Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 213 Are you really uncooperative?

Chapter 213 Are you really uncooperative?

You Ming did not give an accurate answer to this point.

It's not that Youming doesn't want to say it, it's that Youming doesn't know the specific situation.

In fact, in the continent where Netherworld is located, the Ancient Continent is also a legend. It is said that this continent was once glorious, but due to some reason, it became lonely, so this legend is a bit too much.

It was puzzling to him that You Ming could come here by mistake.

What's even more puzzling is that he was caught just as he came here, without any chance to defend himself.

You said you caught him, so you caught him. Did you interrogate him or something like that? You have to give him a charter, right?

But people are not like this. They don’t say anything, don’t ask anything, and just lock you up.

What can you do?

Du Rong's situation is similar. He was trapped by the mechanical tribe.

However, the mechanical tribe is not so polite to Du Rong. It is normal to extract some venom, blood and the like from Du Rong.

In this regard, Du Rong also resisted, but it was useless. Du Long was indeed very powerful, but it could not be stronger than the A-level power of the mechanical clan.

After saying this, Du Rong looked at Yunfei with sympathetic eyes.

This meaning is already very obvious.

That is what you are about to experience.

At this time, you should really envy the Bone Dragon Netherworld.

This guy is literally full of bones.

Even if a piece of bone is cut off and given to the machine race, it will be of no use.

Once the bones are separated from Nether's body, they will truly become dead bones, the kind without vitality.

Therefore, among the three prisoners, Netherworld's treatment is considered the best.

"Can't you tear apart space? You can do it across the continent, but you can't get out of this place?"

After Yunfei learned about You Ming's abilities, he felt confused.

You Ming expressed that he was embarrassed, but he wanted to tear apart the space and leave.

But the mechanical tribe seems to know the bone dragon very well and will not give him a chance to tear apart the space. In this prison, the space is blocked.

Yunfei was very sad that the light beam could even block space.

Are the mechanical tribe so awesome?

Can it be so powerful to block space?

This is something that not even the dragon clan can do.

It's so outstanding.

The first day in prison was spent chatting, and Yunfei expressed that he was very fulfilled.

Mainly because his two fellow inmates were very knowledgeable.

Of course, Yunfei's appearance also broke the three views of the two inmates.

Poison Dragon felt that the black dragon shouldn't be so fierce. If Yunfei himself didn't brag, then he was really too fierce. He couldn't catch a small, middle-aged man without using his A-level combat power?

Nether's perception is deeper.

Are the descendants of Sinblood about to take off?

Youming knew more information, but did not tell Yunfei and Du Rong.

How can you tell someone everything when you meet them for the first time?

Although we are all inmates, we still need to be on guard.

In fact, everyone has something they haven’t said, and who doesn’t know it well?

The next day.

Yunfei was taken away under Du Xiong's gloating gaze.

What were you being taken away to do?

Du Rong knew it very well.

This used to be his patent.

Now that an inmate like Yun Fei is sharing, Du Rong expresses his great welcome.

And he was still in the mood to discuss with You Ming how miserable Yun Fei would be.

This was something that couldn't happen before, because he didn't have that much to say to Netherworld.

Everything changed after Yun Fei arrived.

On the other hand, Yun Fei.

My pussy is so tight.

Before he even left the light prison, he was forced to put on clothes tailor-made for him by the mechanical tribe.

From Yunfei's point of view, this outfit is really ugly, but needless to say the isolation effect is definitely good, otherwise the machine race can rest assured?

Anyway, it had only been a day, and Yunfei was not prepared to cause trouble. He just cooperated and got dressed, and then left with the five A-level mechanical tribesmen who came to escort him.

The treatment was okay this time, and I wasn't blindfolded, but there really wasn't much to appreciate. The mechanical clan's city was really shocking when I first saw it.

But if you see it too much, it will be very ordinary. They are all the same and have no new ideas.

"Black dragon, hand over your personal dragon items."

After Yunfei was brought to a room whose walls were wrapped in special animal skins, the A-level expert spoke.

Yunfei looked at this A-level powerful man as if he were a fool.

I'll do it if you ask me to do it?

who do you think You Are?

I'm already giving you face by cooperating with your actions, but you still want to confiscate my things?

Don't even think about it.

If you have the ability, take it yourself.

Adult dragons have the ability to create their own space.

If they really want to put things in this space, then only they can take them out. Otherwise, even if they kill the dragon, there is no way to get the items in this space.

A-level boss is a little embarrassed.

In fact, he also knew that the chance of Yunfei handing over his things was very small.

But what if they really make friends?

You won't get pregnant even if you ask.

Of course, if you don’t pay, you won’t pay. We don’t care, right?

As long as you cooperate well from now on, we can continue to be happy.

If you don't believe it, ask your cellmate, the guy in green armor. He has been here for a long time.

Aren’t you still waiting well now?

No weight loss.

The food we have here is pretty good.

But this prerequisite is that you must cooperate well.

Yun Fei took off his 'coat' at the signal of the A-level power. This room was wrapped in the same animal skin, so it would be no problem even if Yun Fei took off his clothes here.

In fact, Yunfei was hesitating, should he scratch the animal skin and try to absorb the metal energy?

After thinking about it, Yunfei thought it was better to forget it and see what the mechanical tribe was going to do first. When the time was right, it would not be too late to play.

"The black dragon hands over a drop of blood."

If you are an A-level powerful person, you will get a sneer from Yun Fei.

How stubborn are you, always making such weird requests? Brother will give it to you proactively?

If you have the ability, you should take it yourself.

It is very simple to take ordinary blood, but it is not easy to take essence blood.

The essence and blood of the dragon clan are stored in the heart. If you want to take someone else's essence and blood, they will die to show you.

"Are you really uncooperative?"

The A-level power's tone was a bit unkind.

If it were that Du Rong guy, he would just be beaten if he didn't cooperate.

But even though this Yunfei is only in his prime, he is more difficult to deal with than anyone else. This can be seen from the current layout of the room.

Dealing with Du Rong is not that troublesome.

Nowadays, you have to be careful when dealing with this hob meat, even if you beat him, you can decide whether you are annoyed or not.

"You can come and get it yourself."

Yunfei said something that deserved a beating.

The A-level powerful man was so angry that his teeth were itching.

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