Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 407 The place is quite secretive

Chapter 407 The place is quite secretive

Is Yunfei’s strategy effective?

Of course it works.

Moreover, Yunfei saw very funny scenes and had a hard time holding back his laughter.

There are a lot of people coming in and out of Pepsi Rat every day.

Some people ran out without buying anything but looked happy, and some people clearly bought something but acted bitter and resentful.

Well, the acting and other things are just average.

When Yunfei paid attention to Pepsi Rat's situation, he himself was also the target of others' attention.

What kind of ability is this to force the Huo family away without saying a word?

Others inquired about the situation like Huo's family members.

But how can people tell the truth?

People in Tianguang Kingdom care about Yunfei very much.

Because they have been fighting against the Huo family for many years, they know very well what the Huo family is capable of, and it is simply outrageous that the Huo family chose to give in when facing Yun Fei.

Who is this person?

He is respectfully called Mr. Yun by people from the Huo family's vassal countries, but he is definitely not from the Huo family.

Could it be a strong man from outside the thirty-six countries in the Western Frontier?

Why are there only thirty-six countries in the Western Frontier?

Because the place is so big, the entire Western Frontier is separated by a huge mountain range, as if the Western Frontier is a scrap thrown out by the Xiantian Continent.

If you want to leave the Western Frontier, you have to climb over the mountain range, which is time-consuming and not something you can just talk about. The mountain range is the territory of monsters. Not only does it cover a vast area, but the monsters are also very powerful.

Ordinary people cannot climb over it at all.

"Zuo Qing, pay attention."

Suddenly, Yunfei reminded Zuo Qing.

Zuo Qing, who was already engrossed, immediately became more serious, staring carefully at the door of the Pepsi Rat office below.

What did Yunfei see?

He saw the big deal, the huge sum of 50 million that Zuo Qing said.

Who paid for it?

Yunfei said he didn't know him.

But it’s good to know Zuo Qing.

"Come out, who are they?"

Zuo Qing quickly looked intently.

"They are from Tianguang Kingdom."

"Ouyou? Tianguang Kingdom has great ideas. Let's go."

Yunfei stood up to leave.

You've already found out the news, why don't you leave? Do you really want to stay for tea?


There are also people from the Tianguang Kingdom in this tavern. Although they also know that their own people want to buy information about the evil dragon, they still need to show off.

They also saw their own people coming out of Pepsi Rat. Well, it looked like the performance was pretty good, but wasn't there something wrong?

Why did this mysterious Mr. Yun also get up after they came out?

Mad, I'm a little panicked.

Okay, everyone has withdrawn, so we will withdraw too, and we must pretend that we have noticed something.

No, we can't do this. We have to follow Mr. Yun and divert other people's realizations.

The people of Tianguang Kingdom praised themselves for their wit.

This time, most of the tavern was immediately cleared.

A group of people were chatting and laughing, as if they were old friends for many years, and they all followed Yun Fei.

There is no way to know for sure who bought the evil dragon, but it would be a great achievement to find out what kind of god Mr. Yun is.

Even the subordinates of the Huo family have this idea.

You must know that the subordinate countries of the Huo family are not monolithic, right?

The situation in most countries is similar to that in Li Kingdom. The Huo family either supports the leader of the country or other families in the country.

Anyway, I just don’t want your country to be quiet and have all kinds of fun.

Therefore, even if they are all subordinates of the Huo family, these countries are at odds with each other, and the same is true within the country.

What the Huo family wants is chaos. If there is chaos, they can go around and make peace. If they want to make peace, they have to get benefits. Otherwise, how can they harvest the resources of the Western Frontier?

"Sir, there are many tails behind you."

Zuo Qing reminded Yunfei.

"If they like it, let them follow."

Yun Fei doesn't mind the tail behind him at all, just follow him if he likes it. Yun Fei didn't build this road.

Well, the young master didn’t have any objections, so Zuo Qing didn’t say anything.

After Yunfei determined the residence of those who bought the information from Tianguang Kingdom, Yunfei also withdrew.

This place is not far from where he lives. Just use your mental power to monitor them. There is no need to follow them closely.

If you really want to follow closely, how can someone have the nerve to leave and snatch the dragon?

"Master Yun is not teasing us, is he?"

"I guess he raised that evil dragon?"

"Oh my god, it's really possible. He is most likely the seller."

"Then are we still following?"

"Follow me and leave."

A bunch of subordinates belonging to the Huo family escaped.

The Huo family explicitly prohibited them from attacking Yunfei. Even if they did follow him to the place where dragons were bred, they could only watch.

So, why are you still being hated here?

Besides, I heard that Mr. Yun has a bad temper. If we really piss him off, what should we do if he kills us?

The people from Tianguang Kingdom also left after the subordinates of the Huo family left.

They already knew the specific location where the evil dragon was being bred. They followed Yunfei just to divert their attention. Since they had succeeded, they naturally had to hurry up and catch the evil dragon.

This news is so expensive, it must be paid back.

What if I go too late and the dragon is moved away?

After this wave of people from Tianguang Kingdom left and reunited with the people who had bought the information before, they quietly left Haocheng.

"Zuo Qing, let's go."


Zuo Qing didn't ask any more useless questions. Just follow where Yunfei said he was going.

This time Yunfei did not follow so closely, but hung far behind the people from Tianguang Kingdom.

Looking at this combat configuration, it is really very powerful. There are three saint-level warriors.

No wonder it is a being that can fight against the Huo family, it is powerful.

But what happened to the Saint level?

The range of spiritual power perception of the Saint level is not as strong as that of Yun Fei.

"Sir, what are we doing here?"

Zuo Qing followed Yunfei's instructions all the way, but he didn't know the destination of his trip. He was about to leave Honghao Country.

"Just fly."

Yunfei was too lazy to explain so much, and couldn't tell Zuo Qing the range of what he could really perceive.

After half a day, Zuo Qing stopped under Yunfei's instructions.

"The place is quite secretive. Let's go and have a look. Is this an illusion?"

Yunfei looked at an opening in the cliff ahead.

This is just a cliff on an ordinary cliff. No matter whether you look at it from a distance or up close, you can't see anything different here.

But according to Yunfei's perception, those people from Tianguang Kingdom just disappeared after hitting the cliff.

It's amazing that Yunfei possesses spatial attributes, but he can't sense any spatial fluctuations from this cliff.

That it took so long means that it has nothing to do with space.

"Master, please step back and let me come."

When Zuo Qing saw Yunfei was about to hit the cliff with his body, he immediately stopped Yunfei.

"Okay, come on."

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