Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 433 You are a witch

Chapter 433 You are a witch

"Haven't you recognized it yet? I'm Yun Fei."


Made, it’s Yunfei.

The driver figured it out instantly.

It turns out to be Yun Fei, so that’s right.

The clan has already announced that Yun Fei will be the Huo family's greatest enemy.

If Yunfei can be dealt with, the Huo family will take a big step forward.

If not, then the Huo family is Yunfei's stepping stone, the stepping stone that Yueshen Pavilion puts in front of Yunfei.

"It turns out it's you, I should have thought of it earlier!"

Okay, there's nothing more to say.

All the Huo family members were silent.

"I have satisfied your curiosity, should you satisfy me too?"

The Huo family didn't say anything. What did they say?

Bare your heart to one of your enemies?

Stop making trouble, even if you kill us, we won't say anything.

"Tell me, does your family still have evil dragons somewhere else?"

The Huo family ignored Yunfei's questions.

Let's see if you can speak to us.

At this time, Tianyue, who had not appeared in the speeding car, walked out.

"Brother Yun, just ask what you want to ask."

Yunfei looked at Tianyue with doubtful eyes, expressing his confusion.

It's a pity that Tianyue didn't give Yunfei an accurate answer. He just pointed at the Huo family and motioned for Yunfei to continue.

What can Yunfei say, just keep going.

But no matter how Yunfei continued to ask, he just didn't speak. A dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. What can you do?

Just when Yunfei was about to use poison, Tianyue stopped Yunfei.

"Brother Yun, I already know everything you want to know."

Tianyue's words were astonishing.

But that innocent, romantic and extremely pure look in her eyes didn't seem like she was lying.


Yunfei didn't quite understand how he should answer the call, so he asked directly?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if someone didn't say anything?

"There are indeed evil dragons in their group, and they are also fire dragons. The exact number is not clear, but the hiding place is near here."


Yunfei said that he only listened to these words and could not take them seriously.

He probably came here to deceive the Huo family.

But Yunfei didn't take it seriously, but the Huo family took it seriously.

Their eyes widened at this moment. It would be fine if someone said one thing blindly, but in the current situation, they said three things right.

There is an evil dragon, a fire dragon, nearby.

Yes, all three are correct.

"Tianyue has the ability of telepathy. Even if they don't say it, Tianyue can roughly perceive it. The subconscious is something they cannot deliberately control."

Tianyue was a little shy, but there were two words clearly written on her face, "please praise me", uh, three words.

What can Yunfei say?

I can only stretch out my hands and keep tapping.


Yunfei's mental power is strong, but he can only sense whether someone is lying.

Tianyue is much more fierce. Even if you don't tell others, they will know what you are thinking.

Ouch, what the fuck?

This isn't right.

Tianyue can know what these people think, but what about his own?

Watching Yun Fei's eyes gradually change, Tian Yue immediately explained.

"Brother Yun, Tianyue's abilities will not be used on friends."

Yunfei's response to this statement was a big eye roll.

I believe you, how do you know what I'm thinking now if you haven't used it on me?

Tianyue spit out her sweet tongue at Yunfei.

She was indeed using her own ability to sense Yun Fei's inner activities.

"Monster, you are a witch."

"The Lord Tianguang has given birth to a good daughter, but don't try to succeed. Sooner or later, you will die at the hands of our Huo family."

"What a good couple."

Several members of the Huo family were no longer tense.

Damn it, everyone knows what I'm thinking, so why are we so nervous?

While you can still open your mouth to curse, do it first.

"Tell me, where is the hiding place nearby?"

Bang bang!

Yunfei doesn't mind if the other party scolds him, it's just as shameless as we are.

Besides, we already want someone’s life, why don’t we just let them scold us?

But Heng Yongshou is not happy anymore. Is my master someone you can scold?

The palms made of stone kept slapping the faces of the Huo family members.

Stones and debris are about to fall on Tianyue.

When Yunfei saw this, he stopped asking and quickly stood in front of Tianyue.

As a big man like us, we are thick-skinned, so it doesn't matter if we get hit by rocks as many times as we want, but we can't let Tianyue get hit.

What should I do if my face gets dirty?

Tianyue was a little touched. She could sense that this was Yunfei's subconscious behavior.

But it’s this kind of subconscious behavior that touches people even more, isn’t it?

In fact, Tianyue really wouldn't use her abilities on people she knew well, but she couldn't help but wanted to know Yunfei's inner thoughts.

"Okay, okay, don't beat me to death, I still have something to ask."

Yunfei opened his mouth to stop him.

He felt that if he didn't speak, Heng Yongshou would probably beat these people to death in this way.

"Yes, sir!"

The young master had already spoken, so Heng Yongshou naturally stopped.

"Come on, kill me, Heng Yongshou, you little grandson, I recognize you. You were once a dog-like thing, but now it's climbed a high branch? Bah, Panima, you're still a dog!"

The Huo family yelled.


They have secrets in their hearts, secrets they don't want others to know.

This Tianyue is really terrible.

"There is something you don't want me to know, what is it?" Tianyue suddenly asked curiously.

This crisp little voice instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The Huo family tried hard to control themselves not to think about those secrets.

But the more you deliberately control this thing, the more you will think about it.

Tianyue acted very relaxed at first, but soon she frowned.

And the frown became deeper and deeper.

"Brother Yun, the Huo family has made a plan against you. They are preparing to arrange people to surround you and kill you."

This was one of the reasons why Tianyue frowned.

"Surround me?"

Yunfei smiled.

Yes, just laugh.

Is encirclement and killing useful?

What a joke, Yunfei is planning to come to the door and block it.

Yunfei likes the art of blocking doors the most.

It's okay now. They still want to besiege them, so they don't want to find them one by one.

"dare you laugh?"

Tianyue is not too happy. He has already said that he will surround and kill you. Why are you still laughing?

And there are even more troublesome things.

The Huo family in charge of the thirty-six countries in the Western Frontier are already preparing to ask for help from the Huo family outside the Western Frontier.

The people who come by then will definitely be extremely powerful.

Western Frontier is a small place compared to the entire continent.

"How prepared are they? How many people are prepared?"

Yunfei took a look at his own attributes. He killed 15 Huo family members today and got 15 attribute points. Now he begs the Huo family not to prepare too many people, otherwise he will kill more people.

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