In the literary club group, the suspicion and abuse became more and more unpleasant. The few sane messages that pointed out loopholes were not drowned in the violent storm and did not cause a splash.

Whenever a hot topic arises, it will be as exciting as it is, because no one cares about what the truth is.

What they enjoy is just the despicable pleasure brought by emotions and narration! ! !

Su Xiaoqiang's face became increasingly ugly.

She threw away the fork suddenly, pressed the screen and shouted!

"I don't know the truth, so what are you guessing about?"

"When Lu Mingfei joined the Kendo club, I was watching from the side. Nothing can be said to be fake!"

"And you guys, can you please keep your mouths clean? Can Suspicion, Senior Yin Yang and your classmates make you feel comfortable?"

Bang bang bang!

The hand pressing the screen became harder and harder, expressing the girl's anger.

"Yes! Lu Mingfei's previous physical tests and results were very poor, but whose child can talk as soon as he is born? Doesn't he just come through it bit by bit?"

"Who can say clearly what will happen in the future?"

"Also! This is the most important thing!"

"You and Lu Mingfei are not in the same class or something? Something happened to someone in your class? Instead of thinking about how to support you, you resorted to these actions that are like adding insult to injury. Just to see how happy your class is, are you guys embarrassed?"

The discussion group was stunned and fell into silence.

For a long time, anonymous messages were sent out one after another with bad looks.

"What happened to a class? Can the truth be concealed?"

"You are going to say that other people will look at you with admiration. Everything in the future is not certain. I definitely believe it! But Lu Mingfei, who believes it? Ask everyone, who believes it?"

"Even if you want me to believe that Lu Mingfei's body was taken away, it's better than letting me believe this!"


Su Xiaoqiang gritted her teeth, wishing she could pull out a knife and go along the network cable to kill the person who said this!

But after thinking about it, she could only think about it. All she could do was to reply sentence after sentence.

Suddenly, the private chat frame sounded,

Liu Miaomiao:

"Xiaoqiang, what's wrong with you? (confused face)"

Su Xiaoqiang:

"What else is going on? (angry face) They are bullying Lu Mingfei!!"

Liu Miaomiao:

"Yes, I saw it. But Xiaoqiang, don't you think there's something wrong with your reaction?"

"To be honest, I thought it was good enough for you, like me, to stand in the middle without saying anything and not say bad things about Lu Mingfei. After all, he has made you angry a lot before."

"But look what's wrong with you now?"

Su Xiaoqiang was suddenly startled, thought for a long time, and typed out the text in a dull voice,

"I was there when Lu Mingfei joined Kendo and when Zhao Menghua was rejected. Now I just can't stand how they distort the facts."

Su Xiaoqiang pursed her lips and looked at the lottery tickets placed on the coffee table. The black font of "Special Prize" accentuated the halo under the luxurious lights.

"What's more, Lu Mingfei helped me a lot today. Due to circumstances and reasons, I have to pay him back no matter what."

"Miaomiao, please leave me alone. Don't worry, I am sensible."

Then he joined the literary club group and went into battle with a gun, one against a hundred.

She didn't believe it and couldn't help but say these timid little youngsters!

In the same small villa,


Liu Miaomiao, who was sitting in front of the piano, sighed imperceptibly.

Xiaoqiang, you stinky girl, you can’t be in love with me

No no no! No matter how you think, it’s impossible! There's something to like about him.

Liu Miaomiao shook her head and then threw the phone aside.

She flexed her fingers and sat upright, with her slender pearls and black and white piano keys connected.

The finger power transmission condensed from ten years of hard practice produces a melodious sound.

The notes ripple in the air, smoothing the night and attracting starlight.

The song quieted the birds on the branches outside the window.

They were silent, stroking the soft down on their necks, and listening.

The soul is the basis, time is the basis, show hands are the guide, and music is the channel.

This is the practice behind the piano goddess, year after year, day after day.

The moving brilliance on the stage comes from the persistence off the stage.

As the debate continued, Su Xiaoqiang typed out the next sentence angrily:

"If you want to keep your mind clear, why are you anonymous?"

Xu Yanyan: "What's the fuss about? Lu Mingfei is really capable. You can take the physical test, midterm exam, and party this semester if you're awesome!"


Xu Yanyan's brain roared in the dark room. He realized belatedly that the anonymity function in the group was suddenly turned off by the group leader!


He swallowed hard and tried to make amends for himself,

"So there is no need to argue at all. After a while, the truth will be revealed, right? @Monitor Zhao @."

Xu Yanyan couldn't find Lu Mingfei among the group members, so he had no choice but to send it out.

Any later and he would be exposed!

Silence, after a long silence.

Monitor Zhao: "Yes, there is no need to argue. Once this semester is over, everything will be clear."

Chen Wenwen, who turned off the anonymity function, followed closely behind, and her message coincided with that of Zhao Menghua.

"Anonymous is closed. If you don't have the guts to come out, it makes me suspect that someone is setting the pace."

"It's temporarily banned in the group. Stop talking. Go calm down."

"Finally, please remember one thing. Lu Mingfei is also a member of our literary club. We should have the trust between partners and classmates in him!"

Chen Wenwen pursed her lips and anxiously opened the group member list to look for Lu Mingfei.

She flipped through the group member list, but was stunned for a moment, then flipped through it again to confirm it two or three times, biting her lower lip.

Lu Mingfei, it seems that you haven’t joined the literary club group yet?

The girl subconsciously looked to one side, only to find that she, who was used to cleaning up her conversation list, left only a blank patch of white on the social software.

Chen Wenwen found Lu Mingfei's page frame from her friend list, clicked on it, and was stunned again.

She had been stunned too many times that day, but not as long as this time.

I saw the chat box quietly displaying one message after another, just like a corner of a huge library. The various books that no one has read are covered with dust symbolizing distance. With just a light touch, It's possible that your eyes are red.

"Ming Fei, everyone who has joined the literary club is going to meet tomorrow. The time is set to be in the morning and the place is set to be on the playground. When will you come?"

"Sorry, Chen Wenwen, I just received the message. I have something to do tomorrow, maybe next time, definitely next time. (Put your hands together.)"

"Well, I understand, then you do your thing first. (Come on)"

"By the way, Mingfei, as a member of the literary club, you should stay up late and play games less at night, otherwise it will be bad if you feel listless during club activities. (akimbo)

In addition, I invite you to join the literary club group, please remember to pass. (Blinking big eyes). "

"Mingfei, the literary club has a program with credits. Do you want to participate?"

After that, Lu Mingfei had no intention of replying to her message. Looking at the time, it seemed that it had been almost a whole day.

Looking at the long string of words she typed, and only getting a few, no, only one sentence responses, Chen Wenwen felt in a daze.

She suddenly realized that maybe meeting Lu Mingfei at Senior Brother Chu Zihang's place yesterday was definitely not a coincidence.

Chen Wenwen gently rubbed her lower abdomen. The warmth of the brown sugar water seemed to be engraved in her soul. Perhaps she would never forget it many, many years later.

Sometimes human memory is so unreasonable.

At the same time, an inexplicable sadness surged into her chest.

Is Lu Mingfei really so busy?

Chen Wenwen bit her lower lip, like a mouse raising its paws when encountering a cat, and typed lightly,

"Lu Mingfei, in forums and literary club groups"

Bang bang bang bang! !

She pressed the delete button hard and stared at the chat box for a long, long time.

Until Mother Chen came in and looked at her daughter sleeping on her stomach in front of the computer desk, she sighed imperceptibly.

Mother Chen called Father Chen to pick up her daughter and put her on the bed.

She carefully tucked her baby into a quilt and tried again and again to smooth her frown.

But methods that were used in the past but were useless today have lost their effect.

The willow eyebrows were twisted, like a ball of flowers.

When Yingliang's computer reaches the set time, when it starts to sleep and starts, the current buzzes and the screen turns off slightly.

The last deleted and modified message "Lu Mingfei,..." was left in the message box, but was not sent out after all.

First update!

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