Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 168 I’m just satisfied, what’s wrong?

Chapter 168 I’m just satisfied, what’s wrong?

Jin Baili panicked.

Is this little black dragon going to kill her?


Why don't you take care of it?

Her favorite friend was nowhere to be seen, and the Dragon King of the Jin family was nowhere to be seen.

Do you really not care?

Just let him commit murder in public?

Jin Baili didn't want to die at all, she wanted to beg for mercy, but unfortunately, being suppressed by Xiyue's power, Jin Baili couldn't move or speak.


Something is wrong.

Aren’t you going to kill Jin Baili?

What are you doing?

Yunfei did say that he wanted to kill Jin Baili, but he didn't say that he would kill her now.

There is also a blue dragon in this area that has not been dealt with. What is the rush to kill Jin Baili?

Jin Baili is just a small character. What Yunfei wants is to embarrass the Jin family and pay the price for their wrong behavior.

"Xiao Jin, are you ready?"

Yunfei greeted Xiaojin.

Xiao Jin was counting over there, smiling as he counted, with a smile on his face.

"Ready, ready."

Hearing Yunfei's greeting, Xiaojin quickly agreed.

Many viewers turned their attention to Xiao Jin, an inconspicuous metal dragon. At first glance, they immediately discovered why this little guy smiled so cunningly?

Yunfei raised his hand to indicate that you can start your performance.

Xiao Jin doesn’t have stage fright either.

It has experienced many big scenes with Yunfei, including life and death, and now Jin Ye said there is no problem with this small scene.

"Ahem, listen to the Jin family. Although you have the same surname as mine, you still have to do business. Have you seen these guys?"

Xiao Jin deliberately coughed twice and then spoke.

After hearing this, all the giant dragons of the Blue Dragon and Jin family were itching with hatred.

You little metal dragon are really shameless, why do you have the same last name?

Still doing business?

There are so many dragons who want to join our Jin family. Who do you think you are?

However, what the Jin family dragons didn't expect was that their current anger was just an appetizer.

"These, three thousand dragon crystals each, these, twenty thousand dragon crystals each, these are cheaper for you, thirty thousand each."

Xiao Jin first pointed at the unconscious blue dragons on the ground, then pointed at the giant dragons piled up like garbage by himself, and finally pointed at the pile of Yunfei and Luohan.


The giant dragon of the Jin family was stunned.

What did they hear?

Is this really blackmail? And it's outright, not disguised at all.

But something is wrong. Those adult dragons are all about the same strength. Why are they so different from each other?

Xiaojin also gave a very authoritative explanation later.

The ones who were unconscious had the lowest value, that's because they were just beaten and didn't get dirty.

Those worth twenty thousand were those who scolded Xiao Jin, and the extra ones were the spiritual comfort money given to Xiao Jin.

As for the 30,000 yuan, they were scolding Xiao Jin's boss, so the mental comfort money the boss needed was naturally higher.

Yunfei himself was stunned.

He did think about asking the Jin family to pay a sum of dragon crystal. It would be easier to do things with dragon crystal. With dragon crystal, he could buy the things he had already taken a fancy to.

But Yunfei never thought of asking for so much.

Can the Jin family give it?

If you want to give this, it is not as simple as one hundred and eighty thousand.

There were twenty blue dragons piled up by Yun Fei. Xiao Jin piled up the most, fifty, and the remaining thirty were beaten unconscious by Yun Fei.

Not counting the thirty on the ground, Yunfei and Xiaojin alone had piled up 1.6 million. What kind of number was this?

Yunfei glared at Xiaojin. He was afraid that Xiaojin would ruin the business. These were all dragon crystals. How could they be fooling around like this?

It's a pity that Yunfei is really a country bumpkin at this point. How much does Xiao Jin want?

It's not much at all. Each dragon weapon starts with a value of one million. In fact, as long as Yunfei takes the dragon weapon from Jin Baili, the value will be more than 1.6 million.

"Okay, our Jin family will give it to you, but Jin Baili can't die."

A very majestic voice appeared.

After this voice appeared, the audience became much lower-key.

There is no other reason, because this is the appearance of the Dragon King of the Jin family.

Although the Dragon King did not show up, the sound alone was enough.

You can't do it if you say you can't?

What happened to the Dragon King?

Yunfei simply ignored the Dragon King's words. He didn't need the dragon crystal, but Jin Baili had to die.

Yunfei walked up to Jin Baili. He stretched out his claws and lifted Jin Baili's head so that she could see Vera not far away.

"Did you see it? You think you are superior, but in fact? You can only kneel in front of my Aunt Vera, even if you ask for mercy, you can't do it."

"Now, do you regret it? Regret that you shouldn't have messed with my Aunt Vera?"

"Actually, you should regret it. I didn't know about these things at all, and I never thought about causing trouble for your Jin family."

"But you came to my door yourself and let me know these things."

"I'm sorry, you are about to die. Do you have anything else to say before you die? Forget it, I don't want to hear what you have to say. Or do you think the Jin family can save you? Or that Jin Ke can save you?"

"I tell you, no matter who it is, no one can save you. Even if I fight to die today, I still want to get justice for my Aunt Vera."

"The Dragon Royal Family is ridiculous."

After that, Jin Baili died.

Yunfei's dragon claw had penetrated into Jin Baili's neck, shattering her spine.

Jin Baili's eyes were wide open. She simply didn't believe that she had died like this.

Likewise, Vera didn't believe it.

Jinke didn't believe it either.

The dragons of the Jin family didn’t believe it.

The Dragon King had just spoken, how could this little black dragon dare to kill him?

At this time, no one lamented why the little black dragon was so strong. The dragon's claws could easily tear Jin Baili's scales apart. They just lamented that the little black dragon was too courageous.


Jinke roared.

Jin Baili was his Jin Ke's partner. Although they had some problems with each other, they had been with her for many years. Now that she died in front of him, how could Jin Ke not be angry?

Even if Yunfei wants to humiliate Jin Baili, Jin Ke is not prepared to say anything, because that is what they owe Vera.

But Jin Ke couldn't accept Jin Baili's death.

Hearing Jinke's roar, Vera's first reaction was to block Yunfei's body. This was Vera's instinctive reaction.

No matter who it is, no one can hurt Yunfei.

However, Jinke simply failed to rush in front of Vera.

Do you really think Xiyue is here just for decoration?

As soon as Jin Ke made a move, Xiyue took action.

What happened to one hundred and ten meters?

In front of Princess Xiyue, you still have to kneel.

However, he is still one hundred and ten meters tall. His body is indeed crushed, but his ability to speak is still there.

"Is this what you want to see? Are you satisfied?"

What is Jinke doing?

He was glaring at Vera.

Vera burst into tears, was this the partner she had been thinking about before?

Jin Baili hurt herself, he wasn't so angry, was he?

He asked himself not to be so stubborn when persuading his son, right?

What's wrong now?

Yes, I am satisfied, what's wrong?

What happened to my son asking me to relieve my hatred?

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