Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 308 It’s better to do good than to do evil

Chapter 308 It’s better to be good than to be evil

"Uncle Black Dragon, we are just a small tribe, please be merciful."

Yun Fei burst out of the ground not far from the small tribe with a domineering attitude. With such an arrogant look, he really frightened the small tribe.

When had they seen the dragon?

This is the first time I've seen one in my life, but I heard that dragons are very active further north, but they really don't have them here.

It is said that the giant dragon over there is easy to talk to, but this does not mean that the one they encountered is also easy to talk to.

What to do?

Will this black dragon eat us all?

"Clan leader, come here."

Yunfei opened his mouth to order.

Hearing what Yun Fei said, how could the leader of the small tribe dare to delay? He bravely ran all the way and rushed to Yun Fei.

Um, no, it should be said that he rushed to Yunfei's feet.

With his height, I really can't compliment him.

Yunfei leaned down and looked down: "Where is this place? Is there a base of the mechanical tribe nearby?"

It's shameful to waste time, time is money, oh no, time is bloodline value.

After hearing this, the tribe leader naturally told the truth.

Yunfei didn't expect that this place was not far from the Northern Dragon City. It could be seen that he was rushing a lot in the underground river.

But now is not the time to go home for a visit. Even if I want to go home, it will be two months later.

Fortunately, according to the information from the leader of the dwarf tribe, there is indeed a base of the Machine Tribe nearby.

This is very exciting.

However, the leader of the dwarf tribe didn't know what level this base was.

They are just a small tribe with limited strength. It is already very difficult to know where their base is. How do you expect them to spy on the strength of the Machine Tribe's base?

It would be better to take the initiative to commit suicide faster.

"Very well, this is your reward."

Yunfei casually threw a few pieces of rare metal and left.

The leader of the dwarf tribe was left disheveled in the wind.

People all over the world say that dragons are arrogant and arrogant, and black dragons are even more famous for their evil.

But as seen now, the giant dragon is indeed a bit arrogant, but it is not inaccessible. The key is that the black dragon is not as evil as the legend.

On the contrary, it feels more reasonable.

Originally, it would have been enough to burn incense and pay homage to our ancestors if they didn't slaughter our tribe, but instead of killing me, they even gave us a reward when we left.

Can this kind of behavior be linked to evil?

Anyway, the dwarf patriarch didn’t believe it.

"Clan leader, come quickly, come and see, it's earth fire, earth fire."

The tribal children suddenly shouted loudly and looked excited.

It turned out that they were curious about where the black dragon came from, so they went to take a look at the place where Yun Fei emerged.

They were just looking, but they felt the breath of earth fire.

This doesn't require any strong mental power at all. Who can't tell the difference between the hot breath?

The dwarf leader glared, then quickly rushed forward, heading straight for the big hole dug by Yun Fei.

Because Yunfei wanted to avoid this tribe, he dug the hole not straight up and down, but at an angle.

This creates great convenience for the tribal dwarves.

They are just a small tribe, how can they be qualified to possess earth fire?

But now they have.

The dwarf patriarch waved his hand and slapped himself.

How abominable.

I actually forgot to ask Lord Black Dragon Valley's name before. If he knew it, he would have to worship him. Because of the appearance of Lord Black Dragon, their tribe saw hope.

Yunfei hasn't gone too far yet, and he's not out of the range of his mental perception anyway.

He 'saw' the dwarf leader's behavior and secretly thought it was funny.

But if someone wants to thank me, of course I have to tell him my name.

"My name is Yunfei."

The dwarf patriarch heard Yun Fei's message. He was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned into ecstasy.

The dwarf clan leader was seen kneeling on one knee in the direction Yun Fei left, giving the dwarves the most noble courtesy.

"Hey, the dwarves are so cute. If you give them a little favor, they will be grateful to you. But they are many times better than the machine tribe."

Yunfei didn't say anything further to the dwarf clan leader. He was very happy to have a good relationship with the dwarf clan.

Anyway, it is better to do good than to do evil.

And you really can’t underestimate small tribes.

What happened to the small tribes?

Is the Stone Tribe small?

It was even worse than this tribe at the beginning, but they actually have a method to make energy storage beads. Do you accept it?

So don't underestimate the small dwarf tribe.

There are multiple friends and multiple paths. Even if you don’t use them, you won’t suffer anyway, right?

"Hmm? The size of this base looks much larger than the one where I was imprisoned before."

Yunfei has found the base of the Machine Tribe according to the instructions of the dwarf tribe leader.

On the surface, it looks bigger than the one that imprisoned Yunfei.

However, Yunfei also knew that this was just a factory on the surface, and the real base was not here.

So, where?

In front of Yunfei, who has the eye of truth, all hiding methods are useless.

"The mechanical tribe really likes mountains. They always use mountains as cover, and they don't know how to come up with new tricks."

Inside a mountain, Yunfei saw the true base of the mechanical tribe.

This base is indeed much larger than the previous one. From what can be seen with the naked eye, the mechanical clan is quite busy. I just don’t know how many A-level mechanical clan powerful people there will be in this base, and I don’t know if there are S-level mechanical clans. exist.

If there is an S-level, then Yunfei will have to be more careful. If there is only an A-level, it won't be a big problem.

At worst, you can just go back to the magma river after you finish your work. What can you do to me?

But even if you have the confidence, you still need to study carefully how to do things.

If you wrap your whole body with wood attributes, can you deceive the mechanical clan's defensive light shield?

The mechanical race is very careful in what they do. Even if this underground base is very secretive, the defensive light shield is always on.

If the defensive mask can be deceived, then Yunfei can start from the underground, reach under the base, and touch the base.

When the time comes, I guarantee that the mechanical tribe will be happy.

Well, go try it.

Anyway, you won’t get pregnant if you try.

Yunfei carefully sneaked underground from a long distance away. In order to prevent the mechanical tribe from discovering him, he did not advance very fast. It took him half a day to walk dozens of miles.

Because of this caution, of course the Machine Clan failed to discover Yun Fei, but Yun Fei also failed to see the reality of the Machine Clan.

There is a force in this base that blocks the entry of spiritual power. Only by looking at it with the true eye, it is impossible to accurately judge the combat effectiveness of the mechanical race.

However, Yun Fei finally saw what the main function of this base was. It turned out to be a place where steel dragons were produced.

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