Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 475: Grasp the iron rod with bare hands?

Chapter 475: Grasp the iron rod with bare hands?


Because Huo Yan had already entered Yun Fei's trap, the only way left was to be beaten to death.

Unless Huo Yan could break through the ice quickly, it was obvious that Huo Yan couldn't do it.

Since he couldn't leave quickly, what awaited Huo Yan could only be torture.

Those who competed with Yunfei for the amount of energy in their bodies have all fallen asleep underground.

Well, to put it simply, they are all dead.

Yes, that's how vulgar it is.

If there are no accidents, this Huo Yan will follow in the footsteps of those people and go to another world.

"You really want to stop us?"

A very surprising thing is happening in a battle space in Tianguang City.

The three sages of Tianguang Kingdom are all in this space at the moment.

What they faced were four sages of the Huo family.

"We've already stopped them. It's useless to talk about it anymore. We are all smart people. Let's talk about whether we should fight or make peace." The leader of Tianguang Kingdom has been waiting for this day to come.

Facing the Huo family, he could finally be completely tough.

This special fighting space was specially prepared by the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom for the Huo family.

This battle space is connected to Tianguang City.

In this space, the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom can use the energy in Tianguang City to amplify himself.

Although it cannot increase the strength too much, it can greatly improve the endurance of the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom.

"You all took refuge in Yunfei?"

The Venerable Huo Family's face looked ugly.

Why the hell did this happen?

According to the original plan, they should be the ones to sneak attack Tianguang City.

But now it seems that the scripts were taken by mistake and interchanged with each other.

The people being attacked become who they are.

"Master Yun understands justice well and is an honored guest of our Tianguang Kingdom."

This statement is very straightforward, and I will tell you clearly that we have defected to Yunfei, so what?

The faces of the Huo family's venerables became even uglier.

What to do?

Are you really going to have a tough time with these three guys here?

It should be possible to get through it, but there is really no need to fight.

Even if we kill all three of them, what's the use here?

Is this all the power Yunfei has?

It seems impossible.

The existence of the Behemoth beast was like a stick in the throat, and the whereabouts of the Behemoth were uncertain. The remaining four members of the Huo family did not dare to fight here.

"Do you really have that much confidence in Yunfei?"

Tianguang Kingdom's attitude is already obvious.

Just don't let people from the Huo family go out to cause trouble.

Who is causing trouble?

Of course it belongs to Yunfei.

"You don't have to worry about this anymore."

The Lord of Tianguang Kingdom will not tell these Huo people the truth.

If you tell them that your young master will definitely die, isn't that forcing them to fight to the death?

It would be best if everyone could coexist peacefully.

No one is happy with being beaten to death.

"Okay, it's time for our young master to show how powerful he is."

Although the venerable Huo family looked down upon Huo Yan's character, he was very confident in Huo Yan's strength.

After all, his father is a reincarnation-level boss.

After being trained by such a big boss all year round, how can his strength still be weak?

The two groups of very confident people just looked at each other and sat in the mid-air of this space.

Others don't know the situation outside, but the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom knows the fighting situation outside the city.

Seeing that Yun Fei was so powerful, the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom was relieved.

If Huo Yan had no other trump cards, then Huo Yan would be doomed to be unable to turn around.

Not to mention that Yunfei is constantly harassing Huo Yan with Kaitian, even if Yunfei only uses Fengtian, he will be able to freeze Huoyan into a lump of ice sooner or later.

The big guys in Tianguang City sat looking at each other, waiting for the outcome of the battle outside the city.

Gradually, Huo Yan realized that there was insufficient energy in his body, so he immediately swallowed a spiritual fruit.

In this case, using Xiantian coins to restore one's own energy is not as fast as swallowing spiritual fruits.

When Yunfei saw Huo Yan swallowing the spirit fruit, he expressed his anger.

What this old boy is eating is his Yunfei's food.

You just ate it without saying hello?

My uncle can tolerate it, but my aunt can't. My aunt can tolerate it, but Yunfei can't tolerate it either.


Do you still dare to eat?

Huo Yan swallowed two spiritual fruits in succession, both of which were emperor-level.

There is no emperor-level spiritual fruit even Huo Yan.


haha okay.

Did you see that I swallowed the spiritual fruit and felt that there was not much energy left in my body?

Just kidding, even if there is not much energy left in the body, it is still enough to deal with you. Come on, come on, get closer.

Huo Yan was roaring in his heart, but Huo Yan didn't show it on the surface.

Closer, closer.

Yunfei entered the ice, and the ice in front of him was melting rapidly, and he took the initiative to make way for Yunfei.

Well, now.

Huo Yan's long stick exploded red, and the stick itself seemed to have turned into flowing flames, and all the ice blocking the stick retreated.

Well, it's the kind that's melted and can't be retreated even if you think about it.

"Go straight to Huanglong and ask if you are afraid."

Huo Yan was very excited.

In his opinion, if he stabbed him with this stick, Yunfei would definitely be stabbed to the core.

How could Huo Yan not be excited when he thought about the benefits he could get from killing Yun Fei?

Yunfei, who was already inside the ice, was not afraid at all.

He happened to want to use the Heaven-Destroying Spear in his hand to test the weight of the stick in Huo Yan's hand.

"Bang." The sticks and spears collided.

In terms of strength, the two people can be said to be equally matched. Well, they seem to be equally matched in terms of energy.

The Heaven-Destroying Spear hit the main body of the stick but failed to do anything to the stick.

This ending was expected for Yunfei. After all, the Heaven-Destroying Spear was just something condensed from dragon energy.

That person really has a real body.

However, Huo Yan couldn't accept such a result.

This was a blow that he was confident about, not only containing his own energy, but also the energy of two emperor-level spiritual fruits.

Was he blocked so easily?

Huo Yan expressed dissatisfaction.

The next moment, under Huo Yan's gaze, the Heaven-Destroying Spear began to shatter layer by layer.

Although it doesn't break from the tip but from the end, it's fine as long as it's breaking.

Damn, I was so scared just now that I thought I couldn't stand up to you.

Huo Yan looked at Yunfei with provocative eyes, as if he were looking at a dead person.

If he had time, he would really like to say something sarcastic about Yun Fei.

You bastard, you dare to overestimate your capabilities and fight against yourself. You are really looking for death.

Unfortunately, the Heaven-Slaying Spear shattered too quickly.

It was so fast that Huo Yan didn't have time to speak.

But is the reality really what Flame expected?

Huo Yan only saw the Heaven-Destroying Spear breaking, but did not see that it was broken because Yunfei's arm advanced inside the Heaven-Destroying Spear.

What is Yunfei going to do?

Grasp the iron bar with your bare hands?

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