Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 281 It’s amazing just thinking about it

Chapter 281 It’s amazing just thinking about it

Just when Yun Fei was proud, the other great masters of the mechanical clan were not idle. They also had light whips in their hands, and they also tied them to Yun Fei.

Their purpose is very clear, which is Yunfei's wings.

If we don’t study anything else first, we must at least make Yunfei lose his ability to move before talking about anything else.

But do you really think that Yunfei has no ability to dodge?

Do you think you can restrain me by tying my tail?

Okay, this seems to work.

But don’t be too wishful thinking about tying up my wings, it’s impossible.

Yunfei exerted force on his tail, and his body fell rapidly like a swing.

The four mechanical clans holding light whips suddenly felt a powerful attack, and their bodies were pulled down several meters.

Yunfei smiled proudly.

Let you understand the importance of tonnage, hum.

However, this proud smile did not last long. You escaped the first wave of attacks, but what about the second wave?

The swing swayed back and forth, so there was no need for anyone to chase the second wave. Yunfei, who came back from the swing, took the initiative to send himself into the tiger's mouth.

Looking at the several A-level mechanical masters who were eyeing him, Yunfei expressed that he had a little bit of luck.

However, the wings must not be tied down. In this case, the ability to fly must not be lost.

What to do?

Push it up with your paws.

Yunfei has a good idea. Let's release the water and put the front paws up for you to tie up, okay?

As soon as you are tied up, let's start competing. Anyway, I have enough energy and blood in my body, so I am really strong. A dozen of you may not be my opponent.

Unfortunately, the script did not go as Yunfei thought. Yunfei's claws did block the bundled whip, but the whip was tied together with Yunfei's neck.

In fact, the A-level mechanical clan powerhouse himself had no intention of binding Yunfei's wings.

Why bother to control Yunfei when there is a chance to kill him?

In this situation, wouldn't it be enough to just kill Yunfei?

What a great opportunity is this?

As long as the light whip is wrapped around Yunfei's neck, even if Yunfei's head cannot be cut off, his throat can still be strangled.

Don’t the dragon clan need to breathe?

Even if the giant dragon clan has strong vitality, this kind of almost decapitated injury is still fatal, right?

After Yunfei noticed the intentions of the A-level mechanical clan masters, he was like a beeping dog.

Brother is still having fun with you, but you actually kill me?

Fortunately, my brother was smarter and blocked the front with his claws, so there was no danger of his throat being cut.

Even if the light whip can cut Yunfei's scales and flesh, it can't do anything to Yunfei's body.

With the claws blocking the front, there was no problem in front of Yunfei's neck.

But this situation looks very scary.

Seven light whips tied Yunfei's neck, and a big gash was cut out on the back of his neck.

Although the head was not decapitated, it was still half severed.

Du Rong went crazy. The kilometer surrounding him had completely turned into a green ocean. This green color did not represent life, but poison.

Unfortunately, he faced three A-level mechanical clan experts. Although these three could not kill Du Rong in a short time, blocking Du Rong was as easy as playing.

Other creatures have no obligation to save Yunfei at all.

Du Rong regretted it at this time. Why didn't they take the other dragons with them?

And he even came to such a city looking for death. Wouldn't it be better to deal with some B-level mechanical cities honestly?

What should we do now?

We can't just watch our third brother die here.

But Du Rong has even used the A-level dragon weapon, but it's still useless.

I go?

Suddenly, Yunfei felt his body tighten. When he saw clearly why he felt this way, he was shocked.

Damn it.

The mechanical tribe is really playing the game.

what are they doing?

Are you treating yourself like chewing gum?

It's true that the machine race doesn't dare to approach Yunfei, but there's no need for him to approach now, right?

A dozen mechanical tribesmen were divided into two groups, one pulling Yun Fei's tail, and the other group tying Yun Fei's head. Using force from both ends, even if they couldn't tear Yun Fei into two pieces, they could still tear Yun Fei's scalp. Take off one layer?

Yunfei held the light whip tightly with his claws, not giving the light whip a chance to rub his scalp.

At this time, the essence and blood in Yunfei's body were burning rapidly, and the burning essence and blood provided Yunfei with very powerful power.

I saw Yunfei's claws and tail working together, and he actually played a tug-of-war game with the powerful machine clan in the air.

Yun Fei's power is indeed powerful. After adding talent, any A-level mechanical master who is not good at strength will not be able to compare with Yun Fei in terms of strength.

But now there are more than ten A-level powerful people who are against Yunfei. Even if they work together on both sides, they are not something Yunfei can resist.

"This little black dragon cub is quite strong. They say he is our number one enemy. We will kill him here today."

It's already very easy for the A-level powerful machine clan.

In the current situation, Yunfei has no chance of making a comeback. Even if he can block the current tearing force, the only thing waiting for Yunfei is death.

At worst, Yunfei can be played as a skipping rope. It's the kind of long skipping rope that can only be played with the cooperation of N people.

The powerful machine clan plays the role of throwing the rope, while Yunfei is the rope that keeps hitting the ground.

Just a crazy slap, will you, little black dragon, die?

Strong vitality? It doesn't matter.

Then we'll keep dumping you, and sooner or later we'll be able to dump you to death.

If that doesn't work, just stick some A-level light blades on the ground, which will leave a few cuts on you every time you swing them.

This feeling is amazing just thinking about it.

At this moment, high in the sky, the S-class beings of the mechanical tribe felt very happy.

They don't feel relaxed at all, let alone the joyful feeling of A-level experts.

Seeing the A-level powerful people treating Yunfei the same way, these S-level beings wanted to curse.

Damn it, can you take advantage of it if you have the chance?

Can you please stop dragging your feet?

Do you know how stressed we are?

Now S-class beings must be on guard against the Poison Dragon King's sudden attack at all times.

Can he sit back and watch Yun Fei being played to death?

I'm afraid not?

Because of Du Rong's high profile, everyone knew that Du Rong and Yun Fei were brothers, and they were said to be sworn friends.

Although I don’t know what sworn sworn marriage means, it sounds very noble.

Now that the sworn brother of the younger generation in your family is going to be killed, can you, the elder, remain indifferent?

Actually, according to the Poison Dragon Emperor's own wishes, he had already taken action, but he still remembered the Dragon Saint's instructions. The Dragon Saint told him not to interfere with Yun Fei's affairs unless it was absolutely necessary.

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