Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 730 Is everyone here?

Chapter 730 Is everyone here?

Lei Liang failed to get an answer that satisfied him. He didn't even know Yunfei's name. Yunfei arranged for the Cao brothers to connect with Lei Liang.

Then he took Rey and left.

"Brother, that man is so bad, do we really want to take him to play?"

Lei Yi was very puzzled by Yunfei's arrangement and didn't know why Yunfei did this.

Although my brother doesn't have a jealous temper, he doesn't want to help others do evil, right?

"Of course we have to play together, you don't understand."

Lei Yi really couldn't understand that Yunfei was going to play a big game and kill all Lei Liang's friends.

How hard would it be to find and kill people one by one?

How can there be such a pleasure of gathering people together and serving it in one pot?

"You just have to ask if you don't understand."

Lei Yi took Yunfei's arm and shook it.

It's a pity that no matter how coquettishly Lei Yi behaves, Yunfei just won't tell her.

When the two came to the former residence of Rey's family, Rey stopped acting coquettishly.

Looking at the familiar courtyard gate that was still standing, Rey's eyes became a little moist.

"Brother, this used to be my home. How about it? Is it big?"

The mansion in front of Yun Fei was indeed very large for Leiyun City. The gate was very high and there were guards at the gate. He could feel obvious formation fluctuations from the gate.

This courtyard is guarded by a formation.

"It's really good."

"Okay, I've seen it, let's go."

Lei Yi quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and pulled Yunfei to leave.

She couldn't stay here much longer.

He thought that no one in this place would recognize him, but what Rey didn't expect was that he could be recognized by anyone just eating.

It would be very troublesome if you stayed here and let people recognize your true identity.

Rey didn't want to face his enemy head-on now, as that would be very detrimental to him.

Of course, all this is based on Rey's insufficient understanding of Yunfei's strength.

Yunfei now only has emperor-level strength, and Rey feels that this strength is not enough to face his enemy.

"Why are you leaving? You're already here, so of course you have to block the door."

Yunfei disagreed with Lei Yi's proposal. According to Lei Yi, the strongest person in this yard was just the senior level.

Can Yunfei be forced back by his rank?


When Lei Yi was surprised, Yunfei had already quickly stepped forward to the courtyard gate.

There is a plaque hanging above the courtyard door, which reads: Cloud Eighteen.

This is the meaning of the eighteenth branch of Leiyun City's Yunzi lineage.

This ranking is a bit far away.


As soon as Yunfei stood still, the gatekeeper asked. Of course, the tone of the gatekeeper was still very good, because Yunfei was dressed in an extraordinary way and his temperament was impeccable. They did not dare to say bad words.

Yun Fei said that he was lazy and didn't want to talk at all. The purple sword appeared in his hand, and then the sword flew out from his hands, pressed against the top of the gatekeeper's head, and inserted into the courtyard door with a buzzing sound.

The guarding formation had been activated, but it failed to stop the purple sword.

The gatekeeper touched the top of his head in fear.

My mother, she still has her head, so lucky.

"Who dares to cause trouble?"

An angry shout came from the courtyard.

This means that the voice comes first and the person comes last.

"It's you?"

The visitor glared at Yunfei, but did not take action against Yunfei, because looking at Yunfei's appearance, the person was a little unsure of Yunfei's identity.

Rey was right behind Yunfei. Seeing this person appear, Rey's eyes instantly turned red.

Back then, this man was among those who massacred his own family.

Rey can still remember the way he raised the butcher knife in his hand.

Thinking of this, Rey took out a purple veil and covered his face.


Yunfei ignored the person in front of him and turned around to ask Lei.

Rey nodded.


This realization is definitely not a good thing.

"Go away and let your juniors get out."

Yunfei pulled it casually, and the terrifying thunder-type dragon energy surged out. Wrapped in the power of thunder jade, a purple palm appeared.

The purple palm was not polite to the person in front of him at all. This man with saint-level strength was pushed back continuously by this palm.

It's over.

The middle-aged man was pushed back and secretly said two words in his mind.

As soon as Yunfei took action, the middle-aged man knew that something was wrong.

Judging from his methods, he must be someone who has practiced advanced lightning techniques. Even if he is not a direct descendant of the family, he is still a young master-level figure from a branch as powerful as the main family of the Leiyun branch.

That pure thunder energy cannot be deceived.

In Xiantian Continent, those who can use pure thunder energy must be important figures in the Lei family.

Now such people come to their doorstep looking for the younger generation of the family.

Is this some turtle grandson who caused big trouble outside?

"Little brother, don't be angry. We are all members of the Lei family. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it. If anyone in our family offends you, see how I will twitch and skin him."

"I don't want to say what I said a second time."

This family is Lei Yi's enemy. Yunfei follows the principle of bringing his sister to have fun, and doesn't want to get close to the people here at all. Anyway, he just acts businesslike.

This is very helpless. Anyway, it is very difficult for the middle-aged man to face Yunfei.

We have said this, even lowered our status, why don't you give me any face?

"alright, please wait!"

What can middle-aged people do?

We can only call people out first and find out who provoked this person.

If it is an insignificant grandson, then just hand it over.

After all, they are all members of the Lei family. Since the other party came to the door openly and openly, there is still room for easing the matter. At worst, they will have to pay compensation and settle the matter.

The movement at the courtyard gate had actually attracted the attention of many people.

Under the greeting of the second elder, a group of juniors filed out of the courtyard gate.

When the number of people who appeared reached hundreds, the purple sword stuck on the courtyard door exploded.

This explosion immediately blew the courtyard door to pieces.


The second elder of the Eighteen Branches of the Thunder Cloud Department pointed at Yun Fei.

Our family has been so cooperative, why are you going to blow up our family’s reputation? Is this going too far?

"Is everyone here?"

Yunfei doesn't care whether you point it or not.

In fact, Yunfei was a little surprised. These young faces were all from this family?

If these people were killed by him, that would be hundreds of attributes.

Well, okay, Yunfei resisted the idea of ​​doing it himself.

These guys are all enemies of Rey, and Yunfei promised Rey to do it himself.

"Yes, what? Is this young master making a mistake?"

"Where's the woman?"

The women of the Lei family are also descendants of the God of Thunder. Yunfei wants to use these eighteen branches as a template to calculate how many people the Lei family can have.

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