Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 102 Odin: Wake up! My servant!

The duty officer, who had been sleeping soundly with his book covered, suddenly woke up and stared closely at the weather changes on the coast on the screen.

"Have you never heard of tornadoes forming on the coasts of other countries directly on the coast of your country?"

With stern eyes, he kept scanning the documents, and the conclusion he came to made him feel that all he had learned in the past ten years was a piece of waste paper.

"Damn it! Such a sudden formation process does not conform to the laws of geology and meteorology at all!"

He quickly downloaded the report, ran quickly, and immediately reported it to his superiors.

Tap tap tap tap -!

The footsteps are chaotic!

The quiet Meteorological Research Institute, with people coming and going, suddenly became chaotic!

"Don't be stunned! Hurry up and organize the escape work!"

"You! Go and notify the Education Bureau! You! Contact the transportation department!"

The beeping sound continued, and dense messages circulated among peers, superiors, and various agencies.

Various institutions serving the country and the people were mobilized in an instant!

The wind is blowing, the clouds are blowing, and suddenly it’s overwhelmingly cold!

The sea vapor, accompanied by the smell of death, swept over the small town.

The lights in each house were bright, but they were no longer as prosperous as on sunny days, because the black rain curtain had enveloped everything.

An imperceptible sound resounded in the void.

The Nibelungs, which symbolize the country of the dead, are connected to reality in the blink of an eye!

Sonorous! ! Sonorous! !

Odin opened his single eye, which was closed to meditate. As he stood up, the dark metal armor made a sound.

Kungunir tore apart space and led to lightning strikes, accompanied by orders that echoed across the heaven and earth,

"The hunting horn has sounded, wake up! My servant!"


The Deadpool Legion opened its eyes, the golden pupils of chaos were shining, and the incomprehensible dragon-marked spell was whispering.

Listen carefully, the whispers echo,

"As you command, King!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Tear it to pieces! Tear it to pieces! Tear it to pieces!"

Many dead warriors dragged their sharp claws hanging from the ground, plowing through the dark soil and gravel, crowding around in a bustling manner, looking down at the god in front of them.


The footsteps were pulled away from the muddy ground and hit the asphalt cement road hard!

Dense black shadows, standing in the gap between worlds, cross over! Cross over!

The storms in the two worlds are still the same, and they are even more violent as they overlap!

The first march of the hunt is the first to set off!


The quiet eight-legged horse suddenly neighed, and when the armor on its body collided, blue and purple lightning spread from its mouth and nose.

The sound of horse hooves sounded unhurriedly, like thunder!


"Praise God! Praise the Lord!"

With their floor-length black robes and pale faces, the identical Deadpools were like devout priests in ancient times, murmuring prayers, surrounding each other, and following closely behind the sound of horse hooves.

One black shadow after another followed closely, stretching endlessly!

"Offer the head of the person who stole authority!"

"Embrace the new servant!"

The majestic sound resounded across both worlds.

The divine command that overrides everything!



The crisp sound of knocking on the glass resounded throughout the vast space of the Maybach's interior.

Lu Mingfei opened his eyes drowsily and looked out the window at a loss.


Totally black!

He had never seen such violent rain since he was a child.

Didi! Didi!

Countless whistles sounded, accompanied by heavy raindrops.

traffic congestion!



The sound of tapping on the glass sounded again. Lu Mingfei looked sideways and found a traffic policeman wearing a raincoat tapping on the cab window.

The howling wind blew the rain and the transparent raincoat tightly against his body.

Under his slightly tired eyes, his big mouth full of stubble opened and closed, his hands kept waving, and he didn't know what he was roaring.

There is a reason why the rainstorm is too noisy, but there is also a reason why the expensive Maybach has good sound insulation.

So Chu Tianjiao pressed it casually and opened the window under the surprised look of the traffic policeman.

Strong wind! rainstorm! It poured in in the blink of an eye!

Cold and oppressive.

"Brother, what did you say——!!!"

Chu Tianjiao shouted, no matter how much rainwater he swallowed when he opened his mouth.

The traffic policeman was stunned for a while, because he really didn't expect that the driver of such a luxury car would actually open the window and ask questions?

You know, even the people in the few Marriott cars just now had no intention of paying attention to this group of people.

"I say! Take the emergency lane! Take the emergency lane!!!"

The traffic policeman roared and raised his hand,

"Close the windows! Close the windows! Don't freeze the kids!"

Obviously, he also saw clearly the situation inside the car.

"The wind and rain are too strong! Brother! Drive slowly! Pay attention to safety!"

"Okay! I heard you, brother! You are a good person! Stay safe too!"

Chu Tianjiao roared in response, closed the window, turned slightly, and entered the emergency lane.

The blurry rearview mirror faintly revealed the figure of the traffic police.

Left palm and right fist means reciprocity!

Your respect for my personality has earned me my concern for you outside of work.


After giving a gentle salute, he watched the vehicle drive away.

It has nothing to do with the price of the car. This gift is just because the people in the car are the only ones who open the windows when the heavy rain comes.

The traffic policeman turned around and left, and together with the rest of his companions, they braved the violent storm and knocked on the glass again and again, shouting and pointing the way.

"How do you say that?"

Chu Tianjiao said cheerfully, "Everyone who serves the people deserves respect."

“They are just the sweetest people.”

Chu Zihang sighed softly, hesitated slightly, took out the tissue and handed it over,

"If you wipe it, there will be water everywhere."

"Okay," Chu Tianjiao smiled and took the tissue and wiped the water that had seeped into the car. Chu Zihang had a rare stiff look on his face.

"I'm talking about your face."

"Oh!" Chu Tianjiao was flattered. He took the tissue that had wiped the interior and wiped it on his face. It didn't feel dirty.

Halfway through wiping, he showed a silly smile.

I really came to the right place today.

"Mingfei, are you awake?" Chu Zihang glanced at Lu Mingfei, who was distracted by the co-pilot, shook the lighted screen in his hand, and said softly,

"The school just issued a notice saying that the storm is too big and the Meteorological Bureau is closely broadcasting it. It may last for a long time, so classes will be suspended tomorrow Monday."

"Oh? Oh! Got it, Senior Brother Chu."

Lu Mingfei's eyes turned from blank to confused, and finally gradually regained consciousness. He nodded to indicate that he understood.

"What do you plan to do tomorrow?"

Lu Mingfei blinked and touched his chin in thought.

"If it really rains, running and the like will definitely not be possible. You can do some indoor exercise."

"After that, just read books and play games."

Lu Mingfei answered subconsciously, and then murmured to himself,

"Speaking of games, I still have an appointment to complete today. The rain has come at a really bad time. It's so congested. If I get home again, that person might be asleep."

"But it should be fine. After all, no one will wait for a whole day."

Four updates! ! ! !

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