Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1584 Being a Guest

Chapter 1584 Being a Guest

"You're still young, it'll be fine when you grow up."

Yunfei is going to keep pretending to the end.

"Your uncle Yunfei has said so, why don't you hurry up and thank me? If your uncle Yunfei hadn't begged for mercy today, I would definitely beat you to death."

The Phoenix Clan Leader's words were very stern and he didn't seem to be joking.

"Thank you, Uncle Yunfei."

Feng Chao's younger brother spoke to Yun Fei again.

"Okay, okay, we want brotherly harmony in the future. You know what your eldest brother's temperament is. Even if he is the master of the family, he can tolerate you, but your temperament is not good. If you become a big brother, can you tolerate it?" Is this your eldest brother?"

Yunfei's conversation was very in-depth.

The Phoenix Clan Leader nodded repeatedly, this was something he had never expected.

Feng Chao's temperament is indeed very kind. Even if he takes over in the future, he will not suppress his brothers.

But if this guy is allowed to take over, what Yun Fei is talking about now will really happen.

"Okay, it's none of your business, you two brothers should get out of here."

The leader of the Phoenix Clan did not dare to let the two Feng Chao brothers stay here any longer. If they continued to stay, something might happen.

"Yes, father, Uncle Yunfei, Feng Chao is waiting for you to come to my house as a guest."

Feng Chao is also very scheming. He Feng Chao also has a son. If we meet, you, as a grandfather, have to express your gratitude, right?

From Feng Chao's point of view, Yun Fei has a lot of good things, and just taking out some of them is enough for his son to enjoy.

"Okay, I'll go after I finish talking to your father."

Yunfei also wanted to have in-depth communication with the Phoenix group.

It would be great if we could bring back some blood essence from the Phoenix clan.

Yun Fei doesn't mind at all that the dragon clan's blood pool is more powerful.

The talent of the Phoenix clan is very eye-catching.

Even though Gu Xin can break the Phoenix Clan's Nirvana, Gu Xin is a different kind, and most of the others cannot do this.

It would be great if the dragon family had some ability like this.

Feng Chao left with satisfaction. He had to go back quickly and tell that bastard boy of his. As long as he could make Yun Fei happy, there would be great benefits.

"Brother, don't be angry. You can't make a good thing out of nothing. I think he is also a good boy, but there is something wrong with his education. As long as he is taught properly, he can become a good helper for Feng Chao in the future."

"Don't excuse him. How can I still not know what my son is like? But today I really want to thank you. I, the Phoenix clan, have taken advantage of you so much, and you still helped me let Feng Chao Changes were made.”

"We don't speak the same language as one family. Since I call you big brother, we will be brothers from now on."

Chief Phoenix and Yun Fei looked at each other, and then they both laughed. Anyway, they were both satisfied with this result.

"By the way, give this phoenix tree to that guy just now."

Yunfei is the rhythm of a good person who will fight to the end, and he is also preparing to ask for Phoenix essence and blood.

To be honest, it is very difficult for the Phoenix clan to give out their most precious blood.

It is not only time-consuming but also labor-intensive for the Phoenix clan to give birth to their beloved.

Yunfei still needs a lot, and if he doesn't get some blood, he will definitely not be willing to do it.

"This can't be done, this can't be done."

"This is a greeting gift from my uncle to the junior, but whether I give it to him depends on his performance in the future. If his performance satisfies me, then give it to him. If he is not satisfied, then don't give it to him. Give."

After Yunfei finished speaking, he forced a piece of Phoenix fallen wood to the Phoenix clan leader.

"Besides, I want this thing to be relatively simple."

Yun Fei was not bragging at all. As long as he wanted to, he would have no problem sweeping away the Phoenix clan's cemetery.

"You, you make me, an elder brother, feel very guilty. Come into the valley quickly and get at least two more. Give one to my nephew who I haven't met yet."

The Phoenix Clan leader gave away the fallen wood left by his ancestors without feeling any guilt at all.

The purpose of the Phoenix ancestors leaving Phoenix Luomu was to make the tribe stronger.

Cooperating with Yunfei is the foundation for the Phoenix clan to become stronger.

"Then I won't be polite."

Yunfei entered the valley with a smile.

It was very simple to ask him to pick up two fallen logs, but Yun Fei came back within a few minutes.

"I am so lucky to be associated with the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan. I think you must have something to say, brother. You might as well tell me now."

How many years has the Phoenix Clan leader lived? He has long seen that Yun Fei has other things.

Otherwise, why would he be so kind to the Phoenix clan for no reason?

"My thoughts really can't escape my brother's eyes. I need some Phoenix blood, but I won't take it for free. I will exchange it with my blood essence. I don't need my brother to do this in person. I just need him to tell me the news. Just pass it on, I can repay every drop of your heart's blood with 500 blood essence."

"Oh? Brother, this is not difficult, but if you want to come to Phoenix Heart Blood, you shouldn't be able to use it, right?"

The Phoenix Clan Leader was really thinking about Yunfei and was taking precautions in advance.

It's definitely no problem if you want to exchange, but you can't think afterwards that it's useless and come to trouble us, the Phoenix Clan.

So if anything happens, it’s better to discuss it in advance.

"Don't worry, brother. Our giant dragon clan has created a blood pool specifically to improve the physique of the clan members. Integrating some of the phoenix's blood will only have benefits and no harm."

Yunfei tells the truth, which is also to promote his own strength.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? The blood pool I built myself must be very strong. Okay, since I said so, I will make arrangements right away. I will ask someone to take you to the house of that boy in Fengchao. You But we have to stay with our Phoenix clan for a while."

"Then I'll all rely on my brother."

Yunfei was quite satisfied that this matter could be handled so smoothly.

Then the leader of the Phoenix clan called a clan member to lead Yunfei to Feng Chao's home.

Feng Chao's home is on a large phoenix tree.

This phoenix tree is so big that even dozens of people can’t hold it together. On the crown of the phoenix tree, there is a building made of it. Although it is made of wood, it is very strong. Yun Fei This physique looks a bit small even when standing up.

Feng Chao had been waiting here for a long time, and when he saw Yun Fei, he immediately greeted him.

"Uncle Yunfei can come to my home as a guest. It is really an honor for Feng Chao. Please come in quickly."

Feng Chao is very respectful.

At this time, a little phoenix rushed out. It was only three meters tall and looked very childish.

"Grandpa Yunfei, is Grandpa Yunfei here?"

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