Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 382 Brother, don’t talk nonsense

Chapter 382 Brother, don’t talk nonsense

The father of the Ba family made an invitation.

Yunfei was obviously stunned.

Good guy, I beat your son first, and then offended your daughter, and yet you still invite me to your home.

This seems a bit malicious, right?

But it feels like the father of the Ba family is mentally unstable, and he doesn't seem to have any malicious intent.

Besides, if you have any malicious intentions, wouldn’t it be enough to do it here?

"Okay, okay, sister, come to my house. There are many fun things in my house." Bayao Mei greeted Xiyue happily.

She even wanted to rush to Xiyue's side.

Unfortunately, her feet were still frozen. Yunfei did not withdraw from Fengtian just now because he was afraid of disturbing Ba Yaomei's breakthrough.

Feeling that her movements were restricted, Ba Yaomei looked at Yunfei with a pitiful expression.

Well, what normal man can bear this pitiful little look?

Besides, your father is here, how dare I do anything to you?

Yun Fei quietly dissipated his dragon energy.

The ice on Bayao Mei's feet disappeared in an instant.

Father Ba's eyes narrowed.

The way this hand controls power is really clever.

And he didn't feel it no matter how controlled it was.

Bayao Mei didn't care so much. She had already rushed to Xiyue's side, holding Xiyue's arm and shaking it.

Xiyue looked at Bayao Mei, who was already as tall as her earlobes, and then at Yunfei.

No matter what the decision is, it's not her who has the final say.

Yunfei could feel that Xiyue wanted to hang out, and wasn't there a saying that it's better to dissolve enemies than to make them end?

If you can avoid making enemies and make friends, why not?

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Yunfei clasped his fists at the Ba family's father.

"Okay, then let me lead you two there, and I'll go back and get ready first."

The father of the Ba family left with a smile on his face.

Ba Zhengjing was left in a very confused state.

He now wants his father to explain to him.

What is going on?

Wasn't his original intention to find his father to make the decision for his little sister?

Why doesn't it seem like this is the case now?

"Still stunned? Can you leave?"

After Yunfei agreed, Ba Yaomei took Xiyue and chatted non-stop. Yunfei couldn't bother him, so he had to talk to Shangba.

Ba Zhengzheng was very panicked. He had just been repaired by Yunfei yesterday, and the shadow in his heart had not disappeared.

Now as soon as Yunfei approached him, he instinctively wanted to make a defensive posture, and instinctively put his hands on his chest.

"Uh, let's go. Why don't you go? Just go."

Ba Zhengzheng lowered his guarded hands, Madhu, it seemed that being guarded was of no use, and the other party didn't want to beat him, he was going to his own home as a guest, okay, go ahead.

Wait until you get to my house and see what I do to you.

Ba Zhengzheng suddenly became beautiful.

let's go.

With Ba leading the way seriously, several people left the tavern. The two men walked quietly in front, but behind them was a different scene.

Bayao Mei's chatter never stopped.

And every bite a sister calls is sweet.

However, she is not really stupid. When chatting with Xiyue, she did not forget to inquire about the identities of Yunfei and Xiyue.

Fortunately, Xiyue has been influenced by last night's story, and she doesn't know what to say when asked.

If we want to talk about other things, we can talk about anything else, but if you want to ask about our origins, I’m sorry, so I’ll just smile and say nothing.

Yunfei gave Xiyue a thumbs up in his heart.

Yueyue is really good, she learns so quickly.

"Brother, I'm sorry, does the bite hurt you? Look at this clothes, it's all torn by my bites. There happens to be a clothing store in front of you, let's go and choose some clothes."

While chatting, Ba Yaomei suddenly stepped forward and took Yunfei's arm.

Looking at Ba Yaomei's cute expression that looked like she was about to cry, what could Yunfei say?

And the clothes are indeed stained with blood, so it’s not good to wear them like this.

Of course, you can let Diquan repair your clothes. Originally, this outfit was also conjured by Diquan.

However, it is better not to expose this special substance to outsiders.

"Okay, if you pay, it will be considered as your apology to me."

Yunfei deliberately opened his mouth to stimulate Ba Yaomei.

Are you thinking that this girl's character is not enough?

Although the contact time was short, Yunfei had already roughly understood Ba Yaomei's temper.

But what Yunfei didn't expect was that Ba Yaomei had no intention of breaking out. Instead, she kept nodding her head, as if she was getting an advantage.

Yunfei was stunned for a moment by this wave of operations.

As Ba Yaomei's brother, Ba Zhengzheng was also stunned.

Ever since you were a child, when have you ever seen your sister look like this?

Are you willing to buy clothes for this kid?

Damn it, Ba Zhengzheng’s heart hurts a little, and he really wants to take a Jiuxin Pill.

Where can I explain this?

Wasn't the original plan to kidnap Yun Fei's woman?

Now it seems that not only did he fail to succeed, but he also hooked up his old sister?

Although Ba Zhengjing always avoids this sister, deep down deep down, he is also a girl-controller, right?

"I also want."

Ba Zhengzheng felt that he needed to show his status.

The girl must know who her real brother is.

"Would you like to buy it yourself?"

The reality is very cruel to Ba Zhengjing, and Ba Yaomei doesn't treat him in a whisper.

Tomoe was about to cry.

What more can be said?

Follow the quilt, buy it yourself, Ba Ye is rich.

The ready-to-wear stores that attract Bayomei's attention are naturally very high-end. There are the red loose casual clothes that Yunfei is wearing now, and there are also the stylish clothes that Bayomei is wearing.

Anyway, someone paid, but Yunfei was not polite at all, and came with three sets to wear.

Xiyue also chose two sets of purple clothes.

When the store asked if he wanted to mark the clothes, Yunfei refused.

They don't belong to any family force, what kind of mark do they want?

If you don't show off anything this way, you will be more mysterious. Only when you are mysterious will others dare not provoke you.

Take the Ba family for example.

If people knew that we were from the Ancient Continent, I would probably have been captured long ago, right?

The store owner didn't say much about this. The customer is God, not to mention that this was brought by the Ba family brothers and sisters, so their status must be extraordinary.

This can also be seen from the person's appearance and temperament. At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

After making the selection, Yunfei changed into a white uniform, which looked a bit more handsome than the blue uniform.

"Sister, you don't really like this guy, do you?" While Xiyue was getting dressed, Ba Zhengzheng approached his sister.

Bayamei was admiring Yunfei's handsome figure when she suddenly heard her eldest brother say this. She immediately blushed.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense."

Holy shit, am I talking nonsense?

I don’t want to talk nonsense, but why are you blushing?

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