Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1556 Excessive force

Chapter 1556 Excessive force

"Don't you dare to do this? Come on, come on, come on together."

Yunfei's arrogance angered everyone.

Isn't this too disrespectful to them?

Even if you are named and taken care of by the emperor of the beast race, you can't look down on us men like this.

Okay, you asked us to come together. This is not bullying you, it is fulfilling your request.

"Go together!"

Xia Yutang is very active.

His resentment towards Yun Fei is no less than when Gongliang was there.

With Xia Yutang taking the lead, the others naturally had nothing to say.

Xingluo wants to prevent this from happening.

What's the matter? Wouldn't it be nice if we all sat down and talked about him?

What are you doing if you have to fight to the death?

But before he could speak, Yunfei and the others were already at war.

"Don't move any of you, just watch."

Xia Yutang and others are going to attack Yunfei. Those Zerg tribe are very unhappy about this. Are they bullying any of us Orc tribe?

But when they wanted to take action, Yun Fei gave orders.

When it comes to revenge, of course it's best to do it yourself.

The Zerg are very obedient.

If Yunfei refused to move, they would not move.

"Yunfei, you will pay the price for your arrogance."

Xia Yutang was furious, although he felt a little lucky that Yunfei didn't let the Zerg take action.

But it was another insult to him.

In order to wash away Yunfei's insult to him, Xia Yutang decided to deal with Yunfei.

If you can kill him, then of course it is best to kill him.

Although the Five-clawed Golden Dragon would be unhappy afterwards, Xia Yutang didn't panic.

He doesn't go to the orc territory, but he still remembers how much Gu Xin of the Gu family hates Yun Fei.

If he kills Yun Fei, then he can hang out with Gu Xin, a very powerful being who doesn't even give the First God face.

Xia Yutang's plan is very good.

It's a pity that he miscalculated Yunfei's current strength.

Yunfei's attribute values ​​are actually similar to Xia Yutang and others, but Yunfei has bloodline talent, and his bloodline level is much higher than those of ancient gods.

In the ancient world, there was no slogan that everyone was equal. The distinction between high and low was very clear.

Yun Fei's bloodline is an absolute royal family in the ancient world, and the bloodline of ordinary people is incomparable to Yun Fei's.

Yunfei himself knew this, but Xia Yutang and others did not.

"Looking at your attitude, do you want to kill me?"

Facing the siege, Yunfei remained calm.

"You knowingly ask questions, you insult us like this, if we don't kill you, will we still keep you here to celebrate the New Year?"

Xia Yutang behaved very positively. He answered the conversation first when no one else spoke.

"Very good, you successfully made me Shuailong change his target. Originally, I wanted to kill Gongliangshi first. Now, are you ready to die?"

Yunfei asked.

But this question is really annoying.

I don’t know how to express my inner feelings when I’m in public. Should I feel lucky?

"Hmph, you do want to kill someone, but you also need to have the ability. If we join forces, will it be difficult to kill you?"

Xia Yutang must admit that Yunfei is very powerful, but no matter how strong you are, you are still an ancient god, and you have not been trained by the five-clawed golden dragon. How can you be worthy of ten of them joining forces?

"Give it a try, you won't cry until you see the coffin."

Yunfei is going to let the facts speak for themselves.

He stimulated the blood energy in his body, and the blood rushed rapidly inside Yunfei's body, and at the same time, the powerful energy in the blood was released.

Seeing Yun Fei take action, Xia Yutang and others were not idle, and they were done.

"Let's do it together."

The combined attack of the ten ancient gods is still very powerful. Although the blood energy they use cannot be combined together, the power of the joint attack is still very fierce.

But what they encountered was Yunfei, and their attacks couldn't break through Yunfei's bloodline defense.

At this time, Yunfei's right eye suddenly shone with light, representing the light of destruction. This was the light of destruction that Yunfei inspired with his own essence and blood.

The ordinary blood energy in Yunfei's body has reached a very terrifying level, not to mention the light of destruction inspired by blood essence.


Xia Yutang shouted.

In fact, there is no need for him to shout here, others have already started to defend themselves.

No one is a fool.

Why is Xia Yutang so excited?

Because he could feel that he had been locked by the attack used by Yun Fei.

In other words, this blood-red light mixed with black was coming towards Xia Yutang.

If he didn't resist, others might be fine, but Xia Yutang would definitely be fine.

Not to mention dead, Xia Yutang didn't want to be injured.

That's why he was so excited.


A ferocious smile appeared on Yunfei's ferocious face.

If these ancient gods used essence and blood energy to resist, it would probably have some effect.

Now they are reluctant to use blood essence. It would be strange if they could block it.

Yunfei is very confident in the light of destruction he uses.

"No, resist with all your strength, quickly."

Xing Luo is a Yang Shen after all, and he sees Yun Fei's attacks very clearly.

However, he shouted too late.

In other words, Yun Fei's attack was too fast.

As soon as he finished speaking, the light of destruction had already touched the defensive energy used by Xia Yutang and the others.

There were no surprises, it was as easy and smooth as piercing an A4 paper with a needle.

The light of destruction penetrated the defensive energy displayed by Xia Yutang and the others.

This is not over yet.

The light of destruction also penetrated Xia Yutang's eyebrows.

It was as if he had been shot in the head by a sniper rifle.

However, this did not waste much of the energy of the Light of Destruction.

The Light of Destruction moved forward, but instead of attacking other ancient gods, he went towards Xingluo.

Yunfei did it on purpose.

No matter what, he had to try the depth of Xing Luo.

Xing Luo frowned. He could no longer feel Xia Yutang's vitality. He didn't expect that Yun Fei would kill immediately without any hesitation.

And he also took action against himself.

If Yun Fei didn't do it on purpose, he would definitely not believe it.

Facing the light of destruction, Xing Luo did not dare to be careless. He used his own blood essence and took out his own blood weapons.

Yang Shen, who uses blood essence to activate blood weapons, is a very powerful being.

Although the light of destruction was sharp, it ultimately failed to break through the protection of bloodline weapons.

But Xing Luo was forced back some distance.

This is very powerful.

"Oh, you used too much force. Xingluo Yangshen shouldn't mind, right?"

Yunfei uttered an ouch, and the words he said seemed a bit apologetic, but his tone was different.

"You've been pretending."

Xing Luo spoke with certainty.

"You guessed it right, but what I did just now was really not intentional. I was killing Xia Yutang. You also saw it. He is dead, so this cannot be regarded as my taking the initiative to attack you. What do you think? Xingluo Yangshen .”

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