Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 285 Fujimaru Ritsuka’s exponential growth curve

The small theater with Nono was just an interlude.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is an actor, but she is not an actor who lies to others. Instead, she uses her best performance to force everyone to accept her truth.

She didn't lie, she really didn't care about others knowing that she was a reborn person or a time traveler.

As for guessing what Nono said, it's not a lie.

In fact, this is very simple reasoning.

Condition 1: What Nono did was not reasoning.

Condition 2: Nonuo did not use the spirit of speech.

Condition 3: Nono knows information about Fujimaru Ritsuka in other worlds.

It can be seen from this that Nono knew the information about Fujimaru Ritsuka long before enrolling in school.

The possibilities can be roughly divided into [Nono is also a time traveler] [Nono has contact with Lu Mingze and learned these things from each other] [Nono's ability is parallel world observation. She sees the world she is in. Online content】Three types.

The possibility can be ruled out that he secretly used the suggestion magic learned in the master's self-study class in front of Nono. It can be said to be the simplest magic trick for magicians, but the other party did not react at all.

At that time, Lixiang deliberately approached Nono and made physical contact with her. Of course, she also wanted to confirm her heartbeat and confirm that the other party was not pretending.

So, what about the latter?

The answer is that it will also be excluded.

Although Lu Mingze had little contact with Lixiang, both of them thought they had seen each other's true nature.

The "flaws" shown by Nuonuo are not the characteristics of someone who would be manipulated by Lu Mingze. If he were a member of the [Salvation Society Animal World Team], then he would not be like this. "I'm in so much pain and I'm so lonely".

And most importantly.

Based on Lixiang's understanding of Lu Mingze, he would not be interested in a girl like Nono.

Well, the answers are all ruled out.

Then the only option left is the last one.

——After all impossibilities have been eliminated, whatever remains, no matter how unbelievable, must be the truth.

Nono didn't use the word spirit because he had already used it before meeting Fujimaru Ritsuka?

This possibility was ruled out after about ten minutes.

[Chen Mo Tong, indeed, that is a very special student. She does not have a speech spirit, but she does have quite outstanding profiling skills. We speculate that this is some kind of characteristic of brain mutation. 】

【What's wrong? Don't you like her as your roommate? Do you want me to help you change dormitories~]

After sending Nono into the dormitory, Lixiang found an opportunity to sneak out of the room. The reason was of course to find some information about Nono.

Strategically despise, tactically attach importance to - such a famous saying, of course the well-read Ritsuka has heard it.

The person on the other end of the phone knows Cassel College best.

"That is to say, all the profiling incidents she recorded in the school were only activated after seeing the person involved?" Lixiang recalled Nono's stunned moment when she saw her, as if she had caught something. There are clues, but there is a clear sense of violation.

If anything, all the possibilities I listed earlier are impossible options.

Then the remaining truth must be "almost impossible" that is extremely easy to ignore.

I know Fujimaru Ritsuka, but I can't use the Word Spirit. I know it in advance, but it needs to be triggered at the moment of seeing it.

The increasing number of conditions did not allow Ritsuka to come to a conclusion instantly. His mind was spinning rapidly, and his fingers subconsciously moved to his lips.

[Ahem, I'm sorry to interrupt your reasoning game, but you should still remember that you are on the phone, right? 】

On the other end of the phone, the old man's slightly complaining voice sounded.

"Ha, if you know what it means to be considerate, teacher, the most gentlemanly and charming choice would be to smile twice and hang up the phone silently at this time." Li Xiang's voice was erratic, obviously not paying much attention to it. On the phone.

This reaction made Angers even more uncomfortable.

[You kid, after being a partner for a year, your relationship with your students has improved, but your way of dealing with others has fallen behind. 】

[Alas, I don’t know when that Fujimaru Ritsuka, who respected his teachers and respected his teachings, left me. 】

The old man sighed.


Acting like a spoiled child, right?

The girl twitched her lips.

She put down what she was thinking about for the time being and sighed.

The person on the other end of the phone is Angers, the strongest hybrid in the world and the principal of this school.

If outsiders were to see Angers like this, their jaws might drop in shock. After all, this is the famous iron-blooded God of Death in the mixed-blood world, a monster that kills dragons as well as dogs.

No, it’s a bit inappropriate to say it’s a dog slaughter. People still show mercy when they kill a dog. Angers killing a dragon is like a little girl who sees a rag doll she doesn’t like and rushes up with a knife and stabs it a few times. You have to pull out all the cotton inside a person and scatter it all over the floor.

But such an old man was talking to the girl in a joking and teasing tone, and even had some immature complaints.

This is simply an unprecedented picture.

But it is true that if you want to say who Fujimaru Ritsuka spent the longest time with during this year, it would definitely be Angers. The two flew around the world, chopped down dragons together, and opened Wikipedia on the streets of foreign countries. Encyclopedia and Google Maps searched for local public toilets and food courts.

The relationship between the two has also progressed from the director of the executive bureau of the Sheqi Eight Families and the God of Death of the European secret party, to a lifelong acquaintance, and to the point where they are now a teacher and a student.

Angers had many students, but the only one he couldn't help but miss after graduation was Inuyama Ga.

But now, Fujimaru Ritsuka has become one of these rare situations, even more special.

The Avengers all know that no matter how mismatched the heroes are, after experiencing a life-and-death battle, they must treat each other as brothers who can rely on and can show their backs. This is especially true for Fujimaru Ritsuka and Angers who have been comrades for a year. .

So, let’s do a calculation.

It is known that the total time it took for Fujimaru Ritsuka to completely conquer the Singularity Event was less than a year, taking 10,000 steps back and calculating it as one year.

In that year, Fujimaru Ritsuka had more than a hundred servants who were full of bonds.

Then taking ten thousand steps back and calculating based on the calculation method of one hundred people per year, Fujimaru Ritsuka can also raise the favorability of a heroic spirit who thinks highly of himself to "willing to fight to death for Fujimaru Ritsuka" in three days. "The demonic monster.

Again, this is taking ten thousand steps back.

So, a year?

In a sense, the bond between the two is too high to be increased.

However, precisely because of this——

"Teacher, you've never been married, so you can't understand this kind of thing. It's precisely because of a good relationship that you appear careless. At an immature age, children will always leave the cruelest malice to their parents, because they subconsciously know Parents will not be cruel to them. The reverse is also true. Immature parents will not be aware of their own evil behaviors of pampering."

【What do you want to say? 】

Ange was puzzled, Lixiang suppressed a smile and said in a rather artificial way: "What I mean is that the relationship between the teacher and I is the same as the family. You must know how to accept my shy and reserved family affection."


Angers stopped talking. He realized that the more entangled he was with this junior, the easier it was to be suppressed verbally. The 50-50 openness when they first met had gradually gone away. I don’t know when, he also became the person who wants to be in Fujimaru. The reserved old man appeared in front of Ritsuka.

Perhaps, this is the difference between friends and elders.

Let's show it off to Inuyamaga, Uesugi and the others later.

Ange touched his nose, took out another mobile phone from his trouser pocket, dialed the number on his hand, and entered Uesugoshi's mobile phone number.

What he was thinking was one thing, but what he was saying was another thing. Anger said slowly with a gentle smile.

[Ritsuka, although I know you are focused on studying in Kassel now, and I will give you all permissions, but don’t forget to call people back home. I’m afraid that old boy Uesugoshi will scold me. 】

"Oh, I always call back regularly. Master Yue just had a chat yesterday."

The girl answered immediately.

[Hey, hey, Ange, what are you doing with me? 】

【Um? say something! 】

Angers was silent for a moment and turned off the connected call on his cell phone. Silence lingered in the air, and a little echo of Master Yue's random yelling.

"Ahem, anyway, what I want to say is-"

Angers adjusted his mentality and tried to say the lines he had thought of in a calm manner.

He had thought about a lot, including the school board of directors, but in the end it seemed that he didn't say anything.

do not know why.

He just didn't want the girl to come into contact with those people, and he didn't want her to know about this terrible superstructure.

He just spoke softly, like a real elder in the family.

"Welcome to Kassel, Ritsuka."


Is there anyone giving a reward?

Speaking of which, I didn’t know much about rewards before, but now I realize that if there are too many rewards, the writer’s assistant will notify me directly.


Then when you open the book friends list, you will find that many people have rewarded it in the past.

Wow, I cried to death.

The author has no talent, just perform a shoe-licking show.

Licking licking licking prprprprprprp

Thanks to everyone who tipped, and of course thanks to the good dads and mothers who have been able to subscribe until now.

However, just reward as much as you can, and don’t make impulsive purchases.

Anyway, not all the money is in my hands, I don’t even remember what the share ratio is ()

If you want to give me money, just support me! The children are well taken care of! ()

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