Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 917 Feng Xiu’s Three Treasures

Chapter 917 Feng Xiu’s Three Treasures

Yunfei's goal has been achieved, how could he still talk nonsense to that guy?

If you find Feng Xiu, you don't need anyone else.

Feng Xiu is also quite cool. He is right at the eye of the wind, sitting cross-legged in the air with his eyes closed. There is a big wind circle around his body. This wind circle is formed by the rules of wind that he has mastered.

With such a posture, he is innately established in the center of this place.

Everyone looked at Feng Xiu with admiring eyes.

Even if some people don't admire Feng Xiu, they still admire Feng Yan.

"Hmph, Feng Xiu is really lucky. If I were born in the Feng family, then I would be the one sitting there enjoying the admiration of thousands of people right now."

A fellow God Emperor stared at Feng Xiu with burning eyes, wanting to replace him.

"This is God's injustice. The family has already decided on a strategy. We must listen to Feng Xiu and not have any second thoughts."

The other one is also a god emperor.

The two of them were not from the Feng family. The first person to speak was from the Lan family, named Lan Ning.

The second person is from the Feng family, named: Feng Qing.

In Fengshen Mountain, the Feng family is the main family, and the others are vassals.

Although they are both qualified to be God-Emperors, these two God-Emperors who do not have the surname Feng only have the life of auxiliary.

"Of course I know what family means, I just don't want to be reconciled."

Feng Qing didn't answer.

Are you unwilling to be useful?

it's useless.

They could only watch Feng Xiu display his power here.

Of course, in fact, they also received benefits. They had to compete with other sacred mountains, and they were also fortunate to receive rewards from their families.

But the rewards they received were a few levels behind.

Feng Xiu got three acquired treasures at once, and one was of middle grade, while the two of them only got one of low grade each.

The two asked themselves about the secret of their conversation, but they could not escape Yunfei's perception.

The secret realm is very unfriendly to the people of Fengshen Mountain, and the mental power is in a state where it cannot be released, but Yunfei's mental power can be used.

When he knew that these two people also had acquired treasures, Yunfei had already set his sights on them.

With a sap, if you hit it once, it's still a knock, and if you hit it twice or three times, it's still a knock. So why not knock all those who have acquired treasures?

Regarding the acquired treasure, Yunfei would only think too little, not too much.

Although he has already thought about how to force Fengshenshan to hand over the acquired treasure, Yunfei doesn't know whether they can fall into the trap.

Now naturally I can get one more piece.

But now is not the time for Yunfei to attack these people.

They are still too vigilant now, especially Feng Xiu, who has three acquired treasures. He is in the eye of the storm and is under the spotlight. This is not a good time to knock on the sap. The sap must wait until no one is around. Hit again when you pay attention.

So, let this Feng Xiu enjoy himself for a while.

This wait lasted only a few days. No one urged this situation. Although people who entered the secret realm could not perceive the eye of the wind at close range, the power of the rules here was definitely much clearer than other places, allowing them to continue to wait. They are all willing to stay here.

When the person who entered the secret realm was almost there, Feng Xiu opened his eyes.

"Thank you for waiting for the past few days. Xiu is fortunate enough to be given a treasure by his family. After a few days of reflection, he finally understood how to use the treasure. Xiu knows everyone's intention and will not let everyone down."

After saying that, there was a strong surge of wind under Feng Xiu's feet. With a wind bead as the center, a tornado formed. This was the wind bead's own power and it was used as a defensive weapon.

Lan Ning pouted: "It seems like no one has."

"Don't cause trouble."

Feng Qing frowned.


Lan Ning answered reluctantly.

They were also given a treasure by their family, and the treasure they were given was the wind bead that Feng Xiu had used.

Different from other forces, it is easier for Shenshan to make acquired treasures, but the categories are very single, just like those produced on the assembly line. The functions of wind beads and other things are the same, and they are also the lowest acquired treasures.

Looking at Feng Xiu again, before the tornado dispersed, a handle without a blade appeared in Feng Xiu's hand.

When Feng Xiu activated this treasure, a huge wind sword appeared in front of Feng Xiu.

Why use "huge" to describe it?

Because the wind sword is really huge, nearly a hundred meters long, when Feng Xiu swings the handle in his hand, the giant sword will also swing. Needless to say, the power is very sharp.

At this time, Lan Ning's eyes were full of envy.

What Feng Xiu finally took out was a seal. After the seal was activated, a wind spirit formed based on wind appeared.

This is the acquired treasure of the middle grade.

The wind spirit has spiritual intelligence and is the spirit of the seal. After condensing the entity outside, its own attack power is much stronger than that of the ordinary God Emperor.

If coupled with the stimulation of Feng Xiu's own energy rules, the power that this wind spirit can exert is already close to that of the God Emperor.


The wind spirit did not make any attack gesture. After it appeared, it knelt in the air and called Feng Xiu its master.

"Okay, okay, return to your position."

Feng Xiu would not show off the abilities of this wind spirit. He knew that there were definitely spies from other sacred mountains among the people in the secret realm at this moment.

Only when you are stupid will you let the enemy know all your abilities.

Feng Xiu's orders are naturally effective.

The wind spirit, like the genie from Aladdin's lamp, turned into a breath and poured into the seal.


"Senior Brother Feng Xiu is too strong. From now on we will naturally follow his lead."

The performance of Fengxiu was finished, and the attendants who had been arranged long ago began to shout.

These shouts brought back the consciousness of others, allowing them to recover from the shock of several acquired treasures.

"Yes, from now on we will all listen to Senior Brother Feng Xiu."

"Yes, it should be so. Fengshenshan will definitely become stronger under the leadership of Senior Brother Feng Xiu."

The compliments are endless.

Yunfei curled his lips in the dark and thought to himself that he was almost finished pretending. Is it time to drive people away?

"Thank you all junior brothers for your support. Xiu also needs your strength. Let us work together for Fengshen Mountain. If Xiu can really become an adult's personal successor, Fengshen Mountain will definitely be brought to a higher level. Please come back now. If anything happens, , Xio will naturally greet everyone."

Feng Xiu waved his hands to everyone in the secret area.

These disciples of Fengshen Mountain naturally returned the favor, and the scene was quite spectacular. There were tens of thousands of people in this secret realm, all of whom were above the god level. This power was naturally not weak.

Then these sensible people got up and left the secret realm one after another, but Yunfei had no intention of leaving.

Now that the little shrimps are gone, it's time for him to take action.

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