Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 569 Let this cause and effect be resolved soon

Chapter 569: Let this cause and effect end soon

"He has already admitted defeat." The elder of Sanshan Sect emphasized this fact again.

"I'm sorry, senior. My master only taught me how to release this combat skill, but not how to retract it, so I'd better ask senior to save people on my own."

With his elders supporting him, Cui Dandan has nothing to fear.

"Okay, okay!"

What can the elders of Sanshan Sect say?

I can only say two good words in a row.

When he rescued the disciple of Sanshan Sect, this guy was almost burned into coal.

The whole body was pitch black, and there was no intact place at all.

"Jinhe River Valley, Cui Dandan wins and is qualified to advance."

Cui Dandan secretly gave herself a thumbs up.

However, everyone present, even the spectators in the Golden River Valley, felt embarrassed.

Because Cui Dandan didn't win in an honest way at all, and the methods he used were a bit shabby.

However, Cui Dandan doesn't care about these things. It's just as long as it's useful.

But she can only use this trick once. If she uses it again, no one will be fooled.

"Sir, we also need to make some preparations here. You still have to go on stage and go through the motions."

The third elder found Yunfei.

The promotion battle is a one-on-one competition. The winner is promoted and the loser is eliminated. It is simple and clear.

So Yunfei has to play no matter what.

"Well, it's my turn, just call me."

Yunfei said it didn't matter. Playing tricks with a bunch of B-level kids was no different from playing house.

Yunfei was very perfunctory, but Xiao Tao was not perfunctory at all.

Seeing that Yunfei was about to go on stage, Xiaotao began to squeeze Yunfei's shoulders with all her strength.

"Little monster, you can't lose."

Yunfei rolled his eyes at Xiaotao.

Who gave you the illusion that this handsome dragon will lose?

This handsome dragon is a being who can suppress the Saint level and beat him violently. Do you want to take a closer look at what this means?

Soon, it was Yunfei's turn to play.

The unlucky man who fought against Yun Fei was from Jinhe River Valley.

"Huh? Are you trying to do something shameful by hiding your secrets?"

People in Jinhe River Valley are very bad-mouthed. Except for the Shengyin Sect, when they are restrained, when facing the other two sects, Jinhe River Valley really doesn't have even a drop of respect.

Why is Yunfei just wearing a hood?

This look is a bit unusual at best. Does it have anything to do with hiding your head and revealing your tail?

It doesn't matter, is it okay?

"Forget it, I won't ask who you are anymore, just do it, lest you lose the chance to do it."

The disciples of Jinhe River Valley were a bit arrogant when they said this.

But he did it on purpose.

He wanted to anger Yunfei so he could see Yunfei's flaw.

"Let me do it? That's fine."

Yunfei didn't even bother to raise his head. Since this guy made a request, Yunfei must of course satisfy him as much as possible.

The clouds moved.

He did not use any energy or combat skills, he only relied on his own attributes to launch the attack.

It is said that this is already the least powerful attack that Yunfei can perform.

But even this lowest level of attack is not something that Jin Hehe, a foul-mouthed person, can resist.

Slap him away to find out?

Of course, this is not flying in the true sense, Yun Fei just shoots people out of the ring.



"Is this an exhibition match?"

"Dark horse, this person from Guangzong is the biggest dark horse."

The auditorium was packed.

When the people in the Golden River Valley heard someone say that this was an exhibition match, the people in the Golden River Valley almost stood up and cursed.

Mader, in such a crucial game, our Golden River Valley is still the host, can we put on a show?

Of course, you have to insist that we can perform, but if you want to perform, you have to perform with the Shengyin Sect. Guangzong is nothing?

Not acting.

Then the problem seems to be bigger.

How strong is this person?

Sorry, no one can tell. Yunfei's method of hiding his own aura is superb, and he has not used any energy. Anyone who can see Yunfei's strength must be a ghost.

However, others didn't know it, but Cui Dandan was already in a trance watching Yun Fei step off the stage.

Why does this figure give me a very familiar feeling?

But Cui Dandan just felt familiar and couldn't remember where this familiar figure had appeared before.

She subconsciously thought this discovery was important, but she just couldn't remember it and was very distressed.

Compared to Cui Dandan's distress, Long Yi was very excited.

The moment Yun Fei took action, Long Yi felt the resonance of his bloodline. Although it was only for a short moment, it was enough.

Yes, this hooded man is the young master.

Long Yi suppressed the impulse in his heart and became quiet.

The young master must have his purpose for doing things like this. Although Long Yi didn't know the specific purpose, what Long Yi could do was not to disrupt Yun Fei's plan.

"Little monster, they say you are a dark horse."

Xiaotao listened to the comments in the audience with a very happy expression, as if those people were bragging about her.

"Be careful, don't reveal your secret."

Yunfei had great faith in his acting skills, but Xiaotao showed off her girlish attitude when she was happy.

You must know that Xiao Tao is now playing a middle-aged woman with a sallow face and spots.

"Know it!"

Xiao Tao stuck out her tongue.

Yunfei covered his forehead and secretly said that this girl is hopeless. Just her acting skills are a bad review.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was on Yunfei, and no one looked at Xiaotao.

Yunfei continued his one-punch legend in the battles in the next few days.

Everyone who faced Yun Fei was punched away without exception.

Many people came to Guangzong to inquire about Yunfei's identity, but Guangzong remained mysterious and did not reveal Yunfei's identity at all, only saying that they would know it soon.

After learning that Guangzong had this attitude towards Shengyin Sect, people from Jinhehehe and Sanshan Sect stopped asking.

Just kidding, the Shengyin Sect can't even get face, but can they get it?

However, the appearance of a monster in Guangzong has nothing to do with the two sects. Anyway, the first orderer is the Shengyin Sect. If this monster wants to grab the first place, it must be from the Shengyin Sect.

Of course, in addition to the eye-catching Yun Fei in the competition, there is also Cui Dandan, the land of Jinhe old monster.

Cui Dandan originally did not expect that she would be able to enter the top eight.

She thinks that being able to enter the top 16 is already a very good result.

All this is naturally not due to Cui Dandan's own abilities, but the help of experts secretly.

This expert is Yun Fei.

What he wants is for Cui Dandan to fall from the highest altitude and let her experience what despair is.

It's a pity that this big drama can't go on.

Because Cui Dandan is a rotten wall.

Even with Yun Fei helping secretly, she would not be able to defeat the other people who entered the top eight.

So, let's let this cause and effect end early.

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