Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 147 Let’s end this farce

Chapter 147 Let’s end this farce

Yunfei was the first to enter and set a good example for Korak and the others.

But it is a pity that Korak and the others have no intention of participating in the war.

The same is true for the other four cities. The leaders of each city are out. They are the strongest among the four cities and number one in individual battles. That must happen among the four of them.

Not to mention, Yunfei, the little black dragon, standing together with the other three golden holy dragons, really stands out from the crowd.

In fact, it is more than just standing out from the crowd?

The three other people from the other three cities all locked onto Yun Fei as soon as they entered the arena.

Looking at that posture, it was obvious that they wanted to join forces to deal with Yun Fei.

This is where the three city bosses have sinister intentions.

Isn't the little black dragon strong?

Then just join forces to deal with him.

Anyway, as long as the little black dragon is suppressed, it doesn't matter who wins in the end. We are all golden holy dragons, so save face first.


After the blue dragon boss announced the start, the three of them moved. The three of them quickly separated and occupied different positions.

Keeping distance from Yunfei is a lesson learned in blood. This is important information that Keli personally gained in exchange for his own face.

Yun Fei is very powerful, so you must not fight Yun Fei in close combat.

As for the information that Yun Fei is not afraid of breathing, the three cities have also found out.

But who can believe this kind of thing?

I believe this must be a smoke bomb released by Northern Dragon City. They must have said this because they want the contestants to have a close battle with Yunfei.

It's so naive, such a cheap method has no use at all.

Seeing the three golden holy dragons attacking Yunfei with their breath.

Xiao Jin closed his eyes.

He was mourning for these three golden holy dragons.

You guys who are unlucky enough to face Jin Ye's boss, I can only give you a thumbs up.

Is Northern Dragon City’s promotion outrageous?

The fact is that there is no such thing. Even their propaganda is very modest, right?

What they said is that Yunfei can basically ignore the breath of other dragons. This ability should be closely related to the blessing of the ancestral dragon.

But other Dragon City obviously didn't believe it.

According to the experiments in Northern Dragon City, Yunfei is really not afraid of the breath of any dragon of the same level. As for more advanced ones, this has not been tested.

The breath comes to you.

Yunfei didn't move and chose to resist forcefully.

Such a large-scale competition scene, what a perfect holy place for beeping?

If he hadn't received a wave of talent points, Yunfei would have felt sorry for himself.

Now, Yun Fei has to plan for the talents he is about to get. If nothing else happens, when his bloodline is promoted to the sixth level, new talents will definitely appear.

To upgrade a new talent ability to a high level, you need 110 talent points.

Now Yunfei only has 15 talent points, so pretending to beep has to be put on the agenda.

What a good moment to show off by resisting the breath of the golden holy dragon of the same level?

The special energy in the breath was absorbed by the keel, and the remaining impact force really couldn't do anything to Yunfei.

Although Yunfei's physique has no talent bonus, it still reaches 377 points, which cannot be overcome by a little impact.

Why is the dragon's breath so powerful?

Naturally, it is because of the special energy contained in the breath.

Special energy is useless, how powerful can it be with just impact?


what happened?

Seeing Yun Fei being baptized by his breath, the audience was stunned.

Is this guy really not afraid of the giant dragon's breath?

Is what Northern Dragon City advertises actually true?

At this moment, the eyes of most creatures were focused on Yunfei, but the big guys looked at Quik.

The old god Kuik was floating in the air, his expression extremely forlorn.

How about it?

Do you believe it now?

Now you don’t think I’m bragging, do you?


I find your shocked expressions very helpful.

Keep going, don't stop, yes, that's the expression.

Quik felt so happy.

The other big guys from Northern Dragon City are the same.

In previous competitions, Northern Dragon City was always crushed by others. How did they view themselves at that time?

What do you think of it now?

Sure enough, only the winner can enjoy the refreshing taste.

Vera acted even more excessively. The whole dragon floated and she didn't know where to put her wings.


Did you see that? That's my son.

Are you envious?

It doesn't matter whether you are envious or not. What is important is that everyone wants to find out.

A giant dragon that is not afraid of breathing has never appeared before. And he is not afraid. Is there any limit?

If you are not afraid of boss-level breath, then this little black dragon is too powerful.

Yunfei doesn't care what other creatures think of him, what he cares about is his talent value.

But it's a pity that no talent points were gained in this wave.

This isn't right.

Why does this happen?

Isn’t my behavior awesome?

In other words, is it just short of verbal stimulation?

"Come on, continue."

Yunfei was very unsatisfied and raised his fingers at Keli and the other three.

In fact, Yunfei didn't want to pretend to be so straightforward, but he had no choice but to do so under the current situation.

as expected.

When Yun Fei said such unworthy words, a large wave of talent points came over him.

"Ding, you pretended to beep successfully and got talent value +3."


This doesn't seem like a big wave.

However, Yunfei understands the urinary nature of the system. This value of 3 must be related to the fact that he only has three opponents now.

Although the value is not much, it doesn't matter. It is impossible to install it all at once, so you can continue.

Keli and the other three were stunned.

What should we do now?

Do you really want to continue as Yunfei said?

Just keep going, it will satisfy you.

In fact, Keli and the three of them didn't believe that Yunfei was really immune to breath.

What if there is some kind of dragon weapon hidden in this guy?

This is also possible.

Even if it's not a dragon weapon, there should be a limit to Yunfei's endurance.

So, go ahead, they want to see where Yunfei's limits are.

Three golden holy dragons kept breathing in the air.

Yunfei stayed put and endured it.

But Yunfei soon became unhappy.

The audience at the scene is really not helpful. I have endured it for such a long time. Where is the applause? What about talent value?

Is it exciting to open your mouth?

never mind.

Let's end this farce.

Yunfei felt that the effort to perform for three points of talent was a bit pricey, so he had better hurry up and move on to the next performance.

There will be more dragons participating in the next battle. If you keep pretending by then, your harvest will definitely be much greater than now.

The Chaos Breath appeared. Yunfei's breath group was obviously larger than that of the three golden holy dragons, and the colors were much prettier. Are there any seven-color ones?

The first person Yunfei targeted was Keli. When the breath of chaos collided with Keli's breath, Keli's breath was assimilated by the breath of chaos almost instantly. Keli was stunned for a moment.

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