Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 270: Have a heart-to-heart talk with the powerful

Chapter 270: Have a heart-to-heart talk with the powerful

"Boss, if you have the chance, run away by yourself."

Seeing the mechanical clan's defensive light shield getting smaller and smaller, Kuang Zuo spoke.

The three of them have tried their best, and more than half of the dragon energy in their bodies has been consumed. Let's use breath. It is not as abnormal as Yunfei's breath, and the damage to the mechanical clan's defense mask is really limited.

If they were truly besieged and had no room to escape, they would be doomed to die.

Kuangzuo and the three of them had no chance to escape, but Kuangzuo knew that Yunfei could do it.

"Save some strength and run away later."

Yunfei couldn't possibly watch Kuangzuo and the others die, he had already thought of a countermeasure.

Why can't Kuangzuo run away?

Isn't it because there is an A-level expert who is causing trouble on the side, so as long as he is not given the opportunity to cause trouble, it will be fine.

"Come on, Sun Thief, now that we have met, don't hesitate. Let's see if you can still chop me so badly."

Yunfei gave up the attack and defense mask and took the initiative to rush towards the A-level power of the mechanical tribe.

What a bastard, how dare you come to your door?

The A-level power of the mechanical race is not at all useful.

If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time. And this time I am wearing protective clothing specifically designed to deal with you. What can you do to me?

Originally, the main target of this operation was Yunfei. As long as Yunfei didn't run away, everything would be fine.

As for Kuangzuo and the others, it doesn't matter at all.


Kuang Zuo called out.

"You go."

Li Qing suddenly exerted his strength and used all the remaining dragon energy in his body to activate the A-level dragon weapon.

Attacks with A-level power cannot be blocked by the mechanical family's defensive light shield.

Li Qing still had no intention of leaving. He was using the remaining dragon energy in his body to clear the way for Kuang Zuo and Yuan Wu.

Kuangzuo's head was buzzing.

Without the protection of dragon energy, can Li Qing survive the siege of the mechanical tribe?

The answer is no.


Yuan Wu pulled Kuang Zuo, and his reason had not left him yet. He knew what he should do now.

Yunfei and Li Qing created the opportunity for them to leave, and they must cherish it.

"Help me take revenge."

Li Qing watched Kuang Zuo leave. When Kuang Zuo broke away from the defensive shield of the mechanical clan, Li Qing sent a message to Kuang Zuo and said this.

Kuang Zuo had tears in his eyes, revenge? That must be reported.

Walk around.

There is no hesitation, we must leave here as quickly as possible.

If the reinforcements came quickly, Li Qing and Yun Fei wouldn't have to die.

Kuang Zuo and Yuan Wu ran away, should they chase him?

Forget it, as long as the main target doesn't run away, there's no need to chase the two unimportant golden holy dragons.

Yunfei also saw that Li Qing did not run away. He was a little anxious and could not let Li Qing be besieged to death.

So, let’s turn on the crazy mode.

Yunfei, who burns essence and blood, is very terrifying. His attributes have improved a lot, compared to when he was imprisoned by the mechanical tribe half a year ago.

When Yun Fei started to go crazy, even the A-level powers of the mechanical tribe had no way to control him. All he could do was follow Yun Fei's butt and chop him.

And what about Yunfei?

He had already rushed into the mechanical tribe and started killing those C-level and B-level mechanical tribes.

Although these mechanical tribes also wore matching protective clothing.

But Chaos Breath and Eye of Destruction are not easy to defend against. Chaos Breath alone is not that powerful, and B-level machines can withstand it.

But the light of destruction is different. To put it bluntly, the A-level mechanical clan must be careful to deal with it. What can the B-level mechanical clan do to stop it?

As long as it is hit, no matter where it is, it will definitely be a hole.

In addition, Yunfei's physical attack ability is also very good. If he sweeps his tail on the mechanical clan, it will be a huge blow. The C-class mechanical clan will drop like dumplings.

The A-level mechanical tribe was screaming angrily behind Yunfei, but there was nothing they could do.

Yunfei was blessed by Saturn, and the defense of his scales doubled. Although he still couldn't stop the light blade in the hands of the A-level master of the mechanical race, he was able to form an effective resistance.

Even if the A-level power turns the light blade into a crossbow and can attack from a distance, it can't do anything to Yunfei. After the attack is weakened by the scales, it cannot cause much damage to Yunfei's body.

This is also where light attribute resistance plays a key role.

No matter what the reason is, Yunfei is going crazy now, a kind of madness that even A-level powers can't stop.

Li Qing was originally under a lot of pressure and had many bloody wounds on his body. However, after Yun Fei went crazy, Li Qing's pressure was greatly reduced.

More mechanical tribes rushed to check and balance Yunfei.

Especially those B-level machines that could bring harm to Li Qing.

The C-level mechanical tribe is not even qualified to stop Yun Fei, so the B-level mechanical tribe can only do it.

How did this black dragon cub become so strong?

How long has it been?

The A-level master of the mechanical tribe knows Yunfei very well.

Half a year ago, in the underground base, he could ravage Yunfei wantonly, and he could also use a light blade to remove the scales on Yunfei's body piece by piece as a guess.

What now?

Why is there so much resistance when cutting with a knife?

This defense capability has more than doubled, right?

How did the little black dragon cub do it?

No wonder this guy was listed as a dangerous being at the same level as Xiyue, no wonder the top management wanted to launch such a big battle to kill him.

It seems that the decisions made by the top management are correct.

This guy can't be kept, otherwise when he grows up, he will cause headaches to many of his fellow tribesmen.

No, many of the same race are already having headaches over this.

For example, himself.

Because Yun Fei ran away, he didn't know how many times he was scolded.

This opportunity to hack Yun Fei to death was something he fought for with great difficulty, just to relieve himself of his hatred.

The surveillance footage showed that it was the little black dragon who used the means to escape with You Ming and Du Rong. Without him, there would not have been so many things that happened later.

It's just that it doesn't seem to be that simple to hack this guy to death now.

At this time, Yunfei was not pretending at all. He just burned the essence and blood as hard as he could. With his amazing recovery speed, he was not afraid of scaring the A-level powerful people behind him, so he was done as quickly as possible.

As for whether the A-level powerful people behind him will be scared to death, this is not within the scope of Yunfei's consideration.

But it's better not to be scared to death. Yunfei is still preparing to have a heart-to-heart talk with this powerful man.

How can we talk if we are scared to death?

It is understandable for Yunfei that the mechanical tribe is chasing him. After all, he is also the nemesis of the mechanical tribe. It is normal to receive such treatment.

If he were a machine race, he would definitely find a way to kill his nemesis.

But why are you chasing Xiyue?

This was something Yunfei couldn't understand, so he wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with this powerful man.

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