Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 287 The Machine Race is really shameless

Chapter 287 The Machine Race is really shameless

Du Rong took a look, yes, these mechanical tribe were very calm just now, why are they so crazy now?

Could it be that the third brother has really run away?

Damn it, that's not right. You, the old man, stopped them. You let them go to the underground space. What should my third brother do?

With only his internal injuries, can he still compete with the mechanical clan's hard steel?

The Poison Dragon Emperor rolled his eyes angrily.

Didn't you do it yourself, you bastard?

Don’t you want to burn your life?

I let those mechanical tribe go underground just to dissuade you.

Now that it’s fine, you’re blaming me instead?

If it weren't for the small number of our poisonous dragon clan, I would never care about your life or death. You are so angry.

Let me tell you, if anything happens to the little black dragon because of this, it's all your fault.

Du Rong reflected on his mistakes, and it seemed that he was indeed a bit too radical in doing things, so that he made the mistakes he made now.

Is this considered as cheating on my third brother with my strength?

Hey, it seems that it should be counted.

However, even the S-level mechanical clan couldn't kill the third brother, and some A-level mechanical clan couldn't do anything to him, right?

Oops, this doesn’t seem to be just a few. Isn’t there a lot?

Not counting what Du Rong didn't see before, even if Du Rong sees it now, there are already more than twenty A-level mechanical tribes that have entered the underground space.

How about we go down and help third brother?

As soon as Du Rong had this idea, he was scolded by the Poison Dragon Emperor.

What are you going to do, you laggard?

To die?

If you really want to die, it would be better to hit the wall of the mechanical tribe, which would be more heroic.

When Du Rong heard this, he realized that the elders were right.

But you can’t just do nothing, right?

Even if the third brother can hide, how long can he hide?

We must find a way to save the third brother.

Who can save the third brother?

That's right, dick.

The second brother is a moving teleportation array. As long as he can find Yun Fei, the third brother will be saved.

"I want to see Dragon Saint."

The Poison Dragon Emperor almost choked to death due to Du Rong's words.

Can this thing save me some worry?

Do you want to see Dragon Saint?

Do you think Dragon Saint is just a cabbage?

You said you'd meet in person?

"Long Sheng's Yun Fei's grandfather, he can't just die without saving his life, can he?"

Du Rong argued hard.

The Poison Dragon Emperor thought about it, and that was right. The relationship between Dragon Saint and that little guy was indeed unusual, but it didn't really reach the level of a grandson, right?

If it is really achieved, then the poisonous dragon clan will also benefit from it.

Yunfei is also our junior.

Well, you Du Rong, go to the Central Dragon City first, I will definitely let you see the Dragon Saint.

When Du Rong heard this, he ran away without any hesitation. At this juncture, time is life, right?

Du Rong rolled away, and the pressure on the Poison Dragon Emperor was relieved a lot. If the mechanical clan went crazy and wanted to kill Du Rong, the Poison Dragon Emperor might not be able to stop those S-level mechanical clan.

Now that he is fine, he only protects Yunfei himself. The Poison Dragon Emperor believes that he can guarantee that the S-class mechanical race will not go to the underground space.

In fact, originally the S-class mechanical clan was not prepared to get Yunfei.

It is enough to lose face once, there is no need to lose it continuously.

Moreover, given Yunfei's current situation, how could the S-class mechanical clan do it himself?

If nothing unexpected happens, as long as Yunfei is found by the A-level mechanical clan, he will die.

There is a limit to the metamorphosis of any living creature.

Yun Fei was beaten so badly that even if he had the ability to resist, he probably only had a little bit left.

Yunfei is indeed in a miserable state now. Almost all of the dragon's tail is covered with bones. Oh no, it should be said that almost all of the lower body is left with bones.

Fortunately, the wings were well protected by Yunfei and the flight was not delayed.

What Yunfei needs to do now is find a safe place to recover from his injuries.

Although the keel is strong, what needs to be restored still needs to be restored.

Even without the flesh-and-scale keel, it can still be controlled by Yunfei, but after all, the movement is not so smooth, and the combat effectiveness is definitely greatly reduced.

Of course, when it comes to resistance, it is still leverage.

This injury on Yun Fei's body would be fatal to other dragons, but to Yun Fei, it was just a trivial matter.

But still, don't be careless. If the wings are changed into what the dragon tail is now, then Yunfei will probably die.

If you can't fly away, you can only passively be beaten. Even if you resist the beating, you can't play like this.

Do you really think you are a bone dragon?

Therefore, hiding is very necessary.

How to hide it?

This depends on the Eye of Truth.

The underground space is very large. Because it is under the city of the Machine Clan, there are no dwarves. There are some other underground creatures, but most of them are uncivilized creatures.

The terrain in the underground space was much more complicated than that on the ground. Soon Yunfei found a suitable hiding place through the Eye of Truth.

Under the underground mountains where he was, there were naturally formed caves. From what Yunfei could see, they were not much worse than the abandoned mines in the dark river.

This terrain is just right for a game like hide-and-seek.

Breaking through the mountain peak, Yunfei dove into the cave. The cave was just like Yunfei imagined. The farther down it went, the more complex and varied the terrain became.

However, Yunfei's movements this time were not as smooth as before in the underground river. Because his size had increased, many places were inaccessible.

Of course, Yunfei can use violence to break it, but even if this does not destroy the cave structure, it will leave clues to the mechanical clan.

Yunfei was also planning to play hide-and-seek with the mechanical tribe in this cave. How could he reveal his whereabouts so quickly?

"Sure enough, these guys are coming after me."

Not long after Yunfei entered the cave, he saw the arrival of hordes of A-level mechanical clan experts.

These guys are really shameless, they actually came in a group again.

Fortunately, Yunfei had the foresight to hide early.

"Holy shit."

Suddenly, Yunfei screamed.

It turned out that those mechanical tribe were really shameless. They found Yunfei running into the cave, but they calmly turned on the life detector.

A-level life detector, the detection distance is very abnormal.

Even if Yunfei entered the cave half a day early, the scanned green ripples could also detect Yunfei.

"Over there."

Seeing a group of A-level powerful men flying towards him, Yunfei was depressed.

He didn't expect that the life detection device of the mechanical tribe would be so awesome, and that it could be detected from such a distance?

Nothing to say, just run.

Although it was discovered, fortunately, the mechanical clan did not dare to destroy the cave wantonly.

If the cave collapses, it will not be of any benefit to the mechanical race.

If the cave collapses, the detection range of the life detection device will be greatly reduced, so the cave cannot collapse.

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