Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 750 Do me a favor and ruin his cultivation

Chapter 750: Do me a favor and ruin his cultivation


"seal up……"

With Yunfei's strength, micro-managing Fengtian is just a basic operation.

"Seal it? Humph, let me see how you seal it."

The clan leader of the Eighteen Meridians snorted coldly while thinking about how to treat Yun Fei.

If nothing else, this person is definitely a direct lineage son, so how to get benefits is a very profound knowledge.

The patriarch is still in the mood to consider these things, and he also has the strength.

But other members of his family do not have this strength.

The bodies of the people on the ground were quickly frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few blinks, many lifelike ice sculptures appeared on the ground.

"It really tests your control ability."

Yunfei nodded secretly. It was really a technical job to control Feng Tian to freeze the people in the crowd in such a crowded place.

The key is not to involve innocent people, otherwise it would be much simpler, just use Fengtian to make a big ice lump.


"Why do you know ice combat skills? Who are you?"

This time, the patriarch of the Eighteenth Line quits.

Yun Fei's use of the Heavenly Shield can also be explained by the use of treasures. The direct son, who hasn't ordered something good to protect himself?

But what Yunfei has done at this time is definitely not something that the Lei family can do.

Even if there were treasures, they wouldn't be able to reach Yunfei's level.

How could someone who was not familiar with ice energy achieve such accuracy?

This is very scary. If Yunfei is not from the Lei family, then who is he?

"You want to know who I am? I can only say that your great opportunity has arrived. I am Yun Fei."

Yunfei's smile was a little weird.

This time, not only the patriarch of the Eighteenth Lineage was shocked, but even Rey was shocked.

How dare my brother reveal his true identity in front of so many people?

You know, everyone inside and outside the city is looking for Yunfei. It is said that as long as they find Yunfei, they will get huge credit.

"Yunfei? City Lord, come quickly, Yunfei is here."

The patriarch of the Eighteen Meridians looked up to the sky and shouted wildly, his expression full of fanaticism.

Is this Yunfei?

A great opportunity, really a great opportunity. The direct descendants of the master's family will definitely bring a lot of benefits to themselves, right?

However, what this clan leader didn't know was that the city lord of Thunder Cloud City wanted to kill him at this moment.

Do you really want a reward?

Are you crazy about winning or losing?

Wouldn't it be better for you to be killed by Yun Fei quietly?

If you die, you will die, what? Do you still want to grab me before you die?

You see, all the god-level experts from my master's house ran away in despair. Why are you calling me?

I'm in a hurry to hide, Cao.

"Huh? No movement?"

The clan leader of the Eighteen Meridians was a little confused.

What's going on?

Didn't the city lord issue an order two days ago to find Yun Fei? He also promised a series of rewards, why didn't he hear me shouting so loudly?

"Lord City Lord, the Yunfei you issued a reward for is here."


Now the city lord of Thunder Cloud City couldn't help it anymore. He knew that he couldn't be a coward anymore. If he let that bastard continue talking, there was no telling what he would say.

What about a reward order? Hang an egg.

"Shut up, who allowed you to use force in the city? Don't panic, Mr. Yunfei. Just leave this little guy to me. I will definitely make him regret coming into this world."

The Lord of Thunder Cloud City appeared. He possessed Samsara-level strength. As soon as he appeared, he attacked the clan leader of the Eighteen Meridians. The first thing he did was to block the mouth of this bastard.

These days, people who talk a lot die faster, especially those who talk a lot and talk nonsense.

"Wait a moment."

Yunfei waved his hand and stopped the Lord of Leiyun City who wanted to arrest the Eighteenth Lineage Clan Leader and left.

"Are you the city lord of Thunder Cloud City?"

Yunfei saw the strength of the Lord of Thunder Cloud City, and also felt that the Lord of Thunder Cloud City was afraid of him. This was very interesting. Not provoking and being afraid were two different concepts.

"Yes, I am the Lord of Thunder Cloud City."

The Lord of Leiyun City didn't know why Yun Fei stopped him. If he really made any request, the Lord of Leiyun City said that he would definitely agree.

"If you put me down, I can't let you take away my prey."

"Yes, yes, let go, I have absolutely no desire to compete for Mr. Yunfei's prey. I am just afraid of dirtying Mr. Yunfei's hands."

The Lord of Leiyun City was very cooperative and readily agreed to Yun Fei's reasonable request.

In fact, the Lord of Leiyun City was afraid of death. He was afraid that Yun Fei would use the eyeball between his eyebrows.

When Yun Fei used the Eye of Destruction to break Wen Guang's immobilizing spell, Lord Leiyun saw it with his own eyes.

Such powerful things can be destroyed. How powerful must the Eye of Destruction be?

Even though he doesn't show much power on the surface, if he is really hit, can his small body withstand it?

The Lord of Leiyun City did not dare to test the law with his own body, so he behaved so humbly at this time.

"City Lord, what are you doing? He is Yunfei, Yunfei, the person the Lord wants to arrest."

"Shut up!"

The Lord of Leiyun City was very annoyed. How could he be so capable? I can’t even silence you with all my methods? How dare you break free?

"No, let him say it."

Yunfei was no longer in a hurry to kill the Eighteenth Clan leader.

"Uh, okay."

The Lord of Leiyun City said that it is difficult to be a human being, and what this guy will say next will definitely not be a good thing.

"You and I……"

However, when things came to a head, the Eighteenth Lineage Clan Leader didn't know what to say.

In this scene at this moment, even though he was very excited, he could still see the fishiness in it.

The city lord is afraid of this Yunfei.


"It's really useless. I killed him and his family. Does Lord Leiyun have any objections?"

"No, no objection."

The Lord of Leiyun City quickly waved his hand, as long as Yunfei didn't kill his family members, anyone who wanted to die could die.

Although everyone has the same surname, the relationship between the Lord of Leiyun City and the branches in the city is actually that of superior and subordinate, and it is even the kind of superior-subordinate relationship that needs to be carefully guarded against.

Because if you don't pay attention, the superior may be killed by the subordinate.

The original Eighteen Branches came to power only after killing Rey's family.

"Brother, can you leave this person to me?"

Rey has long been freed from the shackles of the Eighteenth Lineage Patriarch, and now she is looking at the Eighteenth Lineage Patriarch with hatred.

Back then, it was this man who led others to destroy her home.

"Do me a favor and destroy his cultivation."

Of course it wouldn't be a problem for Yunfei to kill the Eighteenth Lineage Clan Leader himself, but if he wanted to let Lei take action, he still had to weaken this person's strength.


The Lord of Leiyun City was not polite at all. He personally pierced all the acupuncture points in the body of the Eighteen Meridians Clan Leader. Every time an acupoint was punctured, the Eighteen Meridians Clan Leader would scream in agony, both because of the physical pain and because of the pain. Psychological trauma.

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