Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 506 If you can, come and catch me.

Chapter 506 If you can, come and catch me.


Yunfei said that he would not care about you ignorant humans.

His body hurts so much now, and he just wants to lie in bed and rest.

Mad, how can this fucked up body be restored?

Ye Rou watched Yunfei leave, and the old woman beside her frowned.

"Miss, this person is not simple."

The old woman is actually the strongest in the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce. She has B-level strength and can be regarded as the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce.

"Yes, but he has no ill intentions, and our Yuquan Chamber of Commerce has nothing worth worrying about."

Ye Rou smiled indifferently.

However, this smile made the old woman extremely distressed.

"Miss, don't give up. We can still find other ways. We just need to ask the pharmacist to develop a more effective Yuquan Dan."

Ye Dandan ran away with the secrets of Yuquan Chamber of Commerce, which was digging the roots of Yuquan Chamber of Commerce. Without Yuquan Dan's income, Ye Rou would not be able to hand over enough materials to the family.

When the family is held accountable, Ye Rou will be punished. If all the supplies are given to Ye Dandan as Ye Rou said, Ye Rou will probably die.

Because the value of this ship of supplies is too high.

"It's not that easy. Forget it, as long as she lives a good life."

"It's come to this moment, and you still think about that little beast? Why don't you think about yourself?"

The old woman no longer knew what to say.

"Amu, Dandan is still a child. Think about it, if I were Dandan, would you be willing to punish me?"

"It's different, how can this be the same?"

The old woman kept shaking her head.

Is there any comparability between the two?

Ye Rou is so kind, while Ye Dandan is so selfish and cruel.

She committed matricide and cannot be forgiven.

"Forget it, Amu, I'm tired of maintaining the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce and want to rest."

What else could the old woman say?

It's okay to take a rest and leave the rest to her old bones.

The prescription of Yuquan Dan is no longer a secret, and the consequences cannot be changed, but no one can take away this ship of supplies. The old woman will fight to the death for anyone who dares to move her claws.

In the merchant ship's guest room, Xiao Tao stared at Yun Fei with excitement.

"Little monster, why did you suddenly become so powerful?"

Yunfei was speechless. If I told you that I was more powerful before, wouldn't you die in excitement?

"Why don't you say anything? Have you become more powerful and don't want to talk to me anymore?"

Xiaotao said that she was very sad and looked at Yunfei with tears in her eyes.

"No, I exercised too much just now and my wound was involved. It hurts a lot. I don't want to talk."

"Huh? Does it hurt? Do you want me to rub it for you?"


Yunfei quickly shouted stop.

Girl, you're such a light-hearted guy, why would you still be rubbed by this handsome dragon?

Do you want to make being handsome dragon hurt more?

You should just rest. Diquan is more professional in this kind of thing.

Xiaotao was very disappointed. Her massage techniques were very professional, okay?

In the past, Madam always asked her to serve her.

Humph, I really don’t understand good people. If it weren’t for the sake of helping my wife today, I wouldn’t give you a massage.

"Okay, tell me about what happened between your wife and that Ye Dandan."

Yunfei only heard a general idea today and didn't understand anything too specific.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything."

Xiao Tao's idea is very simple. Today Yunfei beat Huang Ming and slapped Ye Dandan in the mouth, then we will be our own.

Speaking of Ye Dandan, Xiao Tao became extremely angry.

This Ye Dandan is just a white-eyed wolf.

She was abandoned since she was a child and was picked up by Ye Rou. Ye Rou really raised Ye Dandan as her daughter. She let Ye Dandan take Ye Rou's surname, and she was well-dressed and well-fed. She never treated her badly.

But what about Ye Dandan?

It was fine before, but since Ye Rou rejected the elders of the Zoroastrian Cult, Ye Dandan has changed.

She began to hate Ye Rou, thinking that Ye Rou had prevented her from entering the Zoroastrian Cult.

Ye Rou also felt that she owed something to Ye Dandan because of this incident, so she had been holding back. Even if she knew some of the wrong things Ye Dandan had done, she did not speak out, let alone tell Ye Dandan the reason why she rejected the elders of the Fire Worship Cult.

Ye Dandan started to intensify his efforts, and now he has joined forces with the Huang family to devour the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce.

The purpose of Ye Dandan's doing this was to enter the Zoroastrian Cult.

Huang Ming has obtained the status of a disciple of the Zoroastrian Cult. As long as Ye Dandan marries Huang Ming, she can follow him to practice in the Zoroastrian Cult.

Xiao Tao knows very clearly, even Xiao Tao knows what Yuquan Chamber of Commerce will face next.

This guy used to be Ye Rou's personal maid, so he knows this.

However, it was also because she knew so much that Xiao Tao hated Ye Dandan so much.

Xiao Tao asked herself, if she were Ye Dandan, she would definitely not do such an animal behavior.

"Well, this woman is indeed nothing."

Yunfei was also very angry after hearing this. What kind of brain circuit does Ye Dandan have? A drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring of water. Ye Rou was so kind to her. How did she repay her like this?

"Really? You think so too, little monster."

Xiaotao was very excited after being recognized.

She didn't dare to tell others about this kind of thing.

Discussing it with others is a crime of speaking ill of one's master.

The other servants would have been delighted to expose her.

But it doesn't matter if you tell Yunfei, since Yunfei is not from the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce anyway.

Yunfei rolled his eyes at Xiaotao.

I thought there was something wrong with this girl.

What are you so excited about?

Anyone with a slightly correct outlook on life would see it this way, right?

Didn't you see that the maids and servants who were watching today were looking at Ye Dandan with their eyes.

"I'm not a little monster, my name is Yun Fei."

Yunfei opened his mouth to correct Xiaotao's name for himself.

In a few days, the blood scabs all over my body will fall off, and I will still be as handsome as before. How can I still be called a handsome dragon monster?

"I won't. You are just a little monster. If you have the ability, come and catch me."

Xiaotao stuck out her tongue at Yunfei.

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Yunfei won't move. Who knows who hurts this thing. After she recovers, she can repair this little girl properly.

Huh? It's quite lively next door.

Huang Ming lives in the guest room next to Yunfei. At this time, the guest room where Huang Ming is located is already in a mess.

Ye Dandan was wrestling and beating in this guest room. This girl is so smart. Instead of going to her own room to throw her, she came to Huang Ming's guest room to throw her.

"Brother Ming, we can't just let this matter go. That guy is a monster we fished out from the bottom of the river. I want to kill him." Ye Dandan's cheeks are still red, which shows that Yun Fei's slap before Not little strength.

"Don't worry Dandan, he dared to hit you, I will make him pay the price."

"Well, Brother Ming is the best."

Ye Dandan lost his temper instantly and snuggled directly into Huang Ming's arms.

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