Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 72 Entering the Underground

Chapter 072 Entering the Underground

Yunfei's eyes widened, tears gathering in his eyes.

If they are not relatives, why do they do this?

Once or twice, they did not consider themselves at all, and all they did was to protect their own safety?

"Let's go, let's go."

Who likes to die? Who likes to die?

No adult dragon wants to die.

But now they have no choice. For the sake of their race and their own beliefs, they are willing to die in the sea of ​​fire.

"Remember, if you have the chance, help us get revenge."

Yunfei nodded.

He didn't say much at this moment.

All words were feeble at this moment. At this moment, the word revenge was engraved in Yunfei's heart.

But, can Yunfei escape?

No, it still can't. The falling speed of the fire cloud has not slowed down because of the tragic behavior of the adult dragon.

The sea of ​​fire mercilessly devoured the bodies of the adult dragons without stirring up even a single wave. This is how terrifying the Dragon Language magic is.

Even if Yunfei had 25 points of fire resistance, there was no way he could block it again.

Are you going to die here?

Yunfei was unwilling to give in.

He has not yet fully experienced this magnificent world, and what he has come into contact with now is just the tip of the iceberg.

Yunfei is not willing to die here, at least he cannot let himself die in the hands of West Germany. Is this too frustrating?

what to do?

Kill yourself?

Or learn from the Golden Holy Dragon and self-disintegrate?

"Boss, come here quickly."

Suddenly, Xiao Jin's call sounded under Yun Fei.


It's Xiao Jin.

At this time, Xiao Jin's entire body was under the ground, only his head was exposed, and Long Yan was staring at Yun Fei anxiously.

At this time, it was no longer the time to think about why Xiao Jin did not run away but appeared underground.

The most important thing is that Xiao Jin's appearance gave Yunfei a new lease of life.

Just underground.

Yunfei didn't hesitate at all and hit the ground with his head.

What's underneath the ground?

Underground space, underground clan.

The place where Yunfei and the others are now is near the boundary of the dragon clan's territory, which happens to be the boundary of the earth space.

A hole had been dug out of the originally intact ground by Xiao Jin.

The hole is not big, but it is enough to accommodate Yun Fei's body.

Seeing Yunfei smashing his head into the ground, West was stunned.

The mecha boss was stunned.

Bailong was stunned.

Fenglong smiled.

Good, wonderful.

It's good to go to the underground space. It's better than dying here. At least there is a chance of survival in the underground space.

West Germany is crazy. If Yunfei runs away like this, then he won't have to live anymore.

This is real life, not just talk.

Because even if the Sea Clan accepts it afterwards, can Yunfei let it go in the future?

Everything it did today was just to survive for itself. If it didn't kill Yunfei and let Yunfei grow up, what was the difference between that and committing suicide?

So, chase.

Must chase.

There is no need for orders from the mecha boss at all.

The fire cloud dissipated, and West Germany, who had turned into a white dragon, also fell to the ground.

But it was greeted by a red fireball.

This is BattleGreymon performing magic.

Behind the fireball, there were countless breaths of chaos.

In the underground space, Yunfei had just arrived, and Xiao Jin's words appeared in Yunfei's ears: "Boss, let's go quickly, we are here to support you."

Do you agree?

What do you use to support it?

Is it still life?

Yunfei shook his head.

"Run separately, don't follow me, take BattleGreymon back to Dragon City, I won't die so easily."

Yunfei pushed Xiao Jin away from the passage, and then flew away without giving Xiao Jin a chance to speak.

West Germany's target is Yunfei, so even if West Germany chases after him, he will not have time to attack Xiaojin and BattleGreymon.

"Boss, be careful." Xiaojin has been in contact with Yunfei for a long time. He knows that he can't change Yunfei's mind and has no ability to change it, so the only thing left is blessing.

Yun Fei left without looking back. He flapped his wings vigorously and flew as far as he could before West Germany caught up with him.

At this time, BattleGreymon showed its loyalty to Yunfei. It did not leave. It stared at the passage above its head, waiting for West Germany to give West Germany a hard blow when he chased after him.

"Silly Dragon, let's go. The boss doesn't want to see you die." Xiaojin kicked BattleGreymon and ran away in the opposite direction to Yunfei.

This time Xiao Jin is really leaving, and the reason why it appears here to help Yun Fei is all because of the pressure of the mechanical tribe.

At that time, the mechanical clan was sieging Ruili and Brier'er with great force. Xiao Jin had no choice but to hide underground with BattleGreymon and rescued Yunfei. It just happened to happen, and it could only save Yunfei once. ability.

West Germany came after him, descending to the underground world in an arrogant manner. Yunfei could feel the fluctuations erupting from West Germany's body from a long distance away.

"Old West German thief, if you have the guts, come after him."

Even though West Germany has turned into a reverse white dragon, he still has the guts. When he hears Yunfei's provocation, he will of course chase after him.

Although he was scolded, West Germany was more happy because Yunfei didn't run away and actually dared to provoke? Yunfei is dead.

Sure enough, West Germany went after Yun Fei and did not take action against Xiao Jin and Battle Greymon who were not far away.

"Let's go quickly, we have to report the news."

After watching Yunfei and Xi De leave, Xiao Jin realized something.

There are still three bosses fighting in the air outside. It is difficult for Mr. Fenglong to resist the other two bosses. If there is no help, Mr. Fenglong may end up very miserable.

Now, the only ones with the ability to report the news are Xiao Jin and BattleGreymon, so Xiao Jin naturally takes this responsibility on himself.

On the other side, Yunfei provoked West Germany and then ran away. Although Yunfei was not as fast as West Germany in terms of flying speed, the difference was not too much. West Germany was only about one-third faster than Yunfei.

But even if West Germany is faster than Yunfei, West Germany will not be able to catch up with Yunfei for a while.

Because as long as West Germany enters the attack range of Yunfei's wonton breath, Yunfei will reward West Germany with one shot.

West Germany has a strong body and can make a hard connection, but the result of the hard connection is a decrease in speed, which once again puts distance between Yunfei and Yunfei.

West Germany was so angry with Yun Fei that he screamed but could do nothing about it.

The dragon language magic that West Germany masters is not very fast, and the positional warfare is quite powerful. If you really want to pursue it, it will be of no use at all.

"Baby, you can't escape. Let's see how long you can escape."

"Then just watch."

Only West Germany caught up with him, and Yunfei relaxed for the most part. What really made him feel the huge pressure was the mecha boss and the white dragon. They were irresistible existences.

As for West Germany?

Although Yunfei is not as hard as steel, if it wants to capture Yunfei, it must at least be able to capture Yunfei.

If the stalemate continues like this, Yunfei estimates that it will be hell-like for West Germany to catch him.

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