Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 522 An actor’s self-cultivation

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can't beat you, I can't beat you, I'm slipping away~"

--Quoted by Pepelongino, Scandinavia.

Although the situation was not grand enough at all, the sudden summoning of heroic spirits in Kassel was the largest summoning matrix that transcended human history and even the history of the entire planet.

Its completion is full of extremely high rigid conditions and - outrageous miracles.

As mentioned before, for human forces, intelligence is exchanged.

In the network with Fujimaru Ritsuka as the center, Leonardo da Vinci was able to learn about the existence of the 'Valkyrie' from Angers at the first time, and he was also able to get the information about the birth of the heroic spirit from Norton at the first time.

Naturally, she started researching countermeasures without stopping, and the specific plan was given by the King of Bronze and Fire.

[Hmph, it’s a boring idea. Should I say that that guy has been calculating for thousands of years, and in the end he still relied on external forces? 】

Norton's sneer at Odin was not without reason.

In fact, a little look back will reveal the essence of what Odin has done in this millennium of human history.

Take your time and tamper with your memory bit by bit.

Take your time, sew and mend bit by bit, and collect the remains of the heroic spirit.

Hiding in the dark, developing silently, cultivating power.

The conversation between Odin and Fujimaru Ritsuka once revealed that he——

Among the four dragon kings, he never considered himself to be the most talented one.

Rather, he even looked down upon himself quite a bit.

Among the achievements of alchemy, he could only reach one of them [separation of cause and effect] after spending thousands of years.

Norton is far above it.

Most dragon kings are arrogant, especially Norton, who does not allow anyone to provoke anyone in the field of alchemy. The moment he realized that Odin planned to rely on heroic spirits as his trump card, he couldn't help but want to be the best at the opponent. The area where he is most confident defeats him.

The same thing - the summoning of heroic spirits!

However, he uses a heroic spirit that is completely different from this world.

The unique point of this world - Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The girl's bond was used to force the connection between completely different worlds, and Norton provided the spiritual base to provide the heroic spirit with the magic power, common sense, and all the elements for action.

He alone can bear the responsibility of the Holy Grail. It takes more than a dozen Holy Grails to complete it.

This was the contract between him and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

As a prisoner, you are bound to freedom, and you can complete the redemption of the world within your sentence.

Ordinary people are not qualified to "pay for their crimes and perform meritorious services."

Unless this sinner is an anomaly who can shake the world, break common sense, and even let the laws, rules, and common sense designated by humans open the way for him.

The Lord of Bronze and Fire does have this value.

There is no doubt that the alchemy matrix that Norton participated in the design and practiced by Leonardo da Vinci and Flamel - the Summoning Matrix of Heroic Spirits, is a comprehensive transcendence of Odin's alchemy!

Although the number is not as high as what Odin has collected over thousands of years, and it is not the true form, a heroic spirit with its own will and a puppet without a will are completely different things.

To put it simply, Heroic Spirit is played by a computer and its level is stable.

Odin's corpse guard requires human brain operation. The upper limit is for friends to operate Heroic Spirit Plus, and the lower limit is for primary school students in arcade cities.

The heroic spirits that had been attached to some students in Kassel as objects of dream summons before, such as Karna and others, were even more specially 'second summoned'.

With Chu Zihang and others as the physical body, the consciousness of the heroic spirit came completely simultaneously, and the 'Noble Phantasm' recorded on the heroic spirit seat was brought into this world as information——

Then, the King of Bronze and Fire, the originator of the alchemy civilization, made a perfect one-to-one replica!

That is to say

Complete resurrection!

It is not an exaggeration to say that Karna was reborn from this world, and even had the possibility of exceeding his own upper limit.

After this hand of cards, the card table was so shaken that it was unbearable.

The combat power is completely equalized!

As for the initiators, "taking a leisurely walk to reach Vinci's office", "having all the leaks but insisting on looking at the computer to chat, pretending that he doesn't know anything", "having to look concave even though he knows he is a clone", "watching the enemy press the button" Mr. Pepe, who "completed the summons" and "immediately planned to set off fireworks to celebrate when he saw the enemy coming", was undoubtedly the MVP of this game.

Seeing the smile on his face that said "Yeah, yeah, I tried my best," Da Vinci knew that this man could no longer be described as a young man.

Or rather

He, and the organization he belongs to, have a parallel relationship with Odin?

Da Vinci had many doubts in his heart, but he had to put his mind at ease now.

after all----

【Ouch~Is this my own body? This is really strange. Although there has been a ‘one-sided communication’, it feels quite strange to have a conversation with myself like this~]

The voice in his head made Da Vinci hit his head in discomfort.

Yes, that's herself.

Da Vinci also performed a 'second summons' on himself.

One is to make up for what she doesn't know about other worlds and raise her upper limit, and the other is because...

[By the way, why did you lock me in your own body? Are you afraid that I will snatch Fujimaru away? 】

The 'self' in her mind seemed to be overjoyed and began to make fun of herself. You could almost imagine her distorted expression.


"Ha!" Da Vinci laughed.

She looked down at the grand scene of heroic spirits all over Kassel at the moment, to prevent these monsters from blowing up the school or starting a fight without seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka for the first time, and at the same time, she was talking to herself half-heartedly.

"You may think you are humorous, but I am you and you are me. If I am so jealous, who are you?"

[No, no, no, different worlds are different. My feelings for Fujimaru are purely the concern of an elder. You have to understand. 】

"Ahem." Leonardo da Vinci cleared his throat, raised his hands in the air, and made the gesture of holding a composition paper and starting to recite.

"[To me all over the world, although it feels sudden to say this, but——]"

【Etc., etc. 】

Da Vinci called out a pause in half annoyance, indignant in his heart.

Damn it, will you blow yourself up if you disagree? Is this how DaVinci Network works for you?

I am you, you are me!

You blew yourself up!

Self-explosion ‘self’ explosion

Ah, I feel like this is a bad joke that Fujimaru would like.

The two Da Vinci thought of the same thing at the same time, then showed embarrassed expressions at the same time, changed the topic at the same time, and began to sort out the current situation.

[Summoning of Heroic Spirits Successful]

[The enemy was successfully repulsed]


That's too frivolous to say.

It's simply a massacre.

The moment Gilgamesh appeared, the sky above Kassel lit up, and the golden rain of Noble Phantasm almost made the students hallucinate a certain Dragon King in the Battle of Tokyo.

All the remaining Valkyries were stabbed through the heart and nailed to death.

It's super combat power.

【But accordingly——】


"Mission accomplished, mission accomplished~get off work, get off work~~~"

In a western-style hotel in a small town far away from Kassel, Peronloncino came into contact with the alchemy tools that concealed his figure. He bent his left hand and pulled his right elbow upward to stretch it. His tall figure bent like a willow tree in the sun.

Beside him, Akubeko also lost her invisibility, but she lowered her head and her facial expression was hidden in the darkness.

Then, he looked up sharply.

He made a rather inelegant gesture of pointing his finger at someone and cursed loudly.

"You done a ****** Peronloncino you ******, I'm so **** you ******!!!!"

It's rare, so rare, that Akuko, a literary girl, can be so violent. It doesn't seem to be very rare, but in short, Akuko is so angry at this time.

"It's rare for me to find the energy to fulfill my responsibilities. You, you! You!"

Kazuko's anger at this time was like being dragged into a college student innovation and entrepreneurship competition. She originally wanted to rely on her teammates to perform poorly, but she thought to herself, 'Everyone is working hard, and she can't fall behind' and was forced to start exerting her strength. As a result, When she finished her task and relaxed, she looked back and found her teammates sleeping on the bed.

I! ! ——**********

"Hahaha, don't say that~" Peipei winked and explained calmly, "Luo Ji Tong, Luo Ji Tong told me. It said that even if I try hard, I can't stop the summoning of heroic spirits, so why not simply Approach it with a relaxed attitude.”

Pepe raised his finger, pointed at the air beside him, and said with a smile.

"Rely on it."

"Don't make it sound like the person you are talking about is a person! Don't make it look like you are right next to you!" Akuko broke her character and complained with a ferocious expression.

After spraying these words, she panted heavily and sat down on the bed, covering her head like an old man who was so angry with her younger generation.

I don’t know whether it was because of his debt or because he was truly gentle, but Peronloncino even made a gesture of supporting the old lady, helping Akuko to sit down, making the veins on the fairy’s face more visible.

".never mind."

Finally, after a long time, she let out a long sigh.

"Anyway, the most basic mission objectives have been completed. The rest has nothing to do with me, so don't think about letting me work anymore."

"Yes, yes, of course~"

Peronloncino waved with a smile, and next to him, the transparent ripples gradually solidified, revealing the heroic spirit in the white and silver Odin mask, and——

The girl named Chen Motong, who was held in their arms, and

The unconscious blond man.

"Caesar Gattuso."

"Is he born a king? He is really lucky in the literal sense." Peronloncino sighed with an inexplicable meaning, "Then - the game is about to end."

"Who will win in the end~"

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