Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 292 Why is it open in the open?

Chapter 292 Why is it open in the open?

Forget it, let’s just settle down.

With our character, how can we do things that add fuel to the fire?

So, Yunfei is ready to dodge.

But you want to leave, but the powerful machine clan doesn't agree.

Come and leave as soon as you say, do you really treat us like nothing?

Just when Yunfei was spraying chaotic breath everywhere, two of the seven powerful men were already jumping down quickly.

What are they going to do?

They want to cut off Yunfei's return path and block Yunfei in the pile of rocks above.

This is very sensible, isn’t it?

As long as it can be confirmed that Yunfei is in the pile of rocks above, Yunfei will not be able to continue playing.

Yunfei himself also discovered this terrible thing, what should he do?

If they don't let us leave, then we won't leave.

At this time, the busy mechanical clan below rushed up.

They have already confirmed Yunfei's location, how could they continue to search foolishly?

The next workload will be very small, right?

You little black dragon is looking for death, you can’t blame us for blocking you, haha.

The great masters of the mechanical race laughed, very happily.


I'm laughing at you, my sister. Is there really nothing I can do about it?

Okay, let's play it big with you.

The reason why the rocks did not fall where Yunfei was now was because Yunfei did not attack the important supporting points of the cave. If those supporting points were destroyed, all the stones here would fall instantly.

The great masters of the mechanical race don't know where these supporting points are, but Yunfei does.

If he were to face seven A-level experts from the mechanical race, Yunfei would still have the confidence to play with them.

But now he has to face twenty-seven, and the maneuverable space is compressed to a very small size, so he can't have fun.

Since no one wants to have fun anymore, let’s button the eyeballs.

Brother Yunfei is not afraid of anything.

The Chaos Breath attacked, and after a few mouthfuls, several supporting points were destroyed, and tens of thousands of stones fell. This kind of power, even if the powerful machine clan could resist it, could only guarantee that he would not die.

Yun Fei didn't care so much. He fell down with the falling stones, in a free fall shape, and restrained his own aura. In this case, the powerful machine clan could not detect it at all.


There happened to be an A-level powerful person from the mechanical tribe directly below. At this time, the powerful person was holding the light blade against himself to prevent himself from being hit by the falling rocks.

The great masters of the mechanical race feel very miserable.

They were very confused, was this little black dragon a creature native to this cave?

Why does he know so much about caves?

People can destroy it whenever they want. This is so fucking weird.

But the fact is that he couldn't have been born and raised here, so how did he do it?

I go?

The great master of the mechanical race who was thinking about this profound question suddenly felt something was wrong, and when he looked up, he was almost frightened to death.

It turned out that a huge thing was hitting him.


Mud, I found it too late, how could I hide?

"He's here with me."

Knowing that he couldn't escape, this powerful mechanical clan leader reported Yun Fei's location directly.

Will Yunfei be afraid?

He pressed down on the powerful machine clan with his absolute tonnage. Although the light blade on his head caused some injuries to Yunfei, it didn't matter, it was just a minor injury.

Yunfei said he was very proud of having killed a powerful mechanical clan man again.

At the same time, the great masters of the mechanical clan are also very happy. At this stage, they are afraid that they will not find Yunfei. As long as they find Yunfei, everything will be fine.

The powerful mechanical clan member closest to Yun Fei has already rushed over, and it will take some time for other powerful people to come over.

After all, those falling stones are no joke, and they are quite far away from here.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is someone who can come.

There is no need for this powerful man to do anything to Yun Fei, as long as he can follow Yun Fei.

The great man himself thought so too.

He was not happy to have him fight with Yun Fei, mainly because Yun Fei was too weird and couldn't be touched.

But if he only followed Yun Fei, then the great master would not have any pressure at all.

But is it really as simple as he thought?


Yunfei had already seen this person rushing towards him.

Since you are so anxious to die, Yunfei has no reason not to accept it.

Don't you like rushing?

Okay, let's do a hedge and see who is afraid of whom.

The cave is really too chaotic, and the distance that the powerful machine race can perceive is very limited.

When Yun Fei appeared within 100 meters of the highly concentrated mechanical master, the master had already sensed it.

This is something to be happy about, finally finding this little black dragon.

But why do I have a bad feeling in my heart?

Yes, it's the speed of this little black dragon.

He was actually approaching me quickly.

Mad, he wants to kill me.

The powerful machine clan figured it out, but it was a little too late.

He himself was rushing forward, and Yunfei also maintained his top speed. With the efforts of both parties, the distance of 100 meters was covered in less than a blink of an eye.

When the two of them collided violently, the A-level power was declared dead.

But his death was not in vain. At least he left a wound on Yunfei's head. Well, the wound was a bit shallow and no bones were hurt.

After killing two more A-level powerful men from the mechanical tribe, Yunfei was in a good mood. He felt that he had played enough today and could not continue, otherwise he would really be tricked by others.

Now those mechanical tribes that are a little further away are rushing here with all their strength.

Seeing this, Yunfei's body sank quickly and rushed towards the cave and the depths.

There is so much hatred in the heart of the powerful machine clan.

It's already like this and he can still be run away by that little black dragon?

After careful calculation, five of their companions have died. Five companions were killed by the little black dragon?

How many did they come in total?

Only thirty.

After comparing the two numbers, the mechanical clan powerful men felt a chill in their hearts.

Do you want to pursue him so closely?

The mechanical race also cherishes their lives, and no one's life is blown by the strong wind.

Well, they don’t have to hesitate.

Because they lost sight of Yun Fei again.

There are scenes of falling stones everywhere in the cave, so even if Yunfei escapes and causes a lot of noise, it will be covered up by the current situation.

Moreover, Yunfei was no longer so violent after reaching a certain position.

Where the hell can I find this?

They don't have Yunfei's eyes, so they can't see just by feeling?

But the good thing is, at least they know that the place up there is definitely safe.


Wait, why is it out in the open?

Mud, all the previous work was in vain.

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