Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1459 You can’t leave!

Chapter 1459 You can’t leave!

This thing can't help but be ugly.

They had carefully saved up for many years to have a small fortune, but now they were back before liberation. No one would have a good face if it had been anyone else.

However, Yunfei had no intention of fighting with them.

You have to work hard. Although Yunfei's world power is relatively easy to come by, he has worked hard to save it. After saving for more than half a year, it only takes two thousand months for just these two thousand points of world power. Only then can you save it.

The key is that the method of consuming world power is too primitive and has no devastating combat effect.

What Yunfei needs now is to rush to Bai Jingtian immediately, and then take them all into his spiritual world.

Then he can leave without any worries.

Therefore, when Yunfei appeared in front of the defensive barrier constructed by the two Wuhous using the power of the world, Yunfei put away his fists and recovered the power of the world, and then a blood-colored light curtain appeared on his body.

This is bloodline protection.

"Although the innate skills of the third-level bloodline awakening are not very good, this bloodline guardian can definitely be used very well."

Yunfei hit the world's power barrier with a bloody egg of light on his head.

This scene made everyone watching the battle a little confused.

What does this mean?

However, they soon knew what it meant.

"not good!"

Vast Tiandao's expression changed wildly, and then he was about to rush towards Bai Jingtian, but as soon as he moved, he found that a barrier appeared in front of him, which was constructed by Yun Fei using the power of the world.

The way the vast sky moves is really a bit unique.

Seeing that the plan is about to succeed, Yunfei will not let the vast sky come to disrupt the situation.

So he threw out the power of the world that he had prepared early.

And poured into it three thousand world powers at once.

He only had thirteen thousand in total, and it was still painful to throw out three thousand at once.

But the result is very gratifying.

The vast heavenly way was timid and refused to use its full strength. When he felt the power of the world contained in the barrier in front of him, he hesitated.

In just such a moment of hesitation, Yun Fei had already broken through the barrier in front of him.

Oh no, it can't be said that it was knocked away. It should be said that the barrier in front of him was scum in front of the power of his blood.

There is no resistance at all, it's like nothing.

Wherever the bloody light shield passes, no matter what kind of power you have, everything will dissipate.

Bloodline Guardian can ignore any attacks at the same level.

Yun Fei has already controlled the power of the world, and the power used by the opponent is at the same level as Yun Fei, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Even if it is higher in quality than Yunfei's World Power, it is still the same power.

Not to mention these two guys, the vast heavenly way can't do it, even the more powerful high-level world lord can't do it.

Just so domineering.

"How about you try burning your essence and blood to have a hard time with that guy in Guo Han?"

Yunfei had a very inflated idea in his mind.

"Forget it."

Yunfei soon gave up the idea in his heart. This was a terrible idea and was not advisable.

Although Yunfei can feel that he is very powerful now after burning his essence and blood, and his own attributes have increased several times.

But strength, speed, etc. are still unable to compete with the power of the world.

But maybe it's just because Yunfei's power is not strong enough.

In short, just because it doesn’t work now, doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future.

"Stop him."

Vast Heaven himself did not move, nor did he want to move. He allowed the power of the world used by Yun Fei to surround him. As long as these world powers did not take the initiative to attack, Vast Heaven would not move. He did not want to waste his power.

But he can command Wu Hou to take action.

Do the Wuhous dare to disobey?

That is definitely not the case.

The vast heaven has spoken, and if they disobey, the consequences will be serious.

But they are also very difficult. How to stop this?

Just now, our men really couldn't act at all.

As a result, you have also seen that the barrier we used cannot stop it at all.


Don't worry about it, just go ahead and go ahead, no matter what, you can't let him take Mo Fei away.

"Sedum, stop him."

The vast sky directs Wuhou, and there are people on Wuhou's side who can command him. It will take time for them to chase after him. On the other hand, Bai Jingtian is right beside Mo Fei.

You are all the controllers of the three supreme rules. We don’t need you to block Yunfei. You just need to intercept him a little so that we can catch up. Isn’t that too much?


Bai Jingtian shouted loudly, his eyes full of fighting spirit and excitement.

This guy's acting skills are still a bit poor. Now you are so excited.

Vast Heavenly Dao frowned slightly.

"Run you, get ready to take action."

Vast Tiandao spoke, and he also felt something was wrong with Bai Jingtian.

At this time, Bai Jingtian should be afraid, not excited.

"My little brother is really capable of surprising people. It seems that you are in trouble this time."

We are all human beings, and what the vast Heavenly Dao can see, Lunyou and Chenglong Heavenly Dao can also see.

Lun'er Tiandao didn't say anything, but Chenglong Tiandao was very happy.

Just now he was preparing to rescue him, but he didn't expect that things would take a sudden turn.

"Run you, I advise you not to take action. The gain outweighs the loss. You can't get past me, you know."

Chenglong Tiandao continued to speak, speaking with much confidence.

On the other side, Yunfei has arrived at Bai Jingtian's side.

"Boss, leave quickly."

There is no need to act at this time, the best thing to do is to hurry up and leave.

"well done."

Yun Fei praised Bai Jingtian, and then with a wave of his hand, Bai Jingtian, Mo Fei, and the Seven Elders of God Realm all disappeared.

"The power of the world?"

Vast Heaven glared.

Just now he felt the power of the world.

There are also vast heavenly realms that can accommodate human beings, but realm weapons are just realm weapons and cannot accommodate the power of different worlds.

Mo Fei's body was sealed by the power of the vast heavenly world, and it was definitely impossible to accommodate him into the boundary device.

This is also one of the reasons why Vast Heavenly Dao is relatively calm.

Yunfei wanted to take Mo Fei away, but he had no other choice but to hold onto Mo Fei.

But just now Yunfei actually took Mo Fei away. At that moment, the vast heaven felt the power of the world. It was not teleported away. Mo Fei was accepted by the power of the world.

And at the same time, he also severed his connection with the demon's non-surface power.

Could it be said that this guy can carry the world with him?

As soon as this idea appeared, Vast Heaven immediately became enthusiastic.

No matter what method Yunfei uses to become so good, he must get this method.

The main reason that restricts him from fighting everywhere is that he cannot run away with his world and can only be passively fixed in one place.

If only there was a way to carry the world with me...

"You can't leave!"

A very rich light burst out from the vast sky.

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