Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 145 Grandpa is very philanthropic

Chapter 145 Grandpa is very philanthropic

Keli himself also heard the message from the city lord.

Why is the city lord paying attention to what is going on here?

It's over.

This dragon's face can't be saved, and everyone at the top boss level knows it.

Keli felt sad inside.

Come on, come and beat me up.

I can feel better after being beaten.

However, the violent beating that Keli imagined did not happen, and Yunfei moved his big foot away.

"Let's go, don't try to seduce my girl in the future."


Black Dragon, let me ask you, do you want face?

Do you dare to call Xiyue your sister?

Oh My God.

Who gives you the right? Was it given shamelessly?

"My little brother is so handsome."

Xiyue was not stingy with her praise at all, and she praised her sincerely, without any perfunctory elements.

One against ten, and the black dragon alone defeated ten golden holy dragons. This is of course very cool.

And it's very domineering, isn't it?

Stop trying to seduce my girl.

Ouch, I'm a little shy.

There is a reason why Yunfei calls Xiyue sister. When warning other dragons, you should have a legal identity, right?

So, let’s take advantage first.

Damn it, what a dragon man and woman, do you want to be embarrassed?

Keli stood up in grief and anger, and then left quickly.

People have let it go, so there is no reason for it to continue lying on the ground looking for steps.

But don't expect Keli to be grateful for Yunfei's generosity. It doesn't think it's generosity, it's definitely a disguised insult.

Did you know that Madhu, a dragon man and a woman, would love each other to death if they show affection?

It's my brother and sister, who are you kidding?

Do you think you can crush my intelligence to the ground?

You can press my face and rub it on the ground, but you can never rub my IQ.

Well, after thinking about it so much, in fact, Keli didn't dare to fart, because the city lord ordered them to get back, and this included Keli.

In fact, that's right. Today's situation is so embarrassing that Keli himself has no shame in staying any longer.

You don't need to look to know what the giant dragons around you think of you.

Keli left in despair, why not leave? Do you want to stay and eat dog food?

Yunfei also left.

He didn't want to come. It was shameful to waste food, but Quik asked him to leave. Yunfei had nothing to do, but Yunfei remembered this place and would come back next time.

As for little sister Xiyue, of course she has to follow Yunfei.

People can be unscrupulous in Boulder City, where can they not go?

Yunfei and Xiyue left, but the legend about Yunfei had just begun.

It used to be that the giant dragons in the Northern Dragon City themselves praised how powerful Yun Fei, the little black dragon, was.

Of course no one would believe it at that time.

But when a boss-level being witnessed Yunfei's power with his own eyes, Yunfei, the little black dragon, immediately entered the sight of high-level creatures.

Yes, they are living creatures, not just dragons.

The dragon clan organizes this continent-wide competition, firstly, to inspire the little dragon cubs and keep them energetic and move forward bravely.

The second is to show the power of the dragon clan to the entire continent.

To put it bluntly, it means showing your fist and telling the whole world not to mess with the dragon.

Therefore, every time there is a competition, regardless of whether it is a community-to-competition competition or a large-area competition, other creatures will be invited to watch the battle.

There are a lot of big guys in Boulder City at this moment, because the competition is about to start, and basically none of the invited big guys will be absent.

The dragon clan has such a reputation.

The big bosses invited to Boulder City include dwarves, machines, demons, emperors, and orcs. Other races are very weak here, so they are no longer invited.

It was Uncle and Nephew Lee Teuk who was present from the Imperial Clan.

When Lite heard the news about Yunfei, he would naturally pay the greatest attention to it.

"Uncle, I heard that Xiyue is very powerful."

"Don't say it." Uncle Li Teuk seemed a little nervous when talking about Xiyue, and made a gesture of silence to Li Teuk.

This is the Boulder City of the giant dragon clan, and the big bosses from the four northern cities are gathered here.

Although it is absolutely safe for the invited creatures to watch the battle, if you seek death yourself, the dragon cannot coddle you.

What's more, Li Teuk's uncle has some evil intentions, so he is even more afraid to talk about this topic.

Li Te also knew about the imperial clan's plan, but he was not interested in it and didn't care much about it.

"Okay, let's talk about Yun Fei. I didn't expect that everything he said was true. He was really only born a little more than two years ago."

Speaking of this, Li Te was more interested. Yunfei aroused Li Te's interest more than Joy.

"He is not your opponent, but he is really powerful. During the regional competition, there will be an invitational tournament. Then you can teach him a lesson."

Leeteuk laughed after hearing this.

Do we have to wait until then?

There's no need at all, uncle is really good at acting.

On the other side, Yunfei found Kuik, and the first thing Kuik asked about was the relationship between Yunfei and Xiyue.

Yunfei naturally told the truth. He didn't do anything shameful to the dragon, so he had nothing to be afraid of.

However, after hearing this, Quick showed his hatred for iron.

Quick's attitude was completely opposite to Vera's.

What happened to Xiyue’s noble status?

If you need to take it down, take it down. What are you afraid of?

If the sky falls, wouldn't it be possible for him, the great grandfather, to hold it up?

In the end, Kuike encouraged Yunfei very well and told Yunfei to love bravely.

Yunfei was speechless.

Falling in love after knowing each other for two days?

Grandpa Quaker, you are really philanthropic.

But please forgive me for not being able to do it.

After Yunfei left, Xiyue would naturally ask.

However, how could Yunfei tell the truth and end the topic after just talking nonsense.

Xiyue saw that Yunfei had lied. She could feel Yunfei's mental fluctuations, but Xiyue didn't point it out.

In fact, Xiyue could guess what Kuike asked Yunfei to do.

She didn't like this very much and didn't want her affairs to be interfered with by outside forces.

But they didn't look for her, but Yunfei. What could she say?

But the good news is that the little brother doesn't seem to be affected by external forces at all.

This is very good. This strong little brother is even more popular with me.

While the fun and shopping continues.

In Keli's words, this pair of dragon men and women really didn't know how to restrain themselves at all, and they were almost to the point of being shameless.

But speaking of it, it would be great if Yunfei was replaced by himself.

However, this can only be thought of. What Keli now has to face is the interrogation of the Lord of Razor City.

Yes, it's an interrogation.

Razor City's status is above Northern Dragon City, but its status is only a little higher, ranking third among the four cities.

Yunfei's exertion made the Lord of Razor City feel the crisis. If the competition was really going to fail, the status of the two cities would be interchanged.

This is what the Lord of Razor City doesn't want to see, so he must know Yunfei's specific abilities.

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