Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1424 I know the news about the descendants of Sinblood

Chapter 1424 I know the news about the descendants of Sinblood

To be honest, everyone is a respectable person. Although Bai Jingtian is a newcomer, his own strength is there. Who can go to the battlefield outside the territory, who is not a genius?

Geniuses are all arrogant, and it is really rare to see someone with a face as big as Bai Jingtian's.

"Haha, the juniors are naturally very interesting. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to follow the seniors for a while?"

"Hum? Not necessarily, right? You were sent here by three Wuhou. Judging from their attitude towards you, you should be very powerful."

The ancestor of Huoshenshan is not blind. The three Wuhou are all very cold and realistic beings. They will never show off to people they have no use for.

How can Bai Jingtian's identity be simple if he can be sent by three Wuhous with a smile on his face?

“Compared to the seniors, it’s okay not to mention Jingtian’s strength.”

"If you want to stay here, then just stay, we don't care."

The ancestor of Huoshenshan closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

This is not their territory. Whoever wants to stay here is free.

Bai Jingtian shrugged, looking like he wasn't very popular, but it didn't matter, let's just have a look.

There was indeed no problem on Bai Jingtian's side, but things went wrong on the other side.

Who is Bai Jingtian?

That was the boss of Qiwei. He had been the boss for some time in Qiuqi, and he had sent three waves of people to battlefields outside the territory.

When these people learned that Bai Jingtian had come to the battlefield outside the territory, they all ran over immediately.

The group is a large group, with thousands of people on the battlefield outside the territory. The oldest person among them is four or five levels higher than Bai Jingtian.

Just like this scene of a bunch of people rushing over, all the big guys in God's Domain were a little uneasy.

What's going on? Are you here to cause trouble?

However, when the person who came out came to Bai Jingtian, the big guys in the world of God became even more uneasy.


"Boss, you are finally here."

"Boss, I want you to death..."

The scene became very heated at one point.

Are all these people here to find this shameless boy?

The seven big bosses of the Divine World looked at Bai Jingtian differently.

But soon their eyes changed from shock to disgust and alienation.

This shameless guy is obviously so popular, why did he come to them to ask for care?

There must be an ulterior motive.

After having such thoughts, none of the seven people said anything and closed their eyes again.

Love so and so, no matter what these noisy people say, they will not pay attention.

Bai Jingtian frowned.

I am very unhappy with these guys who come to say hello.

However, he did not say any unpleasant words, and calmed the restless mood of the crowd one by one.

With so many people around, Bai Jingtian was naturally embarrassed to continue hanging around the seven big bosses of the God's Domain. He followed the person who came out to the place where he came out.

The people who came out are those who enjoy it better than others. Thousands of them have created a temporary floating land here. There is naturally no singing of birds and fragrance of flowers, but there are many palaces and pavilions.

It definitely looks much higher than the seven bosses of the God's Domain floating in the air.

When he came to the place where he was born, Bai Jingtian changed from a licker to a person being licked.

Not only the younger brothers Bai Jingtian had taken care of were licking, but also those who were several years older than Bai Jingtian.

The news of Bai Jingtian's arrival was specially informed by Hou Wu, and Wu Hou also specially mentioned some people who had come out and told them about Bai Jingtian's future development prospects.

This is the future Marquis Wu. If he doesn’t lick it now, when will he wait?

A polite conversation was unavoidable. Bai Jingtian had long been accustomed to this kind of thing, and he dealt with it extremely easily. When everyone was almost dismissed, Bai Jingtian called a younger brother he was familiar with.

"Tell me about those seven."

"Boss, those are the seven weirdos. I heard that they have been here for a long, long time. We don't know exactly how long, but they are very strong. There are two of them. Is the boss going to bring them into the world?"

The younger brother who was named by Bai Jingtian was a little excited.

If nothing else, just the fact that the boss left him alone was enough to improve his status in the world.

"Be specific."

That's not what Bai Jingtian wants to know.

What he wants to know is the relationship between these people and the way of heaven.

"Specific ones? They're just weird. They never interact with others. Even when ordered by Heaven, they sometimes refuse. As for the more specific ones, I don't know."

I really don’t know because I have never interacted with them. I only know this from other people’s mouths.

"Okay, go ahead."

Bai Jingtian waved.

Knowing this, Bai Jingtian knew something.

On the second day, Bai Jingtian came to the seven bosses of the God's Domain again and showed great attentiveness.

He doesn't have the consciousness of being the leader of the world at all.

"You are really interesting, kid. Tell me what your purpose is."

It was still the ancestor of Huoshenshan who was talking to Bai Jingtian. He really wanted to know what Bai Jingtian wanted to do.

To say that people are interested in our combat prowess, I'm afraid that's not possible, because there are many powerful people in the world, and people can't lick them.

"I'm just a little curious about the world of God's Domain. I wonder if you seniors can shed some light on this kid?"


The ancestor of Huoshenshan originally had a smile on his face.

But when Bai Jingtian mentioned the divine world, the smile immediately disappeared and was replaced by a cold look on his face.

Bai Jingtian felt a chill even in the distance.

"If it was Heaven that asked you to work hard on us, then you can give up and go back before we get angry."

An aura that has been rejected from thousands of miles away comes to meet you.

Bai Jingtian could feel the hatred of the ancestors of Huoshenshan towards the way of heaven.

This thing can't be faked, and he is a being who is nicknamed the Magic Stick. Although he doesn't have Tianyue's ability to read people's thoughts, he can still tell a lot from other people's facial expressions.

He had been studying this before.

"I know the news about the descendants of Sin Blood, please don't make it public, senior."

Bai Jingtian sent a message to the ancestor of Huoshenshan.

But on the surface, he was already angry: "Okay, you dare to disrespect the way of heaven. I think you are impatient, right?"

The ancestor of Huoshenshan was startled.


He pointed at Bai Jingtian, his arm trembling slightly.

In the eyes of others, this was a sign of anger, but only the ancestor of the Fire God Mountain knew that he was excited.

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