Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 313 I also have conditions

Chapter 313 I also have conditions

However, Du Rong is not as perverted as Yun Fei. Destroying an underground base without an A-level powerhouse has already caused Du Rong to be seriously injured.

You can't continue to fight Du Rong. After it is destroyed, you have to return to cultivation.

Although Yun Fei didn't say anything about this battery life, one look was enough to make Du Rong sad.

Damn it, I have made my third brother look down upon me, right?

Sure enough, you have to hit your brother early.

I should have given this bastard a lesson in the light prison. I should have been able to educate him then.

He's fine now. I want to educate him, but I don't have the ability anymore. It's really sad.

After Du Rong returned, he also heard about Yun Fei's performance. After comparing it with his own, Mader didn't say anything.

After finishing the repairs in a hurry, Du Rong set off again.

The anger in his heart can only be released on the mechanical tribe.

Yunfei didn't stop Du Rong. Sometimes it was necessary to relieve stress.

Otherwise, under the halo of brother, the boss will be depressed.

Of course, the main reason is that Yunfei has not yet been able to fully control his increased mental power and still needs time to practice.

Judging from the current situation, it will still take some time.

So, let Du Rong go out and have fun.

After Yunfei brother Erlong made such a fuss.

The mechanical tribe in the nearby underground space really can't stay any longer. They must leave. They must leave.

How much wealth will be lost to avoid being patronized by Yun Fei one by one?

While Yunfei hasn't taken action yet, hurry up and move all the valuable things away. When Yunfei leaves or dies, it won't be too late for us to move them back.

When Yunfei heard the news, he couldn't laugh or cry. Is it that terrible?

"Sister, I need your help. I'm looking for some robots for my brother."

Yunfei looked at Mengqiu with some embarrassment.

If you recognize this old lady, you really recognize her. Mengqiu can know the news that even Pepsi Rat may not know.

Ever since he knew that Yunfei was in this dragon city, Mengqiu would come here every now and then.

"It's really unlucky for the Machine Tribe to offend you, but don't worry about your business. Unless you change places, there are no underground bases nearby for you to plunder."

Mengqiu rolled her eyes at Yunfei, full of charm.

Yunfei secretly said in his heart that my sister is so beautiful.

Then I fell into thinking.

Listen to my sister?

Change place?

Where to go?

How about going to the Magic Dragon Holy City?

It can solve the mechanical clan, and it can also cause trouble for the Blue Dragon Jin family.

It's a pity that before Yunfei could make a decision, the mechanical tribe couldn't calm down.

They actually came to this Dragon City to declare war.

What are the mechanical tribe going to do?

They are really frightened by Yun Fei's trickery. I guess you, little black dragon, are now respectable, so we will directly challenge you and ask you whether you dare to take it or not.

However, it was not until the Machine Tribe challenged him that not only Yunfei laughed, but also other creatures.

Your Machine Tribe will send a guy with Grade A strength from the Imperial Tribe to challenge Yun Fei?

Marder, this is really shameless. Do you know what the little black dragon is now?

He is a mature man who has not even condensed the Dragon Balls. Does he have C-level strength?

As soon as this rumor came out.

The mechanical tribe was embarrassed.

Mad, they forgot about this and only thought about Yunfei's combat effectiveness.

With Yunfei's current ability, he can single-kill the A-level powerful of the mechanical clan. This is the reason why the mechanical clan ignores Yunfei's size.

But after thinking about it this way, it becomes even more terrifying.

The little black dragon has not yet condensed the Dragon Balls, and is only C-level in strength.

This is enough to kill A-level machines.

What about when his strength reaches B level? What about Grade A?

Damn it, are you going to let the mechanical race live?

Therefore, even if it is shameless, the challenge must continue.

"I agreed."

Yunfei just thought about it for a moment and agreed to the challenge of the mechanical clan.

Mengqiu was so frightened that she flew directly in front of Yunfei. If necessary, she would teach her little brother a lesson. Is her brain going crazy?

This clearly shows that the mechanical tribe is trying to trick Yunfei.

"No, you can deal with the A-level mechas of the Machinery Clan because of your special abilities. The one the Machinery Clan is calling now is an A-level mecha from the Imperial Clan, not the Machinery Clan."

Mengqiu wanted to educate his brother on science to prevent his brother from becoming overheated.

Du Rong nodded continuously on the side.

Du Rong behaved honestly wherever Mengqiu was around.

It is said that there was a period of time when he was treated badly by Mengqiu.

Even the Poison Dragon Emperor has nothing to say about this.

Therefore, wherever Mengqiu is present, Du Rong always looks like this. As long as Mengqiu says something, he will nod.

But this nod is not against one's will. The Dream Demon Girl is right. Third brother, please don't be deceived.

"It's okay, sister, I'm sure. Besides, I won't agree to the machine clan for no reason. I also have conditions."

Yunfei acted very confident.

Confidence is contagious. Although she knew it was wrong, Mengqiu still wanted to hear Yunfei's thoughts.

What is Yunfei going to do?

He also figured it out.

If the Mechanical Tribe is really on guard against him, it will be very difficult to kill 200 Mechanical Tribe powerful men within the remaining mission time.

And the current situation is an opportunity.

He can be asked to agree to the request of the Machinery Clan, but the premise is that the Machinery Clan must produce a life-and-death battle between the 200A-level Machinery Clan and Yun Fei, one-on-one, to the death.

What does it mean?

It means that you can ask me to agree to your request, but you have to send 200 A-level robots to kill me first, otherwise I will not agree.

Mengqiu didn't know what to say.

Does my brother really have such a big hatred against the Machine Tribe?

Even now, I still don’t forget to kill the machine race.

But this is not the source of your confidence.

You can indeed kill all 200 mechanical clans, but after killing them, don’t you still have to fight the imperial clan?

"Do you want to regret it?"

Mengqiu thought of this possibility.

She had heard that Yunfei could ignore the Ancestral Dragon Oath, but even so, it wouldn't sound good if it was spread out afterwards, right?

Yunfei shook his head.

Who wants to regret it?

What happened to the A-level Imperial Clan?


When I kill those 200 mechanical clans, my bloodline will reach the fifth level.

Do you understand what the fifth grade is?

The essence and blood condensed from the fifth-grade bloodline will be even more powerful. We don't even say what talents will be awakened by the fifth-grade bloodline. The fact that the essence and blood will be stronger alone gives Yunfei enough confidence.

Now the light of destruction condensed by five drops of blood essence has a power of B+, so the light of destruction condensed by fifth-grade blood essence can definitely reach A level.

Even if it's A-, it's still an A grade.

By then, your Black Dragon brother will be able to continuously use A-level attacks. What happened to the Imperial Clan?

Can it be blocked?

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