The male armored vehicle driver's voice changed to that of a female, and he greeted Lu Mingfei in fluent Chinese without any accent.

It's like becoming a completely different person.

The commissioners of the execution department all felt a pressure, and the sight of those golden eyes was like a sharp blade cutting through their bodies.

But fortunately it didn't last long, as the sight focused on their S-class.

Lu Mingfei suppressed his body's instinct to behead the opponent with a sword and took a deep breath:

"You have ten seconds."

Without genetic detection nerves, it would be impossible to shoot first and ask questions later, and now he really wanted to know the origins of these evil heretics.

"Introduce yourself first, 'Gloya', who is responsible for acting as the think tank around the 'Emperor'."

"What you see now is just the manifestation of my power of speech. Even if you chop this body into pieces, you won't be able to harm me at all."

she says.

"Five seconds."

This is Lu Mingfei’s response to this.

"The emperor believes that you have taken control of this body. He now recognizes your power. Maybe we can cooperate-"

The sword light flashed like silver lightning, a splash of bright red blood splashed, and the pilot "possessed" by Gloya rolled to the ground.

"I don't need the approval of a heretic."

"And I never remember knowing you heretics."

Lu Mingfei said coldly, sheathing Jingyue's sword.

The executive commissioners were startled. They couldn't even see Lu Mingfei's sword movement clearly.

Angers just raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

But the golden light in the eyes of the rolling head did not dissipate, and it was like the light of two small flashlights in the dark night.

"I told you, even if you kick this body's head like a ball, it won't have any impact on me."

"But we did underestimate your changes and power... Which being is in your body now?"

The head was still speaking, but Gloria's voice became low and gloomy, as if he was on guard against Lu Mingfei.

The next second, the silver-white sharp blade pierced the head's mouth.

"Then you need to remember...the one who will personally deprive you and your disrespectful heretic who calls himself the emperor of his life in the future is——"

Lu Mingfei stepped forward, held Jingyue's sword hilt, and said in a deep voice:

"A Warrior of the Astartes, Champion of the Lamenters Chapter, Death Angel of the Emperor, Blessed Champion of the Emperor, Son of Saintly Leth, Guardian of Mankind, Slayer of the Swarm, Traitor of Chaos The executioner, the heroic soul successor of Katos Huggins...Lu Mingfei."

After saying that, he swung his sword and cut the head in half.

The shining golden eyes blinked at Lu Mingfei twice, and then gradually faded away, and Gloya's power of speaking spirit seemed to disappear.

"What kind of spirit is this?"

Lu Mingfei turned his head and asked Ange.

"There is no record of this kind of speech spirit on the periodic table of speech spirits," Angers shook his head, "Take these heads back to the academy and test whether there is any residue of special power."

The executive officers looked a little strange - not because they wanted to clean up the corpses or were surprised by the enemy's unknown psychic ability, but because they were inwardly amazed at the long list of S-class titles.

Although most of them didn't understand what it meant, it still sounded quite loud.

"To those famous titles of yours... maybe it would be good to add 'Dragon Slayer of Kassel'."

Angers smiled and suggested.

"The title of someone who has not completed the corresponding deeds is just a name for fame," Lu Mingfei shook his head, "I haven't even seen a real alien."

"Oh well."

Angers shrugged, "'Hilbert Jean Angers' favorite student' is a style that obviously doesn't suit your title."

"Norma...oh no, the person taking over here now is EVA, another personality from the academy system."

"Gloya, Stryker armored vehicles, freezer trucks...she is already searching for any clues they left in the world."

"Eva...I remember her as Fingall's mate."

Lu Mingfei recited the name silently in his mind and spoke.

"Yes, the 'survivor' of Greenland Shadow finally... became the academy's war personality Eva."

Ange sighed quietly.

At two o'clock in the morning, the CC1000 express train specially prepared for Principal Angers and S-level students was speeding through the dark pine forest towards the college.

"I checked before getting in the car. There is a miniature signal transmitter in this bag."

Ange raised the document bag in his hand.

"Is it the guys who want to be aliens at heart?"

Lu Mingfei's expression turned cold.

"Although my relationship with Henkel is not very good, he didn't bother to use such dirty dueling methods if he wanted to kill me."

"And he is still the actual person in charge of the family. No matter how much trouble the kids below dare to cause trouble to me."

Angers shook his head.

"Then those are the heretics."

"Let's first see what information Old Hengao has prepared for us...not just the photos of the most popular strippers this season."

Angers smiled and opened the document bag and pulled out a folder with several photos.

After briefly glancing at the first page, the smile on his face became even bigger:

"Very good, it's not a picture of a stripper, it's real information."

He pulled out the first page and handed it to Lu Mingfei, and then Lu Mingfei discovered a word that sounded somewhat familiar:


Groya, nicknamed "Manipulator", "Spokesperson", and "Immortal", the attached photo shows a white woman with short blond hair, about twenty-five or six years old, with an indifferent expression.

She is engaged in underground arms and alchemy item trading, her activities span the world, and she has left relevant traces on multiple hybrid dark webs.

The nickname "The Immortal" came from a live transaction. A local snake buyer in Brazil planned to take advantage of the underworld. He ambushed Gloria who personally presided over the transaction and shot her dead.

But the next day, a new "Gloya" appeared.

She brought a large number of elite armed teams and slaughtered the Brazilian buyer, his gang and all affiliated gangs.

The "Manipulator" comes from the ability to control spiritual speech spirits that Gloya is also suspected of possessing. He has appeared in many places around the world in the form of people of different identities, ages and races many times.

The document provides information on the humans who were "controlled" or "possessed" by her, most of whom were local residents of different identities. The reasons and methods of manipulation are unknown, but the humans who were controlled by her would eventually die of cerebral hemorrhage.

"Heresy who plays with human life."

Lu Mingfei's face was cold, and he had already sentenced these heretics to death in his heart.

"At least we now know that Gloria is working for the 'Emperor' - this is what she admitted personally."

"In addition, spiritual speech spirits are also a breakthrough point in the investigation..."

Angers looked away from the information on the table, raised his head and asked softly:

"Mingfei...are you interested in going to Japan?"

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