Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 148 Something happened! (6k)

["Tell me! What have you done! You went to a place where degenerate adults go! Can they have me and my sister?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"What do you think?"

"To be honest, although they are not as good as Sister Kanae, they are much gentler than you and have better figures than you."

"Damn! Go to hell! Dirty bastard!"

Inside the carriage, there was constant commotion.

"Easy! Be gentle! Wrong! In fact, I just took a look twice when I was simply performing a mission!"

"Don't! Don't draw the knife! I admit that I touched it accidentally, but even if I have the heart and courage, I don't have the strength!"

"You still dare to be so brave and brave? Aren't you afraid that I will tell Aunt Shitou! How dare you touch those old women who are more than ten years older than you? I tell you, don't go to that kind of place again, otherwise there will be no girls in the future. I want it from you!”

"You're only a little over 20 years old, but you're still in your prime." You couldn't help but mutter. This time, even Butterfly Kanae took advantage of it, and you grimaced in pain. 】

[After many years of getting along, you have already gained your own experience on how to resolve some of the emotions of these two girls.

A half-hearted joke is enough. 】

[However, the chestnut blossoms are falling and fragrant not far away. You don’t know how to solve it. 】

[Lihua Luoxiang Nahu looked stupidly at the back of the carriage, and her dull eyes became even stiffer.

Also, for the three of you, at best, Dafa's good intentions were accidentally broken.

You have seen too many lives pass away, and you have personally ended many existences that were once lives.

There may still be varying degrees of regret and heartache, but it will never be despair.

But for this girl, it's different!

She lost her brother!

That feeling is probably like when you wake up every morning, only to accidentally learn that Butterfly Ninja or Butterfly Kanae suddenly disappeared without leaving any news.

It's like one of the few pillars in my heart has been pulled away again.

So the fragile heart supported on the balance beam fell hard to the bottom of the freezing well. It may not have been completely broken, but it must have shed dazzling blood.

If you still feel it, it must be very painful! 】

"Don't worry, your brother will be fine." You finally decided to give it a try, and limped to the back of the carriage despite the tooth marks on your shoulders and the pain in your waist.

"As the old saying goes, fools are blessed."

You gently touched Chanel's little head. It was a little dry, probably due to years of malnutrition.

With pity, your voice became softer,

"Xiang Nahu, I don't know how you feel now. You may be so numb that you can't feel anything, or you may be cold and in pain and want to cry."

"But you have to live a good life. Only then will you have the chance to see your brother again, right?"

"Before we do it again, just wait in the Demon Slayer Squad."

"Sooner or later, you will see him again."

Chanel remained motionless, and just when you were laughing and trying to pull your hand away, she took out one of her hands and held it tightly. 】

[The coin the girl flicked rolled back in the dusk and sunset, symbolizing the front that could speak, reflected in her eyes.


"Can you be my brother?" He whispered intermittently, not sure if it meant a request.

You were a little dazed and couldn't help but ask: "Why."

The coin flashed again, accompanied by a whisper that I don’t know if it was choked,


Chanel murmured softly.

The man who gave birth to her would not touch her head like this, but would only use his fists to vent his unsatisfactory life on her body.

The woman who gave birth to her would not stop her, she would just watch quietly from the side.

Only her brother would touch her head like this. He wouldn't mind her being dirty or smelly. He would just smile like that and keep saying, "It doesn't matter. Brother is here. Brother is here."

That was the only warmth left in Chanel, and she didn't want to lose it again.

"Your hands are as warm as my brother's."

The breeze blows in your dazed eyes, and the dusk renders your somewhat confused and slightly open mouth.

However, you still rubbed that little head hard.


"From today on, I am your brother!\

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