Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 936 Little Poison King

Chapter 936 Little Poison King

"How useful is the Eye of Destruction? What is its use?"

Yunfei has been thinking about this issue since he left Luna's boudoir.

From the time he arrived in God's Domain, this Eye of Destruction was the source of disaster. Now that the Moon God says that this Eye of Destruction is very useful, it must be of great use.

But Yunfei really couldn't figure it out. The Eye of Destruction did have some magic, but it was just a little bit. It didn't have such a big effect, right?

Well, Yunfei has an excellent potential, that is, he will not continue to think about things he cannot understand.

Anyway, you will naturally know when the time comes.

Then, we should get down to business.

What is the most important thing to Yunfei at this moment?

He didn't go to Xiyue immediately. He first found a place to wash himself with incense. First blood or something was very sacred and had to be treated with caution.

After Yunfei washed himself with fragrance, he successfully handed over his first blood.

Oh no, it should be said that Yun Fei completed the feat of one kill, two kills, and three kills.

Within three days, three major things were completed, which is really gratifying.

(Originally I planned to write tens of thousands of words about him, but unfortunately, I didn’t dare to go deep for fear of being criticized. In today’s era, even a kiss on the face will result in being criticized.)

The three girls of Xiyue transformed from girls to women as they wished. Not only did each of them become more attractive, but they also received huge benefits.

The Soul Master had actually given a hint a long time ago that Yun Fei's essence was no ordinary thing, it was an energy source even more powerful than blood essence.

The three girls received Yunfei's essence, and their physical fitness soared.

In the next two years, Yun Feijin accompanied the three girls on sightseeing tours on Yueshenxian Island. Of course, he did not forget about opening the acupoints.

Speaking of this, I would also like to talk about the benefits that the three women bring to Yunfei. When doing what he loves to do, the energy and blood in Yunfei's body surges. In addition, he absorbs the unique energy in the body of the three women. With the complementation of each other, the acupoints It started very smoothly.

Within two years, more than 40 qi and blood were activated in Yunfei's body, and his physical attributes soared by more than 50,000 points. A single attribute has reached 200,000, not counting the bonuses of various talents.

"Brother, are you leaving?"

Xiyue, who has become a real woman, is still a little worried.

Now that the time has come, Xiyue knows that Yunfei is about to leave for Shuishen Mountain.

This was promised as early as two years ago.

"It's time to go to Water God Mountain. Don't worry, no one can stop me."

Yunfei is very confident. In two years, he may not make much progress, but Yunfei has made great progress. His overall attributes have increased by one-third. Who can compare with this? ?

"Little brother, be careful. If you die, we won't live alone."

"Silly, wait until I come back."

Parting is always painful, so Yunfei didn't say too many words of farewell to avoid being sad.

He didn't even tell Tianyue Qing'er, but left alone after informing Xiyue.

This caused Qing'er to burst into tears after learning the news, saying that she wanted to go to Shuishen Mountain to wait for Yunfei.

But Xiyue rejected Qing'er's request.


Because in the past two years, they have not just played around.

Even if they don't deliberately inquire about the news, all kinds of news in the God's Domain will be passed to their ears.

Especially with Tianyue here, there is no secret that can stop Tianyue.

Every few days, Tianyue will go to Soul Island for a tour. Every time he goes around, he can learn all kinds of news.

There are many spies from various forces stationed on Soul Island, and Tianyue will know the secrets hidden in their hearts.

So Xiyue knew that Yunfei's trip to Shuishenshan might not be as smooth as Fengshenshan.

There is also a new argument within the Holy Mountain.

That means Yunfei cannot be allowed to continue to open the secret realm.

Because every time Yunfei opens a secret realm, he will master the rules of the same attribute. This is a lesson learned from past experiences.

Wind, fire, all like that.

If Yunfei is really allowed to open all the secret realms of the Holy Mountain, wouldn't he be able to control the power of multiple rules?

Who among his peers can be Yunfei's opponent then?

This is not only the internal argument of the Holy Mountain, but also the external pressure on the Holy Mountain. The Holy Temple and the Dark Pavilion jointly put pressure on the Holy Mountain. It is also difficult for the Holy Mountain to do so.

But can Yunfei be stopped just by you?

People over a thousand years old are not allowed to attack Yunfei. How many people under a thousand years old can stand up to Yunfei?

At this time, a person who can confront Yunfei head-on is waiting for Yunfei to arrive on Shuishen Mountain.

He wants to stop Yunfei before he reaches the top of Shuishen Mountain.

This man is not a member of some powerful force, he is a close disciple of the Poison-faced Lord.

The Poison-faced God is a holy god among the Sanren. For many years, the dragon has been seen and disappeared, and no one knows where he is.

He did not form his own force, and the only disciple he accepted was this one, known as the Little Poison King, but he was not a God King, but he was very strong, and he was a proper God Emperor.

This little Poison King is the only disciple who has followed the Poison-faced Lord for many years. He enjoys the exclusive favor of the Holy Master and the resources he can get are simply unimaginable.

Among the disciples of the same generation, only those with the same status and status can compare with him.

Yes, among his peers, there are several people with the same status as him, who are also powerful disciples of the Holy Spirit among the Sanren.

Although the scattered people are like a loose sand, the powerful and powerful among them are not afraid of the powerful people at all.

If people don't form a force, that's just because of their temperament, nothing more.

"Does the Little Poison King really want to block the clouds from flying to my Water God Mountain?"

Shuilun's hair has turned gray these days.

When good things don't come, bad things come one after another.

First, it was reported that Yunfei was not allowed to open the secret realm after the Holy Mountain. This was okay. If he did not have to worry about Shuilun, he would have to worry about it on other sacred mountains.

Because the stipulation is for the future, not now. This has already been agreed upon. You can't just stop it, right?

The top leaders of Shenshan also negotiated with other powerful people in this way.

Others also agreed, and they also wanted to see if it was true, as the rumors said, that Yun Fei could also obtain the power of rules with the same attribute after opening the secret realm.

If it is really possible, then this kind of thing must be stopped.

Therefore, Shenshan allowed Yunfei to continue climbing to the top of Shuishenshan, which was tacitly approved by other forces.

It's a pity that the little poison king doesn't play according to the routine.

In the past two years, Yun Fei's reputation has spread throughout the God's Domain, and the Little Poison King has naturally heard of it.

He does not seek to be Mo Fei's disciple, because he has a master who treats him very well, and he will not betray his master.

But that didn't stop him from finding trouble with Yun Fei.

It is said that Yun Fei is the number one person within a thousand years. Naturally, the Little Poison King will not agree with this. His age is also within a thousand years. He also wants the title of number one person.

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