Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 724 Entering the Thundercloud

Chapter 724: Entering the Thundercloud

"The flying car is still there."

The person who was questioned by the head of the Lei family felt a little numb, but even so, he had to reply.

"What do you mean, the speeding car is here but the people are gone?"

The head of the Lei family figured out the meaning behind these words.

The people down there are called relaxing.

Okay, the patriarch's IQ is high. People have already guessed it before we even said it clearly. It's really amazing.

Seeing the person who replied below nodded.

The head of the Lei family exploded again.

"What the hell are you doing? Can't you see them leaving the speeding car?"

If this happens, everyone will be angry. There are only so many flying cars in this big place. How can three god-level people not stand up to one flying car?

That's right, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the Lei family sent three gods to keep an eye on Yunfei.

However, even so, they still lost people.

"They have been watching, but the person just disappeared. It's very strange."

The person who spoke to the Lei family did not mean to shirk responsibility, but he really felt that it was very strange that the two good people were still there before nightfall, but after dawn, they were gone.

"Weird? That's weird. If you don't go looking for me, if you can't find anyone, then don't come back."

The head of the Lei family ended the meeting explosively.

They were originally discussing who should kill Yun Fei, but now it's okay, everyone is lost, it's a mess, let's find someone first.

Where did Yunfei go?

He did sneak away with Rey.

Yun Fei came here to brush up his attributes, not to challenge anyone in a duel. Even if he won in a duel, it would be meaningless.

So taking advantage of the darkness, Yunfei used the wood attribute to wrap himself and Rey, and then walked away swaggeringly.

There is no need to hide it deliberately.

Even if the god-level experts of the Lei family were to monitor Yun Fei, they would be doing so from a distance using their mental power, and could not be near the speeding car.

That's why Yunfei left them unable to discover it.

"Brother, Thunder Cloud City is just ahead. My family used to live here."

Yunfei flew in the air with Lei Yi. There was a city shining with thunder in front of him. The city was surrounded by purple clouds. It looked like Thundercloud City was like a fairy city. It was very mysterious and beautiful.

"A very beautiful city."

"Yeah, let's go into the city."

Rey was very happy when her hometown was praised. She happily pulled Yunfei into the city, hoping to let Yunfei see a more beautiful place in Leiyun City.

Leiyun City covers a large area and is the only city within hundreds of thousands of miles. There are countless creatures living in the city, mostly human beings. It is an affiliated city of the Lei family of the Shenwei family.

On weekdays, there are many people coming in and out. Part of the day and night, the purple thunderclouds floating in the sky of Leiyun City are not only for viewing. These thunderclouds are also used for defense, so there is no need to think about flying into the city. , we can only walk through the city gate honestly.

Fortunately, this Thundercloud City is not closed. A living creature can enter, as long as you have innate coins.

After being disguised, Yunfei and Lei arrived near the city gate. There was a long queue in front of the city gate, queuing up to enter the city.

"It's quite lively here."

"Of course, we don't have to line up, let's go to the front."

Lei Yi knew Thundercloud City very well and pulled Yunfei forward.

Naturally, a place like a city gate cannot have only one entrance and exit passage. The huge city gate is more than ten meters high. In addition to the ordinary passages that need to be queued to enter, there are also several special passages here.

Naturally, some big shots can enter the city unimpeded. Lei Yi and Yun Fei are not big shots, but they have money.

With money comes privilege. Lei Yi led Yunfei towards the city gate without any need for the gatekeeper to stop him. Lei Yi threw a middle-grade Xiantian coin from a distance away.

"Get away!"

Rey was really rude to the gatekeeper, scolding him right after he threw the money.

The person who was scolded was stunned for a moment, then happily took the Xiantian coin and stepped aside.

"Please, please."

Just this bowing posture can be said to be extremely respectful.

The other gatekeepers didn't even look this way.

There are more than 20 gatekeepers in their team, and the strongest among them is an emperor-level master. The strength of this guy who receives the money has also reached A-level.

Of course, this kind of strength will not be compromised by a mid-grade innate coin.

The reason why the gatekeeper is so respectful is entirely because of Yunfei.

After being disguised, Yunfei was wearing a purple robe, with long flowing purple hair. The folding fan in his hand swayed slightly, and the jade pendant around his waist was emitting a dazzling light.

If it were just like this, it can only be said that Yunfei is a rich young man, but now that he is paired with Rey, that is not the case.

Rey's appearance and figure are secondary, but the key lies in the lightning scar on Rey's face.

To have such a beautiful slave maid, this must be a son of the Lei family, maybe even a direct son.

These gatekeepers are just sergeants raised by the Lei family in Leiyun City.

He was a private soldier, and he definitely had more status than slaves or ordinary people, but compared to the Lei family, he was far behind.

With this level of status just there, let alone money, even if they didn't give money, if someone wanted to enter, they would never dare to stop them.


Rey snorted and stepped past the gatekeeper.

When it was Yunfei's turn, a smile appeared on Yunfei's face.

"Lei's family?"

"No, no, we are just the guards of Leiyun City, not the Lei family."

The gatekeeper waved his hands repeatedly, not daring to let Yunfei have such a misunderstanding. If they really become brothers with us, then their good days will be over.

Someone will definitely cause trouble afterwards. You, a sergeant, still dare to call yourself brother-in-law with Mr. Lei?


Yunfei expressed regret.

If it's not the Lei family, then if you kill it, you won't get the attributes. How can Yunfei not regret it?

The gatekeeper felt uncomfortable watching Yun Fei leave with regret.

What does this say?

He didn't do anything. Why did this young man show such an expression?

Is it because he received the money that the young master was dissatisfied?

"Don't worry, even if he wants to cause trouble for you, he doesn't know your name." Someone behind the gatekeeper who received Yunfei spoke to comfort him.

However, this comfort is worse than no comfort at all. How can you not find someone if you don’t know their name?

Are you making trouble?

If we really come to investigate, you grandsons will definitely sell us out immediately.

The gatekeeper didn't speak. He stood there with a gloomy expression, looking at the Xiantian Coin in his hand. He was very worried anyway.

"Otherwise, we can catch up and give the money back?"

"Forget it, do people care about this little money? Wouldn't it be a slap in the face to send it back?"

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