Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 943 Only if you beat my brother can you be considered powerful

Chapter 943: Only if you beat my brother can you be considered powerful.

It's as if someone poured a bucket of gasoline on a burning person, really adding fuel to the fire.

"Okay, that's exactly what I meant."

Upon seeing this, the Second Saint Son also took out his own treasure. At their level, middle-grade acquired treasures were already standard.

It would be a shame if we couldn't get it out.

The two people were going back and forth in the air, and they quickly became angry, as if they were really fighting to the death.

"You and I shouldn't be idle anymore. The little Poison King really has some tricks up his sleeve, and your younger brother is just okay. I really want to see how good you are."

The Son of God spoke.

It was also not a discussion tone. After speaking, it was like the Great Saint Son rushed over.

The cultivation of this Son of God is based on the rules of light, and his actions are really like a ray of light.

"Hmph, I might as well deal with you first, then Yunfei will be in the possession of my temple."

The Great Saint Son practices the rules of earth. When the rules of earth come upon him and a majestic feeling breaks out from his body, what will be the consequences of the impact of light on the earth?

Anyway, for a short period of time it seemed that the earth was better, because he was motionless, but the son of God who controlled the light was a little embarrassed. When the two collided, he was bounced and flew away.

Such a result also confirmed the words of the Great Holy Son. What he said did not seem to be bragging, but he really did not take the Son of God seriously.

Although the battle between the four was a battle between gods and emperors, the commotion caused was comparable to a battle between gods and lords.

The God Emperors who were hiding aside to watch the excitement did not dare to float in the air, lest they be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

"My holy son of the temple is really powerful. Not only can he defeat the son of God, but he can also defeat the little poison king who has been famous for many years. It is really satisfying."

The elite God Emperor arranged by the temple sighed with emotion on the Water God Mountain.

Looking at the battle in the air, they felt proud in their hearts.

It is true that in recent years, the development of the temple is much better than that of the Holy Mountain. There are endless talents inside the temple. In the battle with the Holy Mountain outside, there are more wins and less losses.

Even the inner sense of honor among the disciples was cultivated.

On the other hand, the Holy Mountain is somewhat decadent, with fierce internal competition, and the various Holy Mountains are not too aligned. Although they are said to belong to the same Holy Mountain, in fact, it is more like multiple small Holy Mountains grouped together, each with its own thoughts.

"Huh, my sacred mountain is the orthodox of the divine realm. How can the many secret realms my sacred mountain possesses be comparable to your temple?"

The people in the temple are enjoying themselves, but the people in the Holy Mountain are naturally not happy.

Are you really impatient if you despise the Holy Mountain on our territory?

"No matter how many secret realms we have, the only ones we can cultivate are trash like you. Are you still proud of that?"

"If you dare, say it again?"

"I can say it several times. How are you doing?"

The Emperor of the Temple is also very strong. Within the family, he is also a person at the level of the Lord of the Palace. He has great authority. It would be strange for him to be timid.


The master of Shenshan is also a young elder of the family. When it comes to pride, he cannot lose to anyone.

Seeing that the God-Emperor level was about to start a fight, the God-Emperor of Water God Mountain appeared.

"Quiet down, don't forget what you are here for."

This God-Emperor is not Shuilun, but a being more powerful than Shuilun. Seeing that a fight is about to start here, it will be impossible if he doesn't show up.

The Little Poison King and others are fighting vigorously in the air, so where will these God Emperors fight?

Naturally, it was him on Shuishen Mountain.

Madhu, this is his Water God Mountain, can he let others destroy it wantonly?

So he showed up.

"You are a guest, so you must be polite." This was what the God Emperor of the Water God Mountain said to his own God Emperor of the God Mountain.

"You are guests, so you must respect the rules of the host." This was what the God Emperor of the Water God Mountain said to the God Emperor of the Temple.

Such words made the two people who were still talking fiercely shut up instantly.

The Temple God Emperor bowed slightly to the Water God Mountain God Emperor.


They didn't come here to fight with each other.

And if they really want to fight, this is the territory of their sacred mountain, not the temple.

Therefore, it is safer to clip things like the tail.

The battle on Shuishen Mountain did not start, but the battle in the air showed no intention of stopping. Instead, it became more and more intense.

The acquired treasure is showing off its power, and the sky seems to be trembling.

As expected, the Little Poison King did not deceive Yunfei. He used the middle-grade acquired treasure, and his strength improved by more than one or two points.

In the sacred mountain, the three fellow sufferers Feng Xiu, who belonged to the Fengshen Mountain, looked very ugly.

Once upon a time, Feng Xiu also had his own middle-grade acquired treasure, but now, his acquired treasure is gone.

Got snatched away by that bastard.

When he thought of this, Feng Xiu felt the urge to cry.

It's ridiculous that I thought I could kill Yun Fei at that time, and I vowed to organize the manpower.

Looking at it now, I seem to be a clown. Now the protagonist has become a being of the level of the Son of God, and the former main players have become supporting characters. The inner gap is naturally huge.

However, if there was a chance to knock Yun Fei on the back of the head a few times, Feng Xiu would still be very happy to oblige.

Half an hour later, the battle in the sky changed.

At the level of Little Poison King and the others, it is simply impossible to fight for a long time when they are evenly matched, because every move they make is extremely powerful, so their consumption is very high.

After using the treasure, the situation will only become more serious.

The Little Poison King was finally restrained by the Second Saint Son. In the battle with the Second Saint Son, he suffered a great loss and consumed more energy, so he was the first to run out of gas.

But the Little Poison King has no habit of admitting defeat. Even if the energy in his body cannot hold on, he has not flinched and is still fighting on the front line.

The final result was that he, who had no power in actual combat rules, was knocked away by the Second Saint Son and hit hard on the Water God Mountain.

The injury caused by the impact on the body was not serious, but what was serious was that ice had condensed on Little Poison King's body, which was not a good thing for a fire cultivator.

"The Second Holy Son of the Temple is really good at what he does."

The Little Poison King stood on the Water God Mountain, patted the ice on his body, and stared at the Second Saint Son with his hands tied in the air with burning eyes and spoke.

"You can leave, I won't embarrass you."

The Second Saint Son showed great magnanimity. He still had the ability to fight. If he continued to attack the Little Poison King, he didn't think the Little Poison King would be able to withstand it.

Even if it takes a lot of effort to kill the little Poison King, it is still possible to at least make the Little Poison King half disabled.

It's just that things haven't developed to this point yet, so there's no need to do it all.

"Leave? That's not possible. I still have to wait for my brother here. If you beat me, it's not a big deal. If you have the ability, you will be great if you beat my brother."

The Little Poison King has no intention of leaving. He still has to wait for Yunfei to come out. He is very confident in Yunfei's strength. At least, if there is only one Second Saint Son, he may not be Yunfei's opponent.

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