Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1540 I told you I didn’t take it

Chapter 1540 I told you I didn’t take it

You Chengping was dumbfounded.

The knife is gone.

It wasn't that it was snatched away, but that it disappeared.

Yes, it just disappeared.

How can this be?

Xia Yutang kept rubbing his eyes.

He suspected that he had seen it wrong.

It's such a good bloodline sword, why is it gone?

Only Yunfei can give a reasonable explanation, but Yunfei has no obligation to help these two guys clear up their confusion.

He was enjoying himself.

It is indeed possible to control the keel to absorb You Chengping's bloodline sword.

No, not yes, but quite yes.

In this wave, Yunfei directly received an attribute value of 2 million.

That's right, not only does the dragon bone itself replenish a wave of energy, but it also feeds back to Yunfei 2 million attributes, which is quite domineering. It would be really cool if there were more bloodline weapons like this.

"Give you a chance, let's take a stab at it."

Yun Fei was so generous, he didn't take advantage of You Chengping's confusion to attack You Chengping.

Instead, he was looking forward to waiting for You Chengping to come up with another bloodline weapon.

"I'll come to you sister."

You Chengping didn't know why he lost his bloodline sword, but it definitely had something to do with that bastard Yun Fei.

Otherwise, why would bloodline weapons disappear for no reason?

This is simply impossible to happen.

Shall I wipe it?


Yunfei was not happy anymore.

If you don't want to chop, I won't chop. What's the point of swearing?

"You won't cut it, right? OK, five hundred logs of wood."

Yunfei stretched out his dragon claw.

You Chengping didn't want to scold Yunfei's sister anymore, he wanted to scold his mother.

I haven't recovered from the shock of losing the bloodline sword. Are you asking for Yuanmu Zhi again?

"Give me back your bloodline weapons."

You Chengping did not say whether to give it to Yuan Muzhi, but instead opened his mouth to ask Yunfei for his weapon.

"Which of your eyes saw me taking your weapon? Besides, even if I took it, why should I give it to you? If you can give me a thousand raw wood sticks, maybe I can tell you where your weapon went. .”

Whether or not to kill You Chengping is actually a very casual matter for Yunfei. All he cares about is Yuan Muzhi.

"You? Okay, I'll give you a thousand logs of wood."

You Chengping actually agreed.

Yunfei was stunned, and then secretly said, "Fuck."

This is going to be less.

Look, you agreed so casually.


A discordant sound emerged.

It's the old boy Xia Yutang again.

Yunfei now has the urge to strangle Xia Yutang to death. Why do you, you bastard, always come out to disturb the situation?

Do you really think your Lord Long’s claws are not sharp?

Xia Yutang saw Yunfei's embarrassed eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean, you can't return the bloodline weapon to him. You don't understand the value of the bloodline weapon at first sight. Not to mention a thousand Yuanmu Zhi, even two thousand, you can't exchange for a bloodline weapon."

Xia Yutang didn't mean to trick Yunfei this time. On the contrary, he came to help Yunfei.

Of course, Xia Yutang was not so kind.

In fact, he was attracted to bloodline weapons.

As long as Yun Fei can bring the bloodline weapon back to the Xingluo tribe, then this weapon will most likely fall into the hands of Xia Yutang.

As the number one person under Xing Luo, Xia Yutang didn't have any handy weapons.

As long as Xing Luo gets this weapon, he can show his loyalty and get it naturally.

"Xia Yutang."

You Chengping lengthened his voice and looked at Xia Yutang with murderous intent in his eyes.

Damn it, we have reached an agreement here, what the hell is going on with you running out?

"I will offer you 1,500 yuanmuzhi. If you want to exchange it, then we will exchange it. If you don't exchange it, let's wait for our Wuwang Department to kill your Xingluo Department."

Yunfei gave Xia Yutang a like.

This old boy seems to have some effect. Look, he came out and said such a sentence, and we got an extra five hundred logs of mushrooms for no reason. It's really good.

"Okay, change it."

"Can't change."

Xia Yutang was very anxious.

Is this guy Yunfei stupid? Didn't he understand what he said?

It's trivial to exchange a bloodline weapon for two thousand logs. I don't understand. Do you need me to explain it to you?


Can we squeeze out more raw wood mushrooms?

Yunfei had a little expectation.

It's really unbelievable that an ancient god from the Wuwu Department can be so wealthy. He is so rich.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then you just wait for my Wuwang Department to visit you."

You Chengping rolled up his sleeves and was about to leave.

Xia Yutang is beautiful.

It doesn’t matter if you patronize it or not, once the things arrive in our Xingluo Department, you can’t even think about taking them back.

Wuwu Department and Xingluo Department are just half a pound against eight ounces. If they really fight, no one can do anything to the other.

If there is a real fight between life and death, the party that wins in the end will definitely win miserably.

Besides, Xia Yutang didn't think that the Wuwang Department would start a fight with the Xingluo Department because of this incident. It was just a bloodline weapon and had no value in fighting life or death.

"Wait a moment."

Can Yunfei let You Chengping go?

I haven’t gotten the original wood mushroom yet. Are you kidding me?

"I said I can't change it."

Xia Yutang's words were a bit sharp.

"You're a piece of shit."

Yunfei didn't give any face at all, and retorted to Xia Yutang in front of You Chengping.

"Don't listen to him. He is nothing. I have the final say on this matter. I'll replace it with fifteen hundred logs of wood."


You Chengping couldn't believe Yunfei.

"Of course, seriously."

"Okay, here you go."

You Chengping had 1,500 Yuanmu Zhi on him, which he planned to give to other tribes in exchange for other bloodline spiritual items.

It's not that he doesn't want to come up with more, it's that he really doesn't have any.

The original wood mushroom looks similar to Ganoderma lucidum. It’s not much more than 1,500 yuan, just a small pile.

"Is this Yuanmu Zhi?"

Yunfei didn't know this thing, so he turned back to look at Xia Yutang.

Xia Yutang was about to explode. How could he tell Yunfei truthfully?

When Yunfei saw Xia Yutang turning his head to the side and ignoring him, he wanted to give Xia Yutang a few kicks.

"You can try swallowing one."

You Chengping didn't care about what happened between Yunfei and Xia Yutang, he was only worried about his bloodline weapons.


Yunfei was not afraid of being poisoned. He threw the original wood mushroom into his mouth and swallowed it without even tasting the taste.

it is true.

When Yuanmu Zhi entered Yunfei's belly, it turned into a warm current and blended into his blood.

Yunfei's attributes also increased by 10,000 each.

Therefore, these are indeed bloodline spiritual objects. As for whether they are Yuanmuzhi or not, Yunfei doesn't care much at all.

"it is true."

Yunfei unceremoniously took all the wood mushrooms into his world.

"Okay, return the bloodline weapon to me."

"What else can I give you? I told you I didn't take it."

"Are you playing with me?"

You Chengping’s head was buzzing.

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