Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1465 You can’t break your promise this time

Chapter 1465 You can’t break your promise this time

Haohan Tiandao made a decision. He believed that Chenglong was right. No matter what tricks you play, we men will go directly to your lair. I won't believe you won't come back.

The behavior of the Vast Heavenly Dao and Chenglong Heavenly Dao is naturally known to you.


Regarding the behavior of these two guys, Lun'er Tiandao just snorted coldly.

You know what they are planning.

"Two idiots are still thinking about your grandpa Lun'er with a conventional mentality. They will definitely surprise you when the time comes."

For Haohan and Chenglong not catching up, Lun'er Tiandao was actually happy in his heart.

He was unwilling to enter a place of chaos if it was not necessary.

It's okay now, these two guys didn't follow, so he doesn't have to go in.

What Lun'er Tiandao needs to do now is to find a relatively open place to summon his world to prevent his world from being attacked by those two guys.

However, this time is still plenty, and it will take time for them to go all out.

"Ding, trigger the mission: explore the truth, mission requirements: enter the land of chaos, explore the truth of the land of chaos, mission reward: unknown."

Shall I wipe it?

Yunfei hung on Lun'er Tiandao's tail and was stunned.

The boss of this system really took a high look at us, triggering a mission before we were out of danger.

"By the way, let me ask you, where is the place of chaos?"

Yun Fei was not polite at all to you about the way of heaven. He had no respect or fear at all. If he really had any special feelings, it could only be described as contempt.

An untrustworthy guy can only get Yun Fei's contempt and nothing else.

On your head, Tian Dao is a bit big.

This is angry.

Marde, no matter what I say, I am your predecessor. Speaking of existences that are much older than your ancestors, how do you speak, you bastard?

However, Lun'er didn't show it even if he was angry. Although Yunfei seemed to be his prisoner now, he really didn't dare to do anything to Yunfei. At this stage, he must first be soft and influence Yunfei. Only then can he get what he wants.

If it really doesn't work, he will be tough. This is to be polite before fighting.

"The land of chaos has been formed for a long time. It's almost as if there are everywhere in the world of chaos. There is one near us."

Lun'er Tiandao's tone is very good, quite gentle and enthusiastic.

It's a pity that this kind of pretentiousness will only make Yunfei sick. There is no such thing as inspiration.

"Oh? How much do you know about the Land of Chaos? Tell me."

On your account, Heavenly Dao is angry.

If I heard you right, you are asking for something, right?

But is your attitude in speaking the same as asking for help?

"I don't know much about the Chaos Land. I only know that the Chaos Land appears suddenly and gets bigger every moment. The Chaos Land near us was originally only the size of a small world. Now it has more than a dozen people. It’s such a big world.”

Although Lun'er felt very unhappy, he still patiently explained to Yunfei.

When Yunfei heard this, he had some ideas in his heart, and at the same time he became curious about the chaotic land.

What would it be if we could make ourselves bigger?

"Shall we go there now?"

"No, Hao Han and Cheng Long are not chasing us. There is no need for us to enter the chaotic land. We just need to find a safer and more concealed place now."

Yunfei secretly thought it was a pity.

A chaotic place doesn't sound like a good place. Entering such a place, he has a greater chance of escaping.

However, God will not act according to his wishes, and he is not a full-time driver.

Thinking of this, Yunfei stopped talking. He was counting the time, waiting for the bloodline guard to be restored.

When Lun Er saw that Yun Fei had stopped talking, he did not ask for trouble and concentrated on his way.

He knew that he had to reach a safer place before Vast Heavenly Dao and Chenglong Heavenly Dao arrived in his own world.

This run lasted three days.

Three days have passed, and Yunfei's bloodline guardian has long been ready for use, but Yunfei did not do it rashly.

Now is not a good time to take action.

He was waiting for the perfect moment.

In order to win Yunfei's favor, Lun'er Tiandao has told Yunfei his plan. Of course, the other meaning of what he told Yunfei is also to warn Yunfei to tell you what I want to know quickly and let you go. It's definitely not possible to leave. When I call the world over, you can't even think about running away.

After hearing this, Yunfei's attitude towards Lun'er Tiandao became much better, which made Lun'er Tiandao very happy.

"By the way, where is that place of chaos? I haven't been there yet. If I have the chance, I really want to visit it."

"It's in this direction. At our current speed, we can get there in one day. If you really want to go, I will send you there after you teach me how to bring the world to myself."

Lun'er Tiandao was very talkative. While pointing his paw to the left rear, he also used words to make Yunfei relax his vigilance.

"Okay, let's make an agreement then. You have to send me there."

Yunfei agreed.

I agreed very happily.

It makes you happy when you hear this.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. If I really fight with you, it will be a loss for us."

On the assurance of your heavenly Dao.

In fact, this is what I really think about this time.

He wants to summon his own world to his side, which requires giving up many, many things. Even if his strength does not drop to the status of a primary world lord, it is not far behind.

If he really fights Yun Fei in this state, he won't get any benefits.

"Okay, we are both beasts, I still want to believe you."

Yunfei nodded, as if he had forgotten that he was still being thrust into his shoulders with his tail.

Lun'er Tiandao didn't mention this. Controlling Yunfei was necessary. Lun'er Tiandao would never give Yunfei freedom before he figured out how to carry his world with him.

Even if Yun Fei said it was all over the sky, it would not work.

Fortunately, Yunfei himself understood and did not make such a request at all.

In the secret, Yunfei silently wrote down the direction of the chaotic place, and then kept silent.

Lun'er Tiandao also didn't say anything. He was not far from the safe place he knew, and he couldn't wait.

After another half day passed, Lun'er Tiandao stopped.

They are now in a place without a world. Looking around, they can't see the light of the world at all.

From the perspective of a world lord in a chaotic world, this is a place where no one can take a fancy to it.

"This is it."

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