Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1589 Sad Life

Chapter 1589 Sad Life

Yunfei was always shocked.

Who would have thought that the super genius of the ancient human family was not a human, but a spirit race.

What a joke.

Tianyue nodded repeatedly.

The purpose of her telling Yunfei this matter was to make Yunfei pay attention to himself.

The other party is a spiritual tribe, and there must be some unknown methods.

Tianyue then told Yunfei a lot about Gu Xin, and even told Yunfei the moves that Gu Xin knew.

This chat lasted only half an hour.

Gu Xin was impatient to wait.

It wouldn't take so long to explain your last words, right?

Isn't this just chatting?

Look at the shocked expression on Xiaolong's face. Could he be showing off his affection in front of us?

Just when Gu Xin couldn't bear it any longer, the small space created by Tianyue disappeared.

Then Hou Tianyue said nothing and left directly.

Turning around, Yunfei was looking at Gu Xin with a complicated expression.

Guxin looked puzzled.

"What's that expression on your face?"

If you don’t understand, just ask. Gu Xin has inherited a very good traditional virtue.

"You put a death curse on me?"

Yunfei spoke.

The first sentence surprised Gu Xin.

This guy already knows?

Those old guys from the royal family must have noticed it, right?

But that doesn't matter anymore. He has found Yunfei, and it doesn't matter even if the life-killing curse is removed.

"Yes, but you seem to know a little too late."

"Are you an Eldar?"

Yunfei's second question came up.

Gu Xin lost his composure on the spot.

This is the second biggest secret in his heart.

I didn't expect that this little dragon would say it out like this.

How did he figure it out?

Gu Xin felt more and more that this little dragon was too mysterious.

At the same time, I am also looking forward to the biggest secret in my heart.

It must be the inheritance of this little dragon that made him see something.

But this is not right. Yunfei has seen him before. Why didn't he ask?

Is it too late to ask now?


Guxin denied it. This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable.

If others knew his identity, whether he was a human or an orc, he wouldn't be able to stay any longer and would have no choice but to pack up and run away.

No, I can't even run away.

The place where he is is the hinterland of the two tribes.

He will definitely be caught and interrogated.

"Don't you admit it? It doesn't matter, it's not important anymore. You were peeking at the things that Gu Yuan got, and now you think those things are in my body?"

"Isn't it?"

Gusin asked rhetorically.

No matter whether Xiaolong admits it or not, it can't change the outcome of Xiaolong's death.

"What you expect is indeed in my body, the skills, the dragon bones, and the bloodline are all there."

Yunfei is not as hypocritical as Gu Xin. Anyway, he is only facing a dying person. He cannot let Gu Xin leave alive today no matter what.

He wants to avenge the system, and he also wants to kill an Eldar for fun.

Gu Xin's eyes flashed. He really didn't expect Yunfei to admit it so generously.

"Just admit it. This should have been mine, but it was just taken away by that guy Gu Yuan. I thought he would hide it in some unknown place, but I didn't expect him to be so generous. Something was given to you.”

"Give it to me. This is the most correct choice."

"Maybe, but these will belong to me from now on."

"You are very confident, is it because you control many of the Eldar's methods?"

In fact, Yunfei already knew what methods Gu Xin had, and Tianyue told him everything in detail these days.

"I told you, I'm not an Eldar."

It was impossible for Gu Xin to admit his identity. Even if he died, this matter would be rotten in his stomach, otherwise his death would be a luxury.

"You are so hypocritical, and your life is so miserable. When you grow up, you don't even dare to tell others your true identity. It's really sad."

Yunfei is a bit compassionate.

These words were a thorn in Guxin's side.

If possible, who wouldn’t want to live openly in the world?

But he has his mission, and he cannot reveal his identity. Unless one day the Spirit Clan's plan succeeds, otherwise, he can only be Gu Xin of the human race, not Gu Xin of the Spirit Clan.

"Stop talking nonsense. I have given you the time to give your last words. Are you ready to die now?"

"It's not certain who will live and who will die. If you want my life, then come with me."

Yunfei would not fight for his life with Gu Xin on his own territory.

The battle between them must have spread over a wide area. Yunfei would be at a loss when fighting here.

Gu Xin also knew this, but he was very confident that as long as Yunfei didn't run away, everything would be easy. If he ran away, then all the remaining dragons would die.

So Gu Xin is not worried at all that Yunfei will play tricks.

Yunfei took Gu Xin all the way up. He wanted to fight Gu Xin in the high altitude of the ancient world. There was nothing here, so there was no need to worry about damaging the flowers and plants.

"Why is this kid coming to us? Has he already discovered us?"

The dragon boss was very curious.

The five-clawed golden dragon was very calm, and the methods he used were not something that Yun Fei could see through now.

"Old man, please be careful and don't let that little guy from the Spirit Clan destroy the dragon's territory. I allowed him to fight Yunfei, but I didn't allow him to destroy our territory. The disappeared mountain peak must be counted among the human race's territories. head."

"Don't worry, it's done."

The earth-type five-clawed giant dragon boss who was greeted by the five-clawed golden dragon opened his mouth to answer.

The earth element is the strongest defense, and hundreds of Guxins will not be able to break through his defense.

"Okay, let's watch the show with peace of mind. It seems that this little guy is quite confident."

The five-clawed golden dragon and the others did not move.

Although everyone has strong eyesight, it is also good to watch the battle up close.

This thing is like a telepathic connection. When Yunfei brought Gu Xin to the vicinity of the Five-clawed Golden Dragon and the others, he stopped.

"Is this the cemetery you chose? It's really desolate, with nothing."

Seeing Yunfei stop, Gu Xin taunted.

"Actually, you are not aloof at all. The inhumanity you show is just your disguise. You don't want to have more contact with people because you are afraid that your identity will be exposed, right?"

Yunfei found that Gu Xin was quite talkative when facing him, and had nothing to do with being aloof or anything like that.

"I don't mind saying a few more words to a dying guy. This is my reward for you."

Gusin may be faking it.

Yunfei shook his head slowly.

"You are so stubborn. Let me see if you dare to reveal your true feelings when you die."

Yunfei's body shone with a faint red light, and he was ready to attack.

"Death? It doesn't exist. Gu Yuan died in my hands. Who gave you the confidence to kill me? Today I will let you see how powerful I, Gu Xin, am."

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