Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 133 And his twisted smile,

In his subconscious mind, whether it was life or death or accident, sooner or later he would have to leave and say goodbye to everyone.

Since the starting point and end point of life can only be one person, why bother adding other constraints to yourself.

Therefore, even though it seemed that their interactions with Yiyong were no different from ordinary friends, Shi Guangfei seemed to have never really accepted many people in his heart. He thought, in this case, when he left, there would not be so much in him that would make people feel uncomfortable. Uncomfortably bound.

In the past, he had always felt that he was pretty good at hiding things.

He is a self-disciplined son who doesn't need his parents and grandfather to worry about anything, so when he was a child and his skin was scratched by swinging a knife, he would hold back from crying at night.

He is a reliable friend who can take good care of Qingmei's safety and life, but he can only deliberately ignore their tears or blushing words, pretend not to know or turn around as if nothing happened.

He is what everyone thinks is a genius, doesn’t he know that? Of course he knew that he was different, but being a genius meant bearing more expectations than others, and it meant stepping on to dazzling stages one after another. He didn’t want to step onto that stage, because after the genius ended, the accompanying What follows is often countless disappointments.

Well, actually his idea is very simple.

He could be hurt, but they couldn't worry about the pain he might show, so he endured the pain.

He can be clumsy, but they can't risk their lives because of an uncertain future, so he pretends not to know.

He can be lonely, but so what? As long as he can make others feel that he is not lonely while he is lonely, wouldn't it be great?

He feels lonely, but others feel that he is not lonely. The minority obeys the majority, a domineering inference!

Doesn't that mean that he, like everyone else, is not alone?

In this way, even if he is rejecting the world, in the eyes of others, doesn't he just integrate into the same world with them?

Shi Tingfei glanced at the warm room and sighed in his heart.

So, look, everyone is smiling happily, right?

Brother Yoya, really, why do you have to point out the fact that he rejects the world in his heart, refuses to contact others from his heart, or that he is lonely.

Even though he is alone, he can still smile happily, right?

Shi Tingfei smiled, but he couldn't look in the mirror, so he didn't know that the smile that usually looked happy was a little distorted at this moment!

There is nothing wrong with him!

Regardless of whether he is arrogant or arrogant or trying to escape, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with him.

Just like now, as time goes by, he gradually and sincerely accepts that Shanai Hui has not come back yet, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

If she never comes back, he won't say nice things, just pat his butt and move on, without saying that he will collapse for some time.

Putting himself in his shoes, if he doesn't come back one day, he will be so uncomfortable that he wants to cry when he thinks about saying goodbye to those figures in his heart.

See, this is the consequence of sincere acceptance!

If he accepts so many people in front of him, or even the whole world, how long will it take for him to collapse when parting?

You can't be broken for the rest of your life.

On the contrary, he doesn't accept so many people. When it's time to leave, he can actually smile and wave his hands without any restrictions and say, "Why are you crying? I don't take these things and people to heart in the first place. I just want to go on my way." ”

Shi Tingfei gently clenched his fists,

So loneliness is loneliness. Everyone is lonely sometimes, but he deliberately lengthened it a little and let the loneliness grow into a lifetime.

At the very least, before he completely disappears, or before others disappear, the happiness he sometimes plays can make everyone feel that it is real, and that is enough!

Because I long to have it forever, I dare not try to hug it. Because I am afraid of losing it, I refuse to accept it from the bottom of my heart.

Just like that sentence,

Yes, you are afraid that the delicate flowers will wither, so you say you don’t like planting flowers.

In order to avoid the end, Mingfei refused all real beginnings since he didn't know when.

The dark and depressing atmosphere was huddled in a corner, incompatible with the joyful hall.

Until a certain moment!

The door creaked open, and a panting figure stepped in.

Yes, there is no need to knock when you open the door of your own home. This is a truth that every child understands.

But Shi Zhifei still didn't know how many times he had been looking forward to it that day, looking forward to whether the figure revealed behind the door would be her.

And now, she finally came back. Without knocking, she suddenly opened the door to another world.

Butterfly Kanae was wearing a black Demon Slayer uniform dyed with snow, and her feet were covered with mud from the road.

"Sorry, the original road was blocked by snow, and it took a lot of time to make a detour, but, all in all,"

Butterfly Kanae put her hands together and apologized,

"I'm back!"

"Welcome home." Shi Ziming murmured subconsciously, his heart dropped a bit, and the dark magnetic field around him became a little bit broken.

"Sister! Great, you are finally back! Mingfei and I have been waiting all day!" Butterfly Ren looked back in surprise, and was about to rush towards his sister, but was stunned.

She trotted towards Shi Zhifei and angrily pulled him up, lying limply.

"What are you doing standing still? You're stupid!"

Butterfly held his slightly cold wrist with his warm hand and ran towards the shadow at the door.

Shi Tingfei stumbled and swayed, as if he had tripped over the threshold, but he finally stepped through the door.


Warmth ran through the entire house. Shi Zhiwang subconsciously stabilized his body and kept up the pace. He only felt that something was broken in his heart.

If Butterfly Kanae opened the door between the worlds, then what Butterfly Ninja did was to drag him out unreasonably.

The gentle mind is rippling, and the arrogant mind is rippling.

Damn loneliness!

No matter how bumpy and difficult the journey is, no matter how confusing the ending is, with this moment of happiness and peace of mind and the urge to laugh in my mind, no matter what the future holds, everything is worth it!

Loneliness, whoever wants it wants it! He doesn’t want it anyway!

I should also try to contact the world from the heart, accept the people around me, and more! More!

Then the distorted smile returned to calmness, and it was very real.

It was only at this moment that Shi Zhifei felt that another shackle on his body suddenly broke, and he felt comfortable all over!

"Welcome home, Sister Shanaihui." The voice returned to being clear and high-spirited, without any falsehood or hidden depression.

"." Butterfly Kanae stared at Shi Guangfei for a long time, "Yeah! I'm back safely!"

His tired eyes brightened, he squinted and smiled,

"Also, happy birthday, congratulations on turning into 12-year-old little Mingfei."

Five updates, nine days and ten thousand days are over.

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