Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1563 Xing Luo is very sad and angry

Chapter 1563 Xing Luo is very sad and angry

"This is what I think. Instead of letting him rob each tribe one by one, we should unite and come up with some rewards. Instead of killing him, as long as he can force him to retreat, the reward will be given to whoever can force him back. Give it to our own people. In the end, Is it better than giving it to him?"

Xiu Yi's face didn't look very good.

What is this for?

I want benefits, not benefits to others.

Listening to what you say, I won't get anything.

Who can guarantee that the one who defeats Yun Fei in the end will be the one who refuses his righteousness?

Xing Luo saw something wrong with Xiu Yi's face and realized that Xiu Yi might have some misunderstandings about him.

"This operation will be led by Xiu Yi Yang Shen, and I, Xing Luo, will help Xiu Yi Yang Shen."


Xiu Yi took a serious look at Xing Luo.

This guy is on the road.

"I need to know your true purpose."

Although I admire Xing Luo for being on the right path in my heart, I must ask clearly what should be asked.

Xiu Yi would not believe that Xing Luo was here specifically to give him benefits.

There is no friendship between them.

"Then I will not hide anything from Xiu Yiyang God. I am currently working for Lord Gu Xin. This matter was ordered by Lord Gu Xin."

Only then did Xing Luo take out Gu Xin's jade token.

If you take it out now, it will add a lot of points to Xingluo. If you take it out from the beginning, it will overwhelm others.

"Oh? Gu Xin from the Gu family? What does he want to do?"

"My Lord Gu Xin knows that he cannot kill Yun Fei on this battlefield no matter what. The five-clawed golden dragon will definitely not let anything happen to him here, but what about after this?"

"My Lord Gu Xin really wants to dedicate himself to the human race. He specially gave me the life-seeking technique and only waited to use it on Yun Fei when the situation was chaotic. If my Lord is chasing me day and night, Yun Fei will definitely die. "

Xing Luo's confidence in Gu Xin is quite sufficient.

"Oh? Gu Xin wants to hunt down Yun Fei himself?"

Xiuyi was really surprised.

However, he didn't believe Xing Luo's rhetoric. It seemed quite upright, but there was definitely something fishy in it.

Who will do the thankless things?

Anyway, Xiu Yi would not believe that Gu Xin would do such a thing.

If you really have that time, wouldn't it be nice to squat at home and practice hard?

Has he thoroughly studied the ancient scriptures of the Gu family?

There must be some secret to running away to play some kind of chase game.

But this is not what Xiu Yi wants to find out.

Whatever secrets there are in love, there are secrets. It has nothing to do with him breaking up.

There are so many secrets in this world. If you really want to understand them one by one, then you won’t have to do anything in this life.

"Yes, these jade tablets and life-seeking scrolls will not be fake. Have you ever thought about it, Lord Xiuyi? Can you agree to this?"

"Yes, it will definitely be inconvenient for you to walk outside as Gu Xin, and it will even expose Gu Xin's intentions. So, in this matter, you can do it in the name of my Xiuyi Department. This time Our Xiuyi Department will take the lead in taking this action."

Xiu Yi is still very willing to do this kind of thing to gain a good reputation for free.

Even if you spend some resources for this, it doesn't matter.

Resources and other things can be earned again, but not reputation. The opportunity is fleeting.

As soon as Xing Luo heard Xiu Yi's words, he knew that Xiu Yi had agreed.

Xiuyi asked him to go out in the name of the Xiuyi tribe, which was to let him help promote Xiuyi's righteous deeds.

"Okay, then this time we will all rely on Lord Xiuyi."

Xing Luo surrendered to Xiu Yi.

Xiu Yi laughed.

"We, the Xiuyi Tribe, can't be stingy. Let's take out three bloodline weapons as rewards for the time being. If they are not enough in the later stage, we can add more."

Xiu Yi behaved very wealthy and wealthy.

Because only in this way can other tribes be attracted to join.

Only by joining more tribes can his good reputation spread far and wide.

"Xing Luo admires Xiu Yi Yang Shen's righteousness. I don't think it would be better for Xiu Yi Yang Shen to let the sons of our tribe act with me, so that we can unite people's hearts faster."

"Okay, I'll give you five people, just wait a moment."

Xiuyi started calling people through voice transmission.

With people from the Xiuyi tribe following Xingluo, Xiuyi can feel more at ease.

Otherwise, it would be very uncomfortable if Xing Luo takes all the credit in the end.

Xing Luo was not in a hurry at all. Once the Xiu Yi tribe was taken care of, the rest of the matter would be easy to handle.

After those small tribes knew the news, they would definitely swarm in. Even if they wanted to gain the favor of the Xiu Yi Department, they had to do this.

This is the appeal of a large tribe.

Soon, the five people named by Xiu Yi came to Xing Luo.

"From now on, you must listen to this Xingluo Yang God, do you understand?"

Xiu Yi spoke seriously in front of Xing Luo.

In fact, in the secret message just now, he had already explained all the things that needed to be explained.

"Yes, boss."

"Well, then go ahead."

When he said this, Xiu Yi looked at Xing Luo.

Xing Luo smiled when he heard this.

"Okay, then let's..."

"Boss, there is new news."

Before Xing Luo could finish speaking, someone broke in.

If you can break in at this time, something big must have happened.

Xiu Yi didn't dare to neglect: "What happened."

"It's about the new orc royal family. He has already plundered many tribes and is currently heading in our direction. Based on his speed, I'm afraid it won't take more than half a month to arrive."

Yunfei's reputation finally blossomed.

The tribes that had been plundered by Yunfei began to publicize Yunfei's innocence.

At the same time, the Xingluo tribe was also nailed to the pillar of shame.

Because when Yun Fei robs all the tribes, he will tell them that the price is set by the Xingluo tribe.

"What else? Tell me quickly."

When Xiuyi saw that his men were hesitant, he became very angry.

What time has it been? Is there anything else that can’t be said?

"Every time Yun Fei robbed, he would say that this was the price set by him and Xing Luo Yang God. It was a bit shady. Some small tribes simply couldn't afford it. In the end, all the ancient gods of the tribe were killed by Yun Fei."

When the ancient god of the Xiuyi tribe said this, he glanced at Xingluo.

In each version of the legend, the character who occupies darkness in all versions was right in front of him.

Xing Luo felt that the world was spinning.

It's good that Yiyang Shen can be so angry. It's really a weird thing.

"Shameless, really shameless. I knew it would be like this. I knew it. This was not the price I set. It was clearly his coercion."

Xing Luo shouted in grief and anger.

And told the details of what Yunfei did within the Xingluo Ministry.

According to Xing Luo's description, he is a good leader who loves his subordinates.

He gave Yunfei so many resources for the sake of his men's lives.

Anyway, Xing Luo in this version is full of justice.

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