopped.

He trampled Wei Ying's broken body under his feet.

"The warm-up is complete. Now, are you ready to accept death?"

Yunfei looked at Wei Ying condescendingly, his eyes cold.

This momentum is definitely very scary.

However, Wei Ying was not afraid at all.

"bring it on."

Wei Ying was not only not afraid, but also made words to stimulate Yun Fei.

Not because of anything else, nor because he expects others to come to rescue him, he is just confident.

The rules of chaos are indeed powerful, but when the origin of the rules in his body is strictly guarded, there is no way he can break the rules of chaos.

Yun Fei may have the ability to defeat him, but if he wants to kill him, he is probably far behind, unless Yun Fei controls the origin of the chaos rules, but this thing does not seem to exist.

Who has seen chaos rules in the original space?

In the original space of every world, time and destiny will exist, but chaos will definitely not exist.

Therefore, if Yunfei wants to advance to the realm of domination, he can only absorb other sources of power, and it is unrealistic to use other sources to destroy Wei Ying's rule source.

This is another reason why Wei Ying is confident.

"I can satisfy your request. You asked for it yourself."

Yunfei caught the loophole in Wei Ying's words.

Pretending to beep, right?

Okay, I won’t argue with you. Anyway, it’s the last time you pretend to beep. I can’t deprive you of your right to pretend to beep.

The next moment, gray light shone on Yunfei's feet.

The rules of chaos invade Wei Ying's body.

Wei Ying, who was relatively calm at first, lost her composure on the spot.

What's this?

He felt an unusual power among the rules of chaos.

But no matter how frightened he was, he couldn't scream or beg for mercy at this moment.

Because Yunfei has deprived him of the right to speak.

Yunfei's feet moved to Wei Ying's mouth.

How can you talk when your pretty mouth is stepped on by your feet?

With Yunfei's strength, he can crush the melon seeds in his head under his feet and explode. Isn't it easy to prevent Wei Ying from talking?

What is the power that invades Weiying's body?

It is the power of the world that Yunfei has to absorb every day these days.

The power of the world is at a higher level than the original power. Isn't it easy to destroy the source of rules in Wei Ying's body?

Whenever Yun Fei's power of rules breaks a rule source in Wei Ying's body, Wei Ying will spit out blood. This is the kind of damage to the foundation, the foundation, which cannot be repaired.

This kind of blood spurting was so intense that even Yunfei's feet couldn't stop it. All the orifices were bleeding, and Yunfei's feet weren't big enough, so how could he stop it?

"what happened?"

Lu Yong widened his eyes, trying to understand what was happening below.

How come a person's orifices spurt blood when he is stepped on?

"Wei Ying, it's over."

Bai Jingtian can see things that others cannot see, and he can live up to his title of magic stick.

In Bai Jingtian's eyes, Wei Ying is already a dead man, and his fate has come to an end.

However, Bai Jingtian did not dare to look at Yunfei with the eyes of fate. Bai Jingtian still remembered the lesson he learned last time.

If you take a look, he will be bleeding from all his orifices just like Wei Ying now.

"Does he really want to kill someone?"

Lu Yong admired Yunfei from the bottom of his heart.

This guy is really tough, he will kill when he says it.

And I have told you that your master is not in the academy, so no one can protect you now.

If Daoge really holds on to Yunfei's pigtails, the remaining Xinhou who is in charge of the academy will not intervene.

This is Dao Pavilion's privilege within Tiandao Academy.

"No need to ask, he is definitely going to kill someone."

Although Wei Ying is still alive, but Bai Jingtian said that he is dead, then he must be dead, and there is no possibility of survival. The old magic stick still has this ability.

If Yun Fei wasn't targeting Wei Ying, then if Wei Ying sued Bai Jingtian, Bai Jingtian would be able to help Wei Ying change his life at a small price.

This is like a player who has turned on a cheat device and can adjust his health value privately.

Bai Jingtian controls destiny. He is a magic stick with his own cheating device. He can adjust the destiny of others, higher or lower.

Those with high fortune can pick up money while walking and live a long life, while those with low fortune have a hard life and limited life span.

"That's enough, Yun Fei, do you really want to kill him? He has already surrendered and begged for mercy. Why don't you let him go quickly?"

Fierce Fang has also been born in Anhou.

Originally, An Hou, who was born in the fierce fangs, would not interfere in such trivial matters.

But what Yunfei did today was really too much, and An Hou couldn't bear it anymore.

"Huh? Where did you come from? Which eye did you see him admitting defeat and begging for mercy?"

Yunfei mocked An Hou.

"Don't his eyes say it all?"


Yunfei smiled.

Mad, you are so funny.

Do you know how to look?

"Then please explain to me what his eyes mean now."

The next moment, Wei Ying's eyes exploded.

The good eyeballs were like broken glass balls, broken everywhere.


This An Hou is going to explode.

Damn it, didn’t you let me interpret it?

You broke his eyeballs, how can I interpret it?

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