Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 203 Get ten or eight

Chapter 203: Get ten or eight

Yunfei is very high-profile these days.

It's just like a small leader coming to inspect the underground space.

The whole day was spent walking around and wandering around.

See how your brothers transport ore in the underground space.

It can not only achieve the purpose of deliberately exposing oneself, but also send warmth to the younger brothers, killing two birds with one stone.

But when it comes to ore, Hei Da said he felt very guilty.

Heida has not been able to obtain any of the precious ores Yunfei needs so far.

This isn’t because it’s unreasonable, but it’s just that there really aren’t any here.

The edge of the underground space where the Stone Tribe is located is a very barren place, and it is really difficult to get some precious ores.

The mining scale of Longfuyuan has not yet been expanded to other areas. It will take time to continue to develop.

As for the ore, Yunfei said that there is no problem, if there is one, it will be removed.

Anyway, Yunfei doesn't need it much now.

It's not that Yunfei is arrogant, but ordinary ores are really useless unless they are bought at a place like the Magic Dragon Holy City at a huge price.

Of course, Yunfei doesn't have the spare money to buy those things now, so he just puts them away and will talk about it when he goes there again in the future.

"Hey, Bute, can I ask you something?"

While walking on the road, Yunfei coughed a little awkwardly.

Why is it embarrassing?

He had just looked around for Bute, but he didn't find him. He didn't know why this little man was so good at hiding.

As Yunfei's life-and-death friend, when Yunfei came to the underground space, of course Bute had to accompany him the whole time.

Hearing Yunfei calling him, Bute immediately ran out from under Yunfei without stopping.

"What's the matter, you ask."

Yunfei's face is a bit dark, well, he has a dark face to begin with.

It does not matter.

The important thing is, what is this guy doing under his body to study?

"The energy storage beads you gave me last time are gone, right?"

Bute's face turned red when he heard Yunfei's words.

Isn't this a bit embarrassing?

Didn’t I tell you last time that it was a bottom-of-the-box thing?

Why still ask?

Okay, I'll tell you if you ask.

According to Bute's own words, the Stone Tribe was very powerful in the past, and the energy storage beads were left over from that time, but they became less and less the more they were used, but we have the method to make them, but the materials are hard to find, and... There are no more high-level creatures like blacksmiths in the Stone Tribe.

The current stubborn stone tribe is more like an ore supplier.

After Yunfei learned about this situation, he couldn't help but sigh.

Energy storage beads are very useful to him, but of course they are not that useful to other creatures.

Precisely because the audience is not wide, such a thing is rare, at least Yunfei has not seen it elsewhere.

Yunfei had never seen a place as big as the Magic Dragon Holy City after wandering around for several days.

This is difficult to handle.

Now that the breath is so powerful, even if there are only low-level energy storage beads, the power of the explosion will definitely be far greater than before. This can be used as a means for Yunfei to suppress the bottom of the box.

But I wouldn’t be able to recruit without you.

Because he has been busy with business recently, Bute has also developed the ability to read the faces of living things.

What's with Yunfei's constipated expression?

Bu Te can make a rough guess.

If it is a general situation.

Of course, this tribe's secret weapon cannot be shown to outsiders.

But Yunfei is different. Yunfei is not an ordinary foreigner.

Bu Te believed that if he could really help Yunfei, even if he gave the tribe's killing weapon to Yunfei, the tribesmen would not say a word.

When Yunfei heard Bute say that he could give Yunfei the forging method.

Yunfei's heart was a little shaken.

However, this fluctuation is only touching, not joyful.


Do you really think that I am omnipotent?

Even your professional blacksmith dwarves can't make something. Can you tell me how to make it and let me make it myself?

If I really have the time to learn blacksmithing, I might as well improve my strength honestly.

Just when Yunfei was about to refuse, Hei Da spoke.

"Boss, there is a forging genius here. No one in the Stone Tribe can forge it. That genius should be able to do it."


Yunfei looked at Hei Da, waiting for Hei Da to continue.

But this guy Bute stole the show. After Hei Da finished speaking, he started talking.

It turned out that the dwarf Hei Da was talking about was a genius in a large tribe. His forging talent was astonishing, and he was now able to forge B-level weapons on his own.

Bute didn't ask other dwarves to make it before, because he didn't want to reveal the method of making the energy storage beads.

But the energy storage beads are too precise and cannot make any mistakes. Ordinary blacksmiths do not have the ability to forge them.

But if it was that genius, it might actually be possible to forge it.

But it's only possible.

Bute didn't make any guarantees, because whether he could make something or not still depended on his talented blacksmith.

When Yunfei heard this, he thought there was something interesting.

As long as there is a play, what if some genius can forge it?

Yunfei doesn't ask for mass production. As long as he gets ten or eight of them, Yunfei will be satisfied.

Later, the two dragons and the dwarf returned to the Stone Tribe and took out the long-sealed forging method of energy storage beads. The parchment recording the forging method was full of dust. It could be seen that this thing was really made from the bottom of the box. No one should have touched it for several years.

But that's not the point.

After getting the crafting method, Yunfei followed Heida and Bute on the road to find the dwarf genius.

The Shanlei Tribe is an absolutely large tribe on the edge of underground space.

The arrival of Yunfei and Hei Dabute was warmly welcomed by the Shanlei tribe.

It's just because the Shanlei Tribe and Longfuyuan have a cooperative relationship, and the Shanlei Tribe is a relatively weak party.


Because the Shanlei Tribe consumes a large amount of ore every day, where does this ore come from?

Currently, 30% of the ore is provided by Longfuyuan.

In the future, this proportion will get higher and higher.

The leader of the force who controls their own lifeline is here. Can the Shanlei Tribe not give him a warm welcome?

That is to say, Yun Fei is a giant dragon, too huge in size. Otherwise, the Shanlei tribe might offer tribal beauties.

But it doesn't matter if Yunfei doesn't have the luxury to accept tribal beauties, Bute can.

In response, Bute refused righteously, and he didn't know if this guy was just pretending.

Of course, Yunfei has no control over whether Xtep is faking it or not. That is Bute's own business.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Yunfei opened his mouth and got straight to the point.

When the chief of the Shanlei Tribe heard that Yun Fei was looking for a genius from their tribe, he still felt a little defensive.

But that's all.

"Mo Yu was obsessed with crafting and couldn't come to greet you. You want to find him, so I'll call him right away."

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