Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1511 I hope he is a good person

Chapter 1511 I hope he is a good person


Yunfei didn't say nonsense.

Lord Qingyun trusts him so much, what else can he say? As long as you can live up to this trust in the future, it will be enough.

Several people in the upper world watched the two singing the double act and had no idea what they were talking about.

Are you talking about some code words?

Look at how excited these two people are, all they need is a goodbye hug, right?

However, the next moment these people from the upper world panicked.

They think they are well-informed and look down on these country bumpkins from the lower world.

But now Yunfei's behavior broke their cognition.

The Qingyun Divine Kingdom actually began to become linear.

What is this going to do?

They don't know and don't dare to guess.

They were a little panicked, feeling that the person their ancestors asked them to find was a bit too evil.

Qingyun Divine Kingdom is very large, and its absorption is very time-consuming. The process of linearization took more than ten days, and then the absorption was easier, which took 3 days.

The final outcome is that the entire Qingyun Kingdom disappears in this chaotic world.

He disappeared in front of several high-ranking lords of the Chaos World and Kingdom of Gods.

"Master Yunfei, what are you doing?"

These few finally took the time to ask.

What is this magical thing?

"It's nothing, it's just that my elder brother's kingdom has been absorbed into my body. Wait a moment, I'll go take a look."

After saying that, Yunfei closed his eyes and his consciousness entered the world inside his body.

In an independent aperture, Qingyun Divine Kingdom stands here.

After absorbing the entire Qingyun Kingdom, Yunfei gained 3 million world power, which is quite a lot. The quality of his world power also increased by N times. It can be said that he surpassed the leader of Qingyun Kingdom in one fell swoop.

However, Yunfei can also feel that there is something wrong with the acupoint that accommodates Qingyun Divine Kingdom.

He cannot use the power of Qingyun Divine Kingdom, otherwise this acupoint will collapse.

It's like an elephant leg stuffed into very thin and stretchy pants.

It can definitely be stuffed in if it is forced into it, after all, people are flexible.

But once you stuff it in, don't move around. If you really want to do some broadcast gymnastics, I'm afraid it won't just be as simple as opening your crotch.

"Is this the world inside your body?"

The Lord of Qingyun also entered Yunfei's inner world.

In fact, for the leader of Qingyun Kingdom, there is no difference between Yunfei's internal world and the chaotic world outside. The only difference is that this place is relatively small, while the chaotic world outside is extremely wide.

"Yes, this is my world, brother, I will take you to see other places."

Yunfei didn't do it to show off, but to support the leader of the Qingyun Kingdom. If he dragged his family and his family to defect, he must make his most basic situation clear.

Lord Qingyun saw Yunfei's spiritual world and the world of 365 acupoints.

After listening to Yunfei's introduction, King Qingyun recognized Yunfei even more.

There is no other, because if Yunfei wants to annex the Qingyun Kingdom, he can do it, as long as the spiritual world is integrated with the Qingyun Kingdom.

At that time, Qingyun's strength will be greatly reduced, while Yunfei's strength will increase rapidly, and there will be no embarrassing situation of having power but not being able to use it.

"Brother will make his home in your world from now on."


Yun Fei nodded to Lord Qing Yun and smiled slightly.

Trust does not require too many words, a smile is enough.

When Yunfei opened his eyes and Lord Qingyun appeared out of thin air, several people from the upper-level Chaos World came up to him again.

"Master Yunfei, this?"

"It's okay, we can set off."

Yunfei had no intention of explaining to them.

I won’t pay you, so why should I tell you for free?

You are curious, you are itchy, what does this have to do with us?

All right.

It's quite uncomfortable for these guys to be choked.

Yunfei had spoken, but they didn't dare to ask, as this would damage their relationship.

Therefore, we can only set off and hurry up.

The journey is not boring.

Yunfei finally saw what the lower world was and what the middle world was.

The lower world is just like where Qingyun Divine Kingdom is located. There are very few Divine Kingdoms.

The other lower world areas also have similar scenes, but when it comes to the middle world, it is much more lively.

The number of divine kingdoms in an area has increased significantly. Although some divine kingdoms have begun to show dim changes, they are not so obvious yet.

This is obviously also troubled by the Chaos Land.

But in the upper world, there is no such thing.

In the upper world, there is no place of chaos.

This reminded Yunfei of the world inside his own body.

Aren't these areas the world of acupoints?

In the upper world, if you compare it to your own situation, that should be the first acupoint opened by you.

So the last acupoint opened is the lower world?

With this idea, Yunfei became more certain that he was living in someone else's inner world.

It's just that for such a long time, he has never seen who the real master of this world is.

And this world is also different from the world inside your own body.

The world inside his body can generate the power of the world by itself.

But the current chaotic world has lost this function. So, is there something wrong with the ruler of this world?

"Lord Yunfei, this is our upper world. It is respectfully called the Scarlet Sun World. It is the cultivation of our ancestor, the Lord of the top world, who controls the Scarlet Sun World."

When talking about their ancestors, these people are very proud.

In today's chaotic world, the top world lords can only be found in the upper worlds, and there are not many at all.

"Top? I'm really curious as to what he wants from me. Come on, take me there."

Yunfei can understand the meaning of top level.

It's just that the area controlled by this top world lord is larger, including many kingdoms of gods, but compared with Yunfei, it is far behind. As long as Yunfei is given time, he can also cultivate a top world lord.

Therefore, even if he wanted to meet such a person, Yunfei would not show any cowardice.

"Okay, please Master Yunfei come with us."

We have already arrived at the door of our house, and the mission must have been completed.

The ancestor will definitely be rewarded by then.

Just when Yunfei and his party came to the Chiri area, the Chiri ancestor sensed Yunfei's arrival.

Without even seeing it with his own eyes, Chiri knew that the person he was looking for was exactly the person he was looking for.

"Sure enough, God has not given up on us. We finally have the opportunity to change. I hope this person can be a good person."

Ancestor Chiri looked very old, with wrinkles all over his face, but his eyes were bright and not cloudy at all. The word hope was flashing in his eyes at this moment.

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