Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 194 He will be beaten back to his original state after five seconds

Chapter 194: He will be beaten back to his original state after five seconds

The ruins are restricted to those in their prime of life. Although the red dragons in their prime are fond of playing with fire, they really can't hold back the flames in the ruins.

On the other hand, only the blue dragon that plays with water can resist, because water can restrain fire.

Although Yun Fei is not a blue dragon, he is still a water player now. Even if the dragon energy is a little exhausted now, it is not a big problem.

The red dragon in its prime cannot withstand the fire element here, but Yunfei can.

Yunfei's fire resistance is 37 points. Isn't it trivial to withstand this temperature?

The Fire Poison Spirit Fruit Tree grows on a small island in the magma lake.

This is a real small island, about the same size as Yun Fei.

The Fire Poison Spirit Fruit Tree is also pitiful and tight, no more than one meter high and as thick as an arm, as if it could fall over if the wind blows.

But they are very strong and can survive well in the lava lake with strong fire element.

At this time, there were three fruits on the Fire Poison Spirit Fruit Tree. The fruits were ripe. The red fruits were really very small.

Three pills have met Yunfei's expectations. In fact, one pill is enough, and the remaining two pills are an unexpected surprise.

Yunfei approached the island happily, not very fast. He wanted to prevent any accidents from happening.

However, the accident Yunfei imagined did not happen. He approached the island, gradually approached the fire poison fruit tree, and then touched the fire poison spirit fruit with his front paws.

One, two, three.

When Yunfei carefully picked all three fire poison spirit fruits from the tree, Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief.

This fire poison spirit fruit looked really fragile, and Yunfei was afraid that he would accidentally puncture the spirit fruit.

Just when Yunfei was about to take a closer look at the Fire Poison Spirit Fruit, a sudden change occurred.

Yun Feilai wasted no time in watching and took the Fire Poison Spirit Fruit into his personal space.

Then there was a breath of silence coming from all around.

What's this?

The whole space began to tremble.

"Madeh, Beihai Imperial Clan."

No doubt, it must have been the Beihai Imperial Clan. No wonder those two guys died so happily. Were they waiting for me here?

How to fix it?


Can't escape.

Well, it's time to test the defense of the bloodline guardian.

Four high-energy bombs were deployed around the island by the Beihai Imperial Clan. These were all items with A-level destructive power.

Originally, the Beihai Imperial Clan was not prepared to kill Yun Fei.

But Yun Fei went too far, and he actually slaughtered all the Beihai Imperial Clan.

This cannot be tolerated.

That's why the two Beihai Imperial Clan who rushed out staged such a huge battle, with the purpose of killing Yun Fei.

They don't care about the clan's subsequent plans. Anyway, there is a chance to kill Yun Fei now, so why not kill him?

In this way, even if they die, Yunfei will be able to bury them with them. In this way, they will make a profit.

Four high-energy bombs exploded together, which was a little scary, but the power intensity was still A-level.

Strength is something that becomes more difficult the more you improve it. It is too difficult to upgrade an A-level powerful attack to S-level.

You must know that S level is the level of Dragon King.

If four high-energy bombs can do it, that's ridiculous.

If it really works, the machine race will be unparalleled.

However, 4 explosions at the same time are still very powerful. Firstly, the power will be improved, and secondly, the explosion duration will be longer.

The power of the explosion came, visible to the naked eye, and the space turned into ripples.

Yunfei did not hesitate to activate the bloodline guard.

Yunfei could feel that a special energy was extracted from his blood, and then this energy formed a blood-red light curtain outside his body, firmly protecting Yunfei's body. in it.

The bloody light curtain seemed to be just a thin layer.

Yunfei was very worried after seeing it. Is this possible?

Can this layer of light curtain block an A-level attack?

Not very realistic, right?

However, the reality is that the light curtain is really very strong. The distorted space hits the light curtain, and the squeezing force from all directions cannot deform the light curtain in the slightest.

Yunfei's eyes lit up.


Really preventable!

However, Yunfei couldn't be happy for long.

Bloodline protection is indeed very powerful, it can be said to be very powerful.

But this power is limited.

Bloodline protection is now at an intermediate level and lasts only 5 seconds.

Yunfei is just a five-second real male dragon, and he will be beaten back to his original state after five seconds.

"Holy shit."

Yunfei stared at the bloody eggshell and chose a direction to rush out. He wanted to run as far as he could while the eggshell was still there.

Anyway, we must leave the central area of ​​the explosion.

Because according to Yunfei's own feeling, the duration of this explosion will definitely exceed five seconds.

This will cost the dragon his life. How can he do it if he doesn't run?

While escaping, Yunfei was also desperately trying to absorb the dragon crystals in his carry-on space.

It's only a little bit that can recover this damn thing.

After the bloodline guardian disappears, I hope the bronze mirror can block it.

Five seconds is really not that slow.

But Yunfei hoped that these five seconds would pass slower so that he could run farther.

In fact, Yun Fei had run far enough, at least he had left the center of the explosion.

The most powerful one is in the center of the four bombs, where the island is located.

The bloody light curtain dissipated, and Yunfei activated the bronze mirror before the light curtain completely dissipated.

The mirror light appeared. The moment the mirror light came into contact with the explosive power, the dragon energy in Yunfei's body began to be quickly absorbed by the bronze mirror.

One second, two seconds.

After two seconds, the mirror light disappeared.

Does Yunfei have any other means of defense?


Then you can only use your own body to resist.

Fortunately, after 7 seconds, the power of the explosion has begun to dissipate, and the remaining power is not that strong. Moreover, Yunfei is still on the edge of the explosion, so it doesn't seem to be that unbearable, right?

Anyway, this is how Yunfei comforted himself.

As for whether you can survive it, it depends on the situation.

Fortunately, Yunfei was already familiar with this situation.

First, the wings act as shields on the outermost periphery, and then the dragon tail wraps around the body to provide a second layer of protection for the body.

With Yun Fei's abnormal physique, as long as nothing happens to his vital organs, Yun Fei probably won't die.

The aftermath of the high-energy bomb explosion arrives.

Feeling the power acting on himself, Yunfei could only secretly say, it's over.

I definitely can't keep my wings.

By the way, the wings suffer the most every time. Shouldn't the wings be equipped with some defense measures?

Well, this idea is feasible. When we get back and finish our work, we can go to the underground space to chat with the dwarves.

Even if they are unwilling to take the dragon's business, they are a respectable dragon, so they should be able to agree, right?

Just when Yunfei was thinking wildly, pain came from the dragon's tail.

Once again, only the skeleton of the wings was left, so the next unlucky one was the dragon's tail.

But fortunately, there was really only the final aftermath of the explosion. The power the dragon tail withstood was limited, so at least it left some flesh and blood, so it wasn't too much.

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