Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 453 Lucky Girl Doll

Chapter 453 Lucky Girl Doll

Shall I wipe it?

Where are people?

The man holding someone else's wife suddenly became confused, and his dishonest hands stopped.

This feeling of looking and touching at the same time is so refreshing. What the hell is wrong with you, Mad, when you suddenly disappeared?

Who can explain this matter?

Turn around and look.

Shall I wipe it?

Whose hand is this?

What are you doing on my wife?

Oops, you stopped too?

Are there any people who share the same path?

Okay, now I won’t ask you if you feel comfortable touching it, I’ll just ask you where the person in the middle of the pond has gone.

If only you could tell me that's all.

If you want to tell me that you don't know, then let's settle the old and new accounts together.

Don't you know that this guy has the same idea as him?

Just when the two looked at each other, the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger.

Suddenly someone exclaimed.

"Where is the person? Why did he disappear?"

"Where are the people?"

The central area of ​​​​Leichi is not very big. To put it bluntly, it cannot accommodate a large living person.

But what about Yunfei?

Why did it suddenly disappear? Can anyone come forward and give an explanation?

It's a pity that no one can give an explanation. Even Lei Xiong is confused.

Yun Fei disappeared, so the figure near the center of the thunder pool naturally became the focus of everyone's attention.

Oh my god, is this?

The thin figure could be seen flashing with electric light all over her body, and the hood on her head had fallen off at some point, revealing her face.

To be honest, this girl really has no choice in appearance. She has fair skin. Even with her eyes closed, you can see that she has big eyes, long eyelashes, a beautiful nose and a small mouth. With this appearance, she is no different from Tianyue.

The only pity is that there is a scar on the left side of her face, shaped like a lightning bolt, which ruins the overall beauty.

Maybe that's why she keeps her hood on.

But even if she has such a scar on her face, she is still a beauty, top-notch. Having such a scar adds a different kind of beauty.

But who is this person?

In a group of people, you look at me and I look at you, but you don’t recognize anyone.

No one could pronounce her name.

"What's her name? Whose child is she?"

Lei Xiong didn't know him either, so he probably was one of the fifty winners on the last day.

Because he was too busy that day, Lei Xiong was still busy serving Yunfei and the others, so he didn't notice.

"My lord, this girl's name is Lei Yi. She has no parents."

The person who replied was the chief referee of the Thunder Pool Competition, and he knew each player best.

But even the most knowledgeable people only know this.

"Lei Yi? No parents?"

Lei Xiong frowned.

This is too simple.

Instinctively, Lei Xiong felt that there was something fishy here.

Could it be that this Lei Yi is also an outsider?

No, that's impossible.

Except for the Lei Chi Kingdom, no one from other places practices the thunder method.

Well, she must be from Leichi Country.

This is easy to handle.

This is a genius.

Lei Xiong was very happy.

Although Lei Yi has no parents or relatives, as long as Lei Yi was born in Leichi Country, she must have a sense of belonging to Leichi Country.

As long as he is moved with emotion and enlightened by reason, I believe that Lei Yi will definitely stay in Leichi Country and serve the country.

To be able to advance to where Lei Yi is now is indeed a very, very rare genius, one that has not been produced for hundreds of years.

If nothing else happens, Lei Yi will eventually grow into a powerful man and become the next leader of the Leichi Kingdom.

Suddenly, Lei Yi, who was practicing, opened his eyes.

Because Yun Fei disappeared, Yun Fei's blood also disappeared.

Without the support of blood energy, Lei Yi could not continue to practice. With her own ability, there was no way to survive in this place.

But she gained enough.

This was a gain that she could not even imagine.


Where's the hat?

After waking up, Lei Yi instinctively lowered his head slightly, but there was nothing on his head.

This discovery shocked Lei Yi and he quickly put the hood on his head.

When Lei Yi quickly retreated to the edge of the thunder pool, the other heroes instinctively retreated and distanced themselves from Lei Yi.

It's not because Lei Yi is a woman, but because Lei Yi's strength is no longer comparable to theirs.

"Lucky girl doll."

Meng Fei opened his mouth in amusement.

He really couldn't help but said it, with deep envy in his tone.

Madhu, is this a change of blood?

That's sinful blood, Oudi Niang.

Meng Fei wants this opportunity, okay?

It seems that this is no longer as simple as helping to improve physical fitness.

It is estimated that even the blood created by the female doll in the future will have a trace of the characteristics of sinful blood.


Mengchi said it was true, but in fact he was thinking more directly. Did he want to capture this female doll and bleed it?

Of course, Meng Chi is very righteous, not for himself, but for the sake of not exposing his sins and blood, you know?

Well, no matter whether others believe this rhetoric or not, Mengchi believes it himself.

Lei Yi had no idea that someone was already thinking about him.

Lei Yi didn't know how much his body had changed just now, but now Lei Yi knows.

What happened to that man's blood?

Why is it so powerful?

The acupuncture points in Lei Yi's body were expanded twice by the blood energy. Not one or two acupoints were enlarged, but all the acupoints in the whole body were enlarged.

And she can feel that her body is more powerful, and it can be said that all attributes have been greatly improved.

Moreover, the thunder element in his body is more active and easier to control than before.

She thought she had no hope of revenge in this life, but now it seems that she already has the capital to take revenge.

Lei Yiben's dull eyes became brighter at this moment.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you seize the opportunity to practice?"

Lei Xiong couldn't help shouting loudly outside the Lei Pond.

Those fools are also sincerely obedient. When someone tells you to go aside, you go to the other side.

Just go and go, now everyone has disappeared, you are still there in a daze, your brains are showing off, right?

Hearing Lei Xiong's cry, a group of people suddenly realized.

Yes, Madhu, we are here to practice, not to watch the fun.

Although it's great to watch the excitement at such a close distance, once the excitement is over, it's time to get down to business.

A group of people devoted themselves to intense training.

Lei Yi did not continue to practice. She had already harvested enough things in the thunder pool, and she could not gain anything by continuing to practice.

Then, here comes the crux of the problem.

What about that man?

Where have you been?

That was the man who gave her hope, so she had to thank him in person.

But Lei Yi searched the entire Lei Pond and could not see Yun Fei's figure.

Isn't he dead?

Lei Yi's face darkened instantly.

Yes, he absorbed so much blood, is he really dead?

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