Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1457 How about you convince me first?

Chapter 1457 How about you convince me first?

Vast Tiandao is not arrogant. Based on his understanding of the strength of his attacks, he can say without bragging that he can definitely defeat a junior world lord with three or five punches.

The primary world lords that exist today are not very capable.

Because the powerful primary world lord had already been destroyed by them in the early stages of the chaos.

When the chaotic world was still intact and the power of the world could be born on its own, there were almost as many world masters as there were, not to mention countless.

On average, there is one World Lord for every ten worlds.

Although there were also conquests at that time, the speed at which the Lord of the World was born was not slow.

Later, the entire chaotic world ushered in a dark age. No new world power was produced, and no new world lord was born.

More and more world masters began to fight for the power of the world.

Of course, those who are left in the end are all powerful world masters, the worst ones are all intermediate world masters, and there are even more powerful high-level world masters, and there are even more powerful ones.

However, all the primary world lords have been cleared.

Now, the primary world lords that exist in every big world are thugs trained by the heaven of the big world they belong to.

Therefore, even if Yun Fei is an alternative, even if he is stronger than the average junior world lord, he is not much stronger. If it can't be solved with three or five punches, then it can be solved with a dozen punches.

To be honest, Haohan Tiandao is planning to use ten fists to defeat Yun Fei, which is really disrespectful to Yun Fei.

"Do you think you can defeat this handsome dragon with just a few punches?"

Yunfei heard the meaning of Vast Heavenly Dao, which made him a little unhappy. Who was he looking down on?

"Otherwise? How many punches do you think you are worth?"

The vast sky wants to pat Yunfei's face. This guy is really arrogant when he talks. Although you are not ugly, you are so handsome in front of this Tiandao. Are you too arrogant?

"With a fist of this strength, it would take hundreds of punches."

Yunfei spoke seriously.

Of course, this is a bit bragging.

His chaotic energy would definitely not be able to withstand hundreds of punches, but he could still withstand fifty or sixty punches.

But no one stipulates that you have to tell the truth in this matter, just talk about it.

Hundreds of punches?

Vast Heavenly Dao was slightly stunned for a moment, this guy is really good at boasting.

"Okay, let's see what you can do."

"Then let's see."

Yunfei stopped taking action himself.

Now he would definitely be at a disadvantage if he had to fight against the vastness of Heaven for the power of the world. Moreover, the purpose of his trip was not to fight against the vastness of Heaven. He was here to save people.

While resisting the vast attack of heaven, Yunfei was trying hard to get closer to Mofei. As long as he got closer, he could receive Mofei into his own world, and then he could fly far away.

Yun Fei had even summarized his escape route, so he went to Chenglong World.

Let’s not talk about Chenglong Tiandao. Are we all in the same group? If we don’t let this little friend help us bear the burden at this time, then when will we use him?

The Vast Heavenly Dao will never dare to pursue him too hard, because Chenglong World is the territory of the Chenglong Heavenly Dao.

If he pursues him fiercely, Chenglong Tiandao has the ability to keep him in Chenglong World.

I have to say that Yunfei's plan is excellent.

But when he got close to Mo Fei, Guanghai Tiandao was not a fool. Could he not see Yun Fei's intention?

Yun Fei has shown enough magic, and the vast heaven is also afraid that Yun Fei has the ability to get Mo Fei away.

So when Yun Fei got close to Mo Fei, he used the power of the world to construct a barrier.

"You want to save him? I won't give you a chance."

The vast heaven told Yunfei directly and clearly, stop dreaming, you can't save people.

Yun Fei was already in Chaos Body at this time, otherwise his face would definitely be very ugly.

"Guys, let's go too. We can't watch the excitement. We can't really participate in the war, but we can help Lord Tiandao guard Mofei."

Bai Jingtian spoke at this time.

When the three Wuhou heard this, their eyes lit up.

Mudd, this little guy has a future.

Look, something will happen soon. The boss is leading the charge, and it doesn't look good for us to be the younger brothers. We are worried that we have nothing to do, and we are just looking for something to do.

"Okay, boss, leave Mofei to us."

The first Wu Hou volunteered to come to Mo Fei, and then kicked Mo Fei away.

He wanted to take Mo Fei away from the battlefield so as not to waste his boss' worldly power.

This is a lot of waste, and the boss will definitely not be in a good mood.

Hao Han Tian Dao glanced at Bai Jingtian one more time, his eyes flickering with satisfaction.

He has decided that after this incident is over, he will start making Bai Jingtian the master of the world.

Yunfei was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what Bai Jingtian meant, so he didn't stop him at all.

But the master of the primary world from Chenglong World ran out.

He can't just do nothing, right? He's also afraid that his boss will settle the score later, so he plans to find something to do for himself.

Finally, he faced off against the First Wuhou.

However, the acting of these two guys was so fake that Yun Fei felt uncomfortable watching it.

As the masters of the world, these two guys did not use the power of the world to fight, but instead fought for the original power.

"Two adults, please stop him. I think that guy won't give up. It's better to take Mofei and stay away."

Bai Jingtian is still coming up with ideas.

The remaining two Wu Hous did not doubt Bai Jingtian, and handed Mo Fei to Bai Jingtian while nodding. Then the two of them began to pay close attention to Yun Fei's movements. As long as Yun Fei dared to come here, they would take action to resist him.

"You have become a trapped beast, do you still want to resist? You might as well consider the second path I gave you."

The Vast Heavenly Dao has not given up the idea of ​​recruiting Yun Fei. If he can peacefully study and understand the secrets of Yun Fei, then it will naturally be the best. Why fight and kill like now?

The power of the world that is wasted is really wasted, and waste is shameful.

"Trapped beast? I don't think so. You don't have the strength to convince me. How about you convince me first?"

Yunfei is old and tough, and his words are quite tough.

Although his world power is not that much and the quality is not that good, it is not easy for the vast heaven to take him down.

I dare not say that it is too much, but Yun Fei can still do it after consuming the power of six or seven thousand worlds of the vast heaven.

Six or seven thousand is not a small number. You must know that the power of fifty thousand worlds is the master of the intermediate world. If it is six or seven thousand, the vast heaven will be very painful, right?

"Opportunities have been given to you many times, but you asked for this."

The vast heaven is angry.

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