Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 312 [Gate of Truth] (three-in-one)

"The so-called alchemy, one of the four wonders of the Dragon Clan, is a multi-category art based on "energy" with the goal of "reinventing matter". It has certain similarities with chemistry, but it also Very different from chemistry.”

In class, the chattering old man changed one after another. Today's old man was a coquettish guy. He subconsciously touched his belly as he walked. His rough palms wrinkled his white shirt, but there were no students. Be willing to point this out.

Nicholas Flamel. The vice-principal of Kassel College continued feeling good about himself.

"The essence of alchemy is to dismantle matter into the most basic units of all things - elements, and then recombine these "energy" in different ordering methods, so as to cause a fundamental transformation of the original matter or to make the matter obtain its original state. It does not belong to the special properties of this substance.”

"This concept is familiar, right? Yes, if the history of the Dragon Clan can be compared to the myths we are familiar with, then the most relevant reference must be the Nordic mythology."

"The most basic and most fundamental idea in Nordic mythology is - "equivalent exchange"."

"And this process is to use pure fire to peel off the soul of the original material, that is, 'killing the material', and then use pure fire to introduce the soul of the new material into the empty shell of the material, that is, 'material recovery'."

The vice-principal glanced at the young faces of the students present. He was first impressed by the difference in collagen, and then felt a sense of joy at their serious expressions.

He deliberately glanced at the serious children who were taking notes and said with a wicked smile.

"But you don't need to remember what I just said."




Waves of doubtful eyes were raised. The vice-principal accepted those negative emotions with a bad taste, and his face showed a subtle expression of satisfaction and distortion that made people doubt his humanity.

A good boy muttered and tore up his notes, waiting for the vice-principal to say the next thing.

The vice-principal lived up to expectations and coughed twice.

"The reason why you don't need to remember what I just said is because you can also hear it from other teachers." He looked up at everyone again, meeting those eyes without hesitation.

"You will regard that knowledge as a treasure, but just like you did not participate in the college student innovation competition during school, nor did you do a good job in the experimental design competition, and became a college student who graduated with a graduation project. After entering the society (battlefield), you will Just wait until you drown with that knowledge, and before you die, you can complain about whether this knowledge is useless."

The cruel words of the vice-principal forced everyone's attention to him, and the vice-principal puffed up his chest and repeated in a low voice.

"That's right, it's useless."

"Not to mention that humans simply do not have enough technology to create 'dead matter', nor do they have enough ready-made materials to make alchemy tools. Even these principles are only superficial."

"The pinnacle of modern alchemists - at best, they can only understand alchemy tools, use alchemy tools, and repair alchemy tools. Who doesn't know that the most despised jobs for engineering students after they go out are called salesmen and maintenance workers. "The vice principal covered his face.

There was a moment of silence.

Students at Kassel College generally don't hear teachers tell them so directly in class, "You are just a bunch of idiots, and the ones who teach you are also idiots."

Most hybrids are crazy.

But they are optimistic lunatics.

They think that it is an honor to die on the battlefield of slaying dragons, just like the Hall of Valor of God King Odin in Nordic mythology. Those hybrids who don’t know whether their brains were burned out by dragon blood think that battlefields, blood, and The fighting of dragons is where they belong.

But if you tell them now that you are not even qualified to fight, they will feel very uncomfortable and even feel as sick and unhappy as eating shit.

However, if they have watched more lectures by so-called famous teachers, they will find that no matter what the specific method is, teachers who really know how to give speeches will use their own methods to suppress the atmosphere to the lowest point.

And this is obviously for the subsequent explosion.

In the huge lecture hall, the blond student in the front row seemed to understand the vice principal's thoughts. He crossed his chest with only a calm look on his face. After watching the vice principal's affectionate performance, he slowly spoke.

"So, Vice-Principal, you are not here to tell us something as simple as 'the end of the mixed race has come', right?"

"Correct! Caesar Gattuso! I'm just waiting for a smart kid like you who knows how to read the atmosphere to answer." The vice-principal snapped his fingers cheerfully and smiled.

"But your late credits will still be deducted."


Caesar crossed his chest, snorted, and muttered in a low voice.

"I'm super. Don't."

"Hahahaha, don't mind, don't mind."

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was sitting aside, laughed and patted Caesar on the shoulder as a comfort.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka's credits will also be deducted."

"I'm super. Don't."

The girl's face suddenly became aggrieved.

The vice-principal didn't care about the close relationship between students' credits and graduation season, but continued on the topic just now.

"But there is a twist in what I just said, and that is the 'peak of the so-called modern alchemist' -" the vice-principal pointed at himself.

"That kind of thing has nothing to do with me."

"Flamel is always ahead of the times. The progress of the times may be closely related to everyone, but the leap of the times, the advancement of the times, and the transformation of mankind will always rely on those very few geniuses."

"Those geniuses who are now recorded in textbooks, those alchemists who are hidden in history and may not even have their names left, the inheritance of Flamel."

"My personal knowledge far exceeds what you have learned in school. So here, I want to tell you two things clearly -"

The vice-chancellor raised a finger.

"First, the foundation of alchemy and the spirit of speech are interoperable."

"In other words, alchemy includes the spirit of speech."

This was the first bombshell in this class. Even the students of Cassel College, who were extremely high-quality, couldn't help but become noisy at that moment.

Among the latecomers sitting in the first row, Fingel, who was licking his face and pretending to be distracted, also narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Flamel's side face.

The vice-principal said angrily.

"Like what I just said, you have to understand that alchemy is just a combination of the basic substances of the entire world, that is, elements. What we alchemists can do is to blend them and add catalysts."

"In terms of spirit, there is essentially no difference from alchemy."

"The reason why hybrids can use speech spirits is because in your bloodline, a certain 'formula' is passed down using dragon blood as the medium. By briefly making the dragon blood active, you will enter spiritual vision and synchronize Pure-blooded dragons who use this word spirit subconsciously drive the elements in the air in that way."

"This is divided into two key points."

"First, the fact that humans can use speech spirits means that humans are also qualified to control elements in the atmosphere."

"Second, the prerequisite for using the word spirit is dragon blood, and the specific composition of dragon blood, even if it lasts for thousands of years, after the explosive development of technology, we still can't figure out its specific composition."

The vice principal hummed.

"That's of course. Dragon's blood doesn't even have any similarity to human blood except that it looks 'liquid'. It's one of the most mysterious substances in the world."

"We alchemists prefer to think of dragon blood as a fantasy substance. Do you understand? It's like the element of fire or earth. The only difference is that dragon blood has quality and can touch and pollute reality."

"What can you relate to at this point?"

This time, Caesar quickly came up with the answer, but he did not answer, but subconsciously looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka sitting next to him. At this glance, he realized that almost everyone in the first row, where the latecomers were sitting, was looking at her.

Lu Mingfei, Fingel, even Ling, Chu Zihang were all watching.

after all--

A fantasy substance that can pollute reality, the only one among the five elements

Spiritual elements.

The spiritual element is a collection of 'human' information and experiences. It has been mentioned before that the reason why hybrids are superior to ordinary people is because of the dragon blood in their bodies.

Dragon blood and spiritual elements obviously have a very close relationship.

The other students are not stupid, Flamel continued after confirming that most students already had their own ideas in mind.

"Second, the foundation of alchemy."

"The simplest operation in alchemy, or the simplest matrix model, the basis of all algorithms, is usually this -"

The vice-principal once again used his unique skill of "drawing a circle with one hand with perfect score" quite easily, and what appeared in front of the Cassel students was a nearly perfect five-pointed star.

"Pentagram, when you were in elementary school, you would probably draw around this symbol. Perhaps for this reason, you would think that this symbol is too simple to be the starting point of mysticism."

"But actually - the five-pointed star, also called the Pentacle."

"In ancient Egypt, it was used as a symbol of the womb of the underworld."

"In ancient Babylon, it was used as the symbol of Ereshkigal, the twin sister of the goddess Ishtar."

"In Greek mythology, the pentagram is a symbol of the earth goddess Kore"

“In Celtic legend, the sun hero Gawain painted a pentagram on his blood-red shield in honor of the goddess.”

"Jewish scriptures hold that these seals represent the secret names of God."

"The Ten Commandments of King Solomon also depict a pentagram. Because of this, the pentagram was also misunderstood as the "Seal of Solomon."

When she heard the word Solomon, Fujimaru Ritsuka's brows twitched slightly. She was still addicted to playing tricks and couldn't help but look at Vice Principal Flamel's lesson plan.

There, the geometric patterns outlined by white chalk are so simple, yet so


"Pentagrams appear in different eras and in different myths at the same time without any communication. Although the meanings they represent are slightly different, the similarities in their roots can be seen." Flamel said in After finishing the drawing, he put down his pen and looked at everyone with a solemn look.

"In fact, it is not difficult for you to see that the five elements and the five points of the pentagram can completely correspond."

"Among medieval alchemists, the so-called small universe model was once popular. They equated the concept of the universe with the human being. The outer circle represents the universe, and the inner circle is painted with a male figure. The head, hands and feet correspond to the five-pointed star. There are five corners, and the genitals are located in the center of the circle. Therefore, the magicians believe that the human "microcosm" is governed by the five stars."

"This concept is also connected to the Kabbalah Tree of Life and is very similar."

"The pentagram is considered to be the source of everything, the universe, or the symbol that represents the starting point of everything."

As mentioned before, Ritsuka's grades in magic class are not very satisfactory, but her association skills are very strong.

If the concept of the pentagram is similar to the Kabbalistic tree of life, then after crossing this matrix that symbolizes the origin, it is...

“The starting point of all things, the vortex of roots is like a book that records the beginning of all things, the origin, process, and end of all things, and is as old as the universe.

Just like the Akashic records, it records the beginning, process and end of every life. "

At that moment, Flamel's voice gradually softened.

"That is the ultimate pursuit of all alchemists. We call what is behind that [door]——"


"Alchemists are basically beings who can die for [truth], which stems from the most fundamental desire of human beings. The desire for knowledge."

"It is said that those who can access the vortex of the source and pry into the cause-and-effect relationship of all things can be said to know all things. In other words, the vortex of the source is the ultimate knowledge, but the ultimate also represents limitation. Everything has its limits, and without limit, the concept of infinity will be lost.”

"Contradiction, error, cycle."

"The so-called truth cannot be explained artificially. We only know that after crossing the truth, the alchemist can reach seven peaks."

"The seven peaks of the alchemist are definitely not for sale, but the seven crowns."

"In our Flamel heritage, that is called the Seven Kingdoms."

At this point, the vice principal's voice was unusually low.

Because from this moment on, he was not as a hybrid, but as a scholar, an alchemist, looking at the far-reaching and frightening truth in the pursuit of truth, and unconsciously showing a pilgrim-like attitude.

Seven Kingdoms.

[Element replacement]

【Spiritual Recast】

【Concept Arms】

【Reverse flow of time】

【Space opening】

【Life Creation】

[Separation of cause and effect]

Every achievement is beyond human imagination.

Every time the vice-principal carved a noun on the blackboard, people's eyes became more solemn and shocked.

Even Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but think about them and look up when he saw those existences.

Because that is likely to be a future that human technology cannot reach, and even an end that the magicians in my previous life cannot approach.

[Mysterious and miraculous acts that cannot be reproduced by humans]

That is——


After the roots comes magic.

After truth comes the crown.

It's a dreamlike inevitability.

The old man's narration continued, but the voice was so ethereal and distant.

"And on the throne that dominates all dragons, there is only one king who holds this supreme power."

"his name is"


"Old Tang, wake up!"


In California, USA, Chu Tianjiao kicked open the door of his rental house.

Accompanied by the sound of the boards being separated and broken, two overlapping black shadows staggered into the door. The shadows fell on the corner of the living room, and a strong smell of alcohol spread.


Chu Tianjiao burped, dragged his steps, and managed to get Old Tang onto the sofa steadily, while he fell down on the carpet.

He raised his arms, as if he wanted to grab a blanket to cover Old Tang. However, Old Tang, who was snoring like thunder, scratched the thick hair on his chest, turned around, rolled down from the sofa, and landed on Chu Tianjiao. , almost made this old man vomit out the Margaret in his stomach.

Chu Tianjiao reluctantly pushed away Old Tang's stinky face, wiped his face, and lay on the ground panting.

This smelly old man in his forties obviously cannot return to his former glory. The stubble on his face has not been cleaned off, and his hair is extremely greasy, but the foundation of his face is still there, and so is his temperament.

There were traces of raindrops on the white sports coat. The messy dark red lip marks on his face were blurred and wet due to water stains. There were even dazzling strawberries planted on his neck.

Obviously, this is the man who escaped from the rose forest.

On his back was a brother he knew from work, a man who was fucked by a heavily made-up stripper in a bar.

Old Tang had a good capacity for drinking, but he still couldn't hold on. He stopped drinking halfway through. Chu Tianjiao also went to the toilet at the critical moment to look through the Father's Day thank-you letter sent to him by his son before he regained his composure and refused to let go. Chu Zihang's father became a wild man who sowed money with seven or eight old ladies in an unknown small bar.

To talk about why the two of them were so crazy today, we have to start with what happened recently.

As mentioned before, the two participated in a long-term search mission. The publisher of the mission was unknown. The name on the hunter website was [Boss], and the content asked the two to search for supernatural events in a remote town in California.

This matter initially involved the protection of the marine ecological environment and the serial killer in the town. It also involved evil things, bad feng shui, and evil Rakshasa ghosts.

The mission experience is enough for the two to star in an Raiders of the Lost Ark story.

The two of them almost became the local magic duo and went to a lot of so-called haunted house attractions. Not to mention, Chu Tianjiao actually found a lot of traces of suspected dragon activities. It seemed that the seaside was indeed the area hardest hit by dragons.

And Old Tang's 'luck' turned out not to be fake.

The two of them stayed in the village for a long time, but never encountered the so-called dragon once. Chu Tianjiao was shocked, and then based on step-by-step reasoning based on his rich experience in the executive bureau, he roughly came to a conclusion.

It should be that a certain alchemy item with a strong negative effect was leaked, causing a series of events to occur.

Therefore, Chu Tianjiao and Old Tang continued to explore this direction of investigation, going around the town again and again, and finally found a mutilated rag.

The cloth itself appears white, and the material is no longer a modern material. We can only guess from the sewing method of the needle and thread that the cloth itself should be a piece of clothing, and the person wearing it should be quite tall.

Beyond that, the thread is dead.

The cloth itself was obviously not a complete alchemy tool, but Chu Tianjiao did feel a strong sense of crisis on it. He did not even dare to touch it because the village said that anyone who dared to touch the cloth was already dead. And the death was miserable.

Here, Chu Tianjiao was still thinking about whether this cloth could match something in history or mythology, but his long-term case-handling partner, Watson Old Tang, had a problem.

The day he saw the piece of cloth, Old Tang had to go to the hospital because of a headache.

The place was remote, so the two of them had no choice but to find a local witch doctor. However, the other party said that he was of Indian descent, and he danced like crazy. Chu Tianjiao was so stunned that he almost threw the money in the other person's face. Tell him to get out.

Fortunately, Old Tang was fine in the end.

Not only was everything fine, maybe it was because Old Tang's lucky constitution broke out again. One illness changed his European blood for a while, and Old Tang went crazy for some reason. He was so lucky that the two of them began to speed up their case handling.

It was finally determined that the alchemy tool had been hidden in the back mountain by an old hunter from Murakami. The reason why it had not been found was because the hunter had long since died of high blood sugar from eating too many cheeseburgers and charcoal-grilled beef breasts. No, there is no family, which leads to the loss of clues.

If Old Tang hadn't gone to the back mountain to defecate that day because he had a stomachache, and when it rained and was looking for a place to take shelter from the rain, he found the Orion's hut, perhaps he would have been able to do a blanket search.

Now, with the alchemy tools in hand, the two finally ended this long-term mission.

After the mission, [Boss] saw the hard work of the two of them, so he doubled his reward. This result made Old Tang and Chu Tianjiao ecstatic. The two of them could not work for almost ten years, and they could live happily if they rented a house. .

That’s why I chose to go to the bar to celebrate.

Unexpectedly, this celebration made me drunk.


Chu Tianjiao looked at Old Tang who put his hand on his chest again, and smacked his mouth in dissatisfaction.

One year, this is the time Chu Tianjiao and Old Tang spend together.

Just like Fujimaru Ritsuka and Ange would put down their guard against each other after a year of being partners, Chu Tianjiao and Lao Tang, two equally handsome men, have become brothers who talk about everything. .

Old Tang doesn't have social phobia and can eat anywhere, but he said that he actually doesn't have any close friends. One is Chu Tianjiao, and the other is a Chinese friend he has never met, a little brother he knows from StarCraft.

When talking about these things in the bar, Chu Tianjiao could see the real loneliness in the other person's eyes. His mouth moved, but in the end he still did not say any words of comfort.

He can understand.

Chu Tianjiao is an S-class hybrid. When he was a child, he was lonelier than anyone else. If he hadn't met Angers when he grew up and encountered that school full of lunatics, he would probably have turned into a wild man and spent every day. He knows how to hang out in bars and nightclubs, Fuzhou Xiaobailong.

But now, he is married, has a son, and even understands the responsibility of being a father.

So he patted Old Tang on the shoulder and said that everything would pass. He didn't need many friends, he only wanted the best, and he was happy to be his brother for life.

Old Tang happily raised his glass, and the two of them drank together in a pretentious manner, and became sworn friends in Taoyuan, a third-rate, inferior bar.

They are friends.

So Chu Tianjiao kicked Old Tang on the butt, rolled him three times, and he quickly fell down and fell asleep instantly.

There was rain falling outside the window, tapping on the window, like a guest coming. Old Tang scratched his buttocks and kept making awkward sounds in his mouth. After a while, he arched his buttocks and got up from the stall.

The man opened his eyes blankly, looked at Chu Tianjiao on the ground, scratched his head, and staggered towards the toilet.


The rain fell in the darkness, and the thundering day flashed outside the window. Old Tang lazily laid his hands on the sink.

Her short black hair, which was wet from the rain, covered her forehead. Her mouth was an unhealthy purple color, and there were some red lip marks on her face. In the messy hair, the man's dark pupils looked down at the lipstick marks.


The sound came from the toilet. Chu Tianjiao in the living room turned over, hugged the blanket tightly, covered his ears, and muttered, 'You drink so much even if you don't know how to drink. You must suffer now.'

And in the toilet.

Drop, crackle.

The lights flickered, and the cold wind outside the window carried the heavy rain and blew into the room, soaking the edges of Old Tang's overalls. The man ignored it and rubbed the marks on his face vigorously with the back of his hand.


Can't be wiped off.

Blah blah blah

How disgusting.

Hiss, hiss, hiss—

Blah blah blah

The faucet washed away the bright red color, and when the man looked up again, he was left with only a face that had been rubbed red on the cheeks and a face with almost no expression.

The man looked at himself in the mirror and exhaled.

"It's really disgusting."

Human beings.

Old Tang touched his face, his little finger touched the corner of his mouth, and his index finger crossed the corner of his eyes and slid down gently.

Yeah, that's disgusting.


"I'm so tired of pretending."

Boom! ! ! !

White thunder struck down from the top of the sky, shattering the night and hitting the crumbling earth mercilessly. Light shot into the sealed room from outside the blown curtains.

The man opened his eyes and looked in the mirror.

over there.

The gilded gold like fire tore into pieces the brilliance of thunder.

ps: I’ll give you a quick update and finish the settings directly.

Let’s talk about it first, the Seven Kingdoms and the like are all the original settings of the Dragon Clan! It’s from Xinlongsi! This kind of setting that looks like "this is a fan-created setting" is really not what I thought! It was written by Nanda!

How to say it, just press the circle!

This is my ideal composite world view of the Dragon Clan and the Xingyue World!

Although, basically the concept of type moon is used.

Now Norton's penis is pulled up!

ah? How do you adjust it after pulling it so high?

Damn it, isn’t it Xingyue’s characteristic to set up an awesome Todoroki and then get beaten up? (Angry)

Just kidding, let me think of a quite interesting (I think) landing method for Norton.

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