Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 781 What if it works?

Chapter 781 What if I can do it?

Oh, Mingjie has passed the sixth level.

Well, Yunfei reluctantly took away the prize that belonged to Mingjie, and took it casually, without even considering Mingjie's thoughts.

The time of harvest is always a joyful time.

Yunfei doesn't know whether others are happy, but he himself is very happy anyway.

All the prizes for those who successfully passed the level were taken away by Yunfei. When it came to grabbing prizes, Yunfei would never fail, and his speed was extremely fast.

However, the good times did not last long, because the air pirates' ability to break through levels was really weak. Most people were stuck in the second level, and it would take a long time to go further.

"Huh? Where is that place?"

While waiting boredly, Yunfei suddenly saw a huge space suddenly appearing in the darkness.

How big is this space?

Anyway, in Yunfei's view, if all these channels were inserted into this space, they would be like thorns on a hedgehog, and that space would be the hedgehog's belly.

Many times bigger.

"The people from Feiyun Sect are really powerful."

Yunfei only took one look and knew why this space appeared. It was all because of Mingjie. He had passed the seventh level silently. At this time, only the passage he was in was connected to that space. .

Seeing this scene, Yunfei ran towards that space without even thinking about it.

It’s foolish to wait in the dark anyway. There should be a lot of good things in this new space, right?

Yunfei thought so, and Mingjie thought so too.

He has already passed all the levels in the first stage. This huge space is the reward for all those who pass the levels.

"If I'm the first one to get here, then..."

Mingjie felt a little hot in his heart. It didn't matter if he couldn't get any benefits before, as long as there were good things in this space.

Melee space?

"Looking at the literal meaning of this, does it mean to make people fight?"

Yunfei already knew the news when he entered the melee space. Everyone who entered this space should be informed.

Even people like Yun Fei who used illegal means to enter were treated like this.

“But it’s not certain whether we can meet this requirement.”

Yunfei sighed secretly in his heart.

According to the requirements of this melee space, one hundred people must eventually occupy one hundred seats in this space before the next stage of the trial can begin.

If there are not enough people, the trial cannot be started.

"Ouch? Are you working so hard?"

Yunfei was still studying the melee space, but Mingjie had already found a seat over there and was bombing the sky above it.

In this melee space, there is a light group above every seat. The light group itself has very strong defensive capabilities, and there are treasures inside the light group.

As long as you find a way to smash this light group, you can get the treasure inside and break the protection of the seat, thus occupying a position.

After Mingjie saw this, he immediately found a passing object that he could see and started bombing it wildly.

He wants to take advantage of the fact that others have not arrived here yet, and try his best to collect the treasures here into his own bag.

"Then let's see who is faster."

Yunfei didn't go to trouble Mingjie immediately. He was not arrogant enough to think that he could do anything to Mingjie.

Yunfei has a very deep understanding of Mingjie's strength.

After all, Yun Fei watched helplessly as he passed through seven levels in a row. Needless to say, there was no need to say much about his strength. He was several levels behind the reincarnation-level powerhouse of the Eagle Pirates who was slaughtered by Yun Fei.

So Yunfei will not hit the stone with an egg.

Although he thought he might be tough, Yunfei didn't think he would lose when it came to collecting treasures.

Facing the light group in this space, Yunfei didn't even look at it. After finding a light group nearby, he started to take action.

With the Heaven-Destroying Spear in hand, Yun Fei just stabbed it with a simple thrust, and the light ball began to emit countless ripples, densely packed.

This is the performance of the light group after it has endured a huge blow.

Of course, no matter what they show on the surface, they still make a lot of noise.

"Huh? Is there anyone?"

Mingjie was attacking the light group in front of him with all his strength. After feeling the sound of Yunfei attacking the light group, Mingjie was very puzzled.

Someone is as fast as me? Even faster than yourself?

This is a strong opponent.

To say that this melee space is actually not that big, the mental power of a reincarnation-level strongman can definitely cover it.

But there are great restrictions on Mingjie here, and his mental power cannot be released.

So he could only hear the sound, but he didn't know who had such ability.

This is where Yunfei is better than Mingjie. Mingjie's mental power is blocked here, but Yunfei's mental power is not a problem. He can freely release his mental power to explore the surrounding situation.

"Hmph, let's compete with me to grab the treasure, then let's see who's faster."

Mingjie worked harder.

However, even if he controlled Feiyun Sword to slash the light group fiercely, the ripples he caused on the light group were far less than those caused by Yun Fei.

Of course, Mingjie himself didn't know this. Just listening to the sounds caused by both sides, it sounded like the progress of the two should be the same.

Anyway, Mingjie is quite satisfied with his progress.

Based on the intensity of his current attack, he felt that it wouldn't take him a day to smash the light ball into pieces.

Even a disciple like Mingjie is very excited to get something of the level of an immortal weapon in one day.

Yunfei didn't know Mingjie's thoughts, otherwise Yunfei would definitely despise Mingjie.

Are you satisfied if you can break through one light group in a day?

Then you are too easily satisfied.

Yunfei felt very dissatisfied with the speed at which it took him half a day to destroy a light ball. This was too slow.

Although he knew that his speed was much faster than Mingjie, Yunfei was still not satisfied.

At this rate, when he could get 50 items, didn't Mingjie also get 25 items?

Yunfei was unhappy at the thought that 25 items would belong to Mingjie.

It's very painful.

So it has to be fast.

"How to do it?"

The Heaven-Destroying Spear is already the strongest single-target attack that Yunfei has mastered. Even the Heaven-Destroying Spear can only do this, let alone other skills, right?

"Okay, try something else."

In the absence of a good solution, Yunfei decided to try other skills.

What if it works, right?

Anyway, Mingjie wouldn't come to his side to cause trouble, and Yunfei didn't lack the dragon energy to do experiments.

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