Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 344 Suddenly feeling a little cold

Chapter 344 Suddenly I feel a little cold

"You idiots, can't you get some high-quality water? What's the point of getting this ordinary water?"

Uncle Leeteuk looked like he hated iron.

A fish guard is a fish guard, and he doesn't even have enough brains.

How much can it supplement the ground spring by getting some high-grade water?

In fact, Fish Guard also despises Uncle Lee Teuk in his heart.


Why do you think we don't want to?

If you have the ability, do it yourself.

We really want to, but can you tell us where it is?

"Made, what a waste."

Lee Teuk's uncle still yelled.

He is really angry, that is, he can't leave. If he can leave, he will definitely bring a lot of high-level water energy with the water spirit.

But he was afraid that Yun Fei would come out and kill him after he left.

Do you expect these three idiot fish guards to stop Yunfei?

It's simply impossible.

Therefore, I can only sit here by myself.

However, as time went by, Uncle Lee Teuk's temper became more and more irritable.


Not only because of the stupidity of the Three Emperors of Yuwei, but also because there was no movement coming out of the Earth Spring Space.

Whether this thing works or not, you should give me a message.

Could it be that Yunfei was trapped and died inside?

Otherwise, with that little black dragon's urine, he would definitely make a big fuss.

If Yunfei knows Uncle Li Te's thoughts, it can only be said that Uncle Li Te really understands him.

But now Yunfei is also making some noise, but Uncle Li Te can't feel it.

What is Yunfei doing?

He is studying his newly acquired skill: Sealing Heaven.

Feng Tian said it was a water-based skill, but in fact it was an ice-based skill.

The function is to freeze.

"Master, this move is so powerful, you can use it on that big guy outside." Diquan cheered after seeing Fengtian's power.

This is not a compliment, but Jiquan's sincere words.

It is difficult to use fire to extinguish the water spirit. After all, water restrains fire.

But if you use ice to extinguish water, this is easier to do.

Ice can freeze water, and it can also assimilate water into a part of itself.

Therefore, using ice to deal with water spirits can really work wonders.

Yunfei himself knew this, so he practiced harder.

The process of using Sealing Heaven is somewhat different from that of Fentian Opening Heaven.

If Yunfei wants to seal someone, he needs to release the dragon energy in his body in advance, and then use mental control to freeze the enemy.

The dragon energy released by Yun Fei had been given the aura of sealing the sky when it left Yun Fei's body.

Of course, the level of creatures that can be frozen depends on how much dragon energy Yunfei pays and the size of the opponent's body.

Take the water spirit outside as an example. If you really want to completely freeze the water spirit, it will definitely not work if you use one or two Sealed Heavens to use it.

Because my body is too big.

The amount of dragon energy that Yunfei can use at a time is only 86 points. Using this dragon energy can also freeze all the water spirits, but the power of this freezing will plummet, so it is not advisable.

Besides, Yun Fei is not a stingy dragon. If he can't seal him alone, he should seal him a few times.

So, practice your skills here first, don't wait until you go out and it will be embarrassing if you don't understand it.

Originally, Yunfei wanted to stay in the Diquan space for one day and then go out.

But, he only practiced skills for one day, and after practicing, he still had to wait for the dragon energy to recover, which was another day.

When Uncle Li Te was really impatient to wait, Yun Fei finally appeared.

However, Yunfei's appearance is not the result Uncle Li Te wants.

Didn't the underground spring trap the little black dragon to death?

"You are willing to give up. I thought you were going to hide there for the rest of your life."

Uncle Lite sneered when he saw Yunfei.

"It's only been two days, are you so eager to be caught by me? Don't worry, your wish will be fulfilled this time."

Yunfei's previous idea was to beat Li Te's uncle half to death and then capture him, but this was the only way he could capture him.

But now there is no need for such trouble, Fengtian can solve this problem very well.

Uncle Li Te did not take Yunfei's words seriously.

The little black dragon has a tough mouth, and his ability to brag has become even better after two days of absence.

But it doesn't matter, he won't be able to blow it anymore.

Shui Ling moved again.

Moreover, he uses his ultimate move as soon as he takes action.

His two arms became streamers again, and his eyes glowed blue.

Uncle Lee Teuk had figured it out. Instead of not fighting with him, it would be better to take action directly, so that the water spirit could persist longer.

As for the fact that Shui Ling would die if he used his spiritual power again, Uncle Leeteuk could no longer care about it.

Nothing is more important than killing Yunfei now.

"Where are the Three Emperors of the Fish Guard?"

Yunfei didn't see the Three Emperors of Fish Guard nearby and expressed a little curiosity.

Normally, these three guys went to get water from his place, and they should be back in two days.

"You should still care about yourself."

"That's right, but do you think some moves will still be effective if used twice?"

Yunfei was dodging around in the air. Even if Shui Ling's two streamers were erratic, he couldn't catch Yunfei for a while.

"Are you playing hide-and-seek again? But why don't you use fire?"

Uncle Leeteuk was a little curious about this.

He didn't care about delaying time, because the Imperial Clan's reinforcements were on their way. If they weren't afraid of being noticed by the Dragon Clan, the reinforcements should have arrived long ago.

But counting the time, it’s almost here now.

This is the source of Uncle Lee Teuk's confidence. Shui Ling is now just Uncle Lee Teuk's delaying means.

Therefore, not being able to catch Yunfei was exactly what Uncle Li Te wanted.

"No need for fire? That's because it's no longer needed."

Yunfei chose to tell the truth.

However, often when you tell the truth, others will not believe it. They would rather believe the lies.

Uncle Lee Teuk is like this now.

"Can't use it? I'm afraid you know it's useless."

Uncle Leeteuk sneered.


Why do you suddenly feel a little cold?


This was a very novel experience for Uncle Lee Teuk.

Not to mention that the Imperial Clan was originally from the Sea Clan and only played with water. His current physique alone did not allow him to feel the feeling of cold.

But the coldness came so quickly and so obviously.


"Sealing the sky."

Yunfei spoke.

The next moment, Uncle Lee Teuk turned into an ice sculpture.

Fengtian, who has 86 dragon energy, cannot freeze water spirits, but freezing an A-level imperial clan is still a sure thing?

The cold is biting, like needles or knives.

This chill that filled his body all the time made Uncle Lee Teuk's consciousness extremely clear.

Is he frozen?

The water spirit was furious, and its master was frozen, so he had to show something.

Ben was attacking with the blue light condensed in his eyes, but he was not attacking Yunfei, he was trying to break the ice on Uncle Li Te's body.

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