Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 491 Broken the door

Chapter 491 Broken the door

Shall I wipe it?

The reincarnation-level powerhouse never expected that he would get such a big response after shouting just one sentence.

Before Yunfei could say anything, the citizens of Leichi Country were not happy, and all kinds of classic country curses were uttered.

Although they couldn't see who was shouting so loudly, it didn't stop them from cursing. On the contrary, it was more enjoyable if they couldn't see the person yelling.

What kind of perception does a reincarnation-level powerhouse have?

Although I didn't listen carefully to how those people scolded me, I could probably tell what they meant.

Madhu, a powerful reincarnation level man was insulted by these ants?

Stop making such a fuss.

You little lesbians, I’ll kill you.

The reincarnation level expert took action.

This behavior is normal in the eyes of peers.

Facing the strong, one must have a heart of awe.

For people like the citizens of Leichi Country, death would be the end of it.

But they forgot that this was not on the Xiantian Continent, this was the Western Frontier.

Leichi Country was even more sheltered by Yun Fei. Before this guy could take action, the frosting moved.

"If you dare to move, I will kill you even if I fight to the death."

Faced with so many reincarnation-level strong men from the other side, Frosting is not timid at all.

Behemoth doesn't know what cowardice is, so it's over.


"Tell me your reason for coming."

Yunfei lowered his head and picked at his fingernails, not looking at the group of people opposite him.

Yunfei gave himself a perfect score for this fake show.

On the other hand, those people on the other side felt uncomfortable.

"Master Yun, are you asking this question knowingly?"

Fengjia jumped out first.

As for Fengjia Duojing, we will be the first to jump out. Regardless of whether it is for enmity or friendship, when the time comes, Yunfei will choose his own first, right?

"So, you are also coming to kill me and steal my woman?"

"Ahem, you can't say that. We just admire the goddess and want an opportunity to pursue her."

What Feng Jia said sounded very nice.

Unfortunately, the 'teammates' behind him had already begun to roll their eyes.

Damn it, that's not what you said before. You're an old boy who described the goddess as a bus, right?

"Oh, very good, hypocritical enough, I like it."

Yunfei gave Fengjia a thumbs up. He was shameless and acted like a normal person, which is what most people possess.

Damn it?

Feng Jia cursed in his heart.

Are you really complimenting me?

Okay, no matter what you mean, I understand it as you complimenting me.

"Then, can we start?"

Fengjia decided to strike while the iron was hot and confirm it quickly.

The people behind Feng Jia can't sit still. Are you so shameless?

We haven’t made it clear about the rules yet, so we have to be given a chance to perform no matter what.

In this way, they will be convinced after Yunfei finally makes his choice.

If you are eliminated without even being given a chance to act, who can be convinced?

However, just when Fengjia's teammates were preparing to refute, Yunfei first put forward a different opinion.

"Don't be anxious. I know you all want to challenge me, but everything has a first come, first served basis. You all ran here together, which makes it difficult for me to make a choice."

Yunfei looked very embarrassed.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Feng Jia realized that something might be wrong, but he couldn't just go ahead and do it, right? I can only frown and ask for follow-up.

"You can get endless benefits by killing me, but if I kill you, I won't get anything. Oh, I can get your corpse, but besides feeding it to pets, can your corpse be used for anything else? ?”

"So, you need to come up with something to win. Whoever gets something that satisfies me will be the one I fight first. What do you think?"

Yunfei didn't know what was going on with the system.

These two things, Huo Yan Huochang, both triggered tasks when they came to Yunfei, but now that so many people are coming together, there is no movement in the system at all.

But it doesn’t matter, the system won’t reward us, so we can just generate income on our own.

Yunfei thought that these people would definitely agree to his proposal.

"What does Mr. Yun want? I, Fengjia, will do my best to find it for you."

Feng Jia asked in a bachelor manner. He had already decided that no matter what Yun Fei wanted, he would give it.

Anyway, the things he took out after killing Yun Fei were still his own, so there was nothing he couldn't take.

Even if it means taking out Fengjia's clan treasure, he won't hesitate.

It's a pity that Yunfei doesn't want any family treasure at all. What he wants is a special substance.

"Do you have any special substances? Wind-type ones are best."

Yunfei saw that Feng Jia was a wind attribute practitioner. It would be best if he could come up with special wind attribute substances.

"Special substance? Don't tell me, it really does exist."

Fengjia's eyes lit up.

Ma De, have you already calculated it well and already know what good things I have in my hands?

But it doesn’t matter, if you need it, I will take it out.

"Look, this is a wind spirit. It is considered to be one of the better among special wind-type substances, okay?"


Okay, it doesn’t matter if it’s a special substance.

However, just when Yunfei was about to say yes, someone behind Fengjia spoke.

"Wait a minute, isn't it a special substance with the wind attribute? I have it too. This is Jiutian Gangfeng, the most powerful special substance with the wind attribute."

"What the hell, Lan Biao, are you trying to steal my business?" Feng Jia was unhappy. Our business was almost settled, so why did you suddenly interfere?

"Haha, not only do you have Lan Bing, I also have things like Jiutian Gangfeng, and I also have others. Mr. Yun, why don't you come and pick them out?"

At this moment, all six guys who came to challenge Yunfei were excited.

This was an eye-opener for Yunfei.

Mud, is the special substance that I have worked so hard to obtain just like cabbage among these people?

Can you take out so much casually?

In fact, Yun Fei has a high regard for these young masters. What they can come up with is all produced by the reincarnation level behind them.

This is the wealth of those at the reincarnation level. Now if they give it to their son, it is just a loan. As long as their son can win, they will get better and more rewards.

"Made, you are a bunch of shameless people, and I am one of them. I am different."

Feng Jia was not willing to let the meat fly out of his mouth, so he pressed two special substances as soon as he opened his mouth.


Is this okay?

Feng Jia's words opened a new door for Yunfei.

Moreover, the door opened a little too hard, and Yunfei didn't even need to push it himself. The people who were fighting to get in broke the door by themselves.

"You came out with two? It's like I don't have any. I'll come out with two too, and they're still better than yours." Lan Bie said not to be outdone.

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