Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 149 It’s a girl! It's my wife! It's mother!

[How can a weak body give birth to life so easily? The truth that can hide a lifetime has never existed! 】

【Tap tap tap tap!

"Quick! Bring the hot water! Bring the hot water!" Mrs. Butterfly shouted anxiously.

"Yes!" The little nurse from Butterfly House was covered in sweat and ran back and forth.

"Towel! Towel! Bastard! It's not for me! It's for the fire! It's for the fire!" Mr. Butterfly greeted sternly, without the gentleness of the doctor in the past.

"Yes! Yes! Give me a chance! Give me a chance!" The little nurse kept nodding. Panting, she wiped the mother's sweaty forehead with a wet towel, and then gently placed it on the woman's bloodless lips. .

In the Butterfly House, candles lit in the dark were flickering, kerosene lamps were swaying, growling orders and messy footsteps continued, and the smell of blood was very pungent.



"Wow, wow, hum."

In the delivery room, the painful sound of Aunt Xihuo's delivery was heard!

She bit the towel and whimpered! Whimpering!

His bloodless hands grasped everything around him, and his whole body was trembling in pain!

This labor has lasted four hours!

The same is true for Auntie Liaohuo!

Outside the delivery room,

As if Senjuro realized something unusual, he couldn't help but lean against the corner, huddled up into a ball, buried his head in his arms, sobbed softly, and kept murmuring,

"Mommy mommy"

"It's okay! Senjuro! It's okay! Your mother was like this when she gave birth to you. Don't worry, Senjuro, your mother will be fine."

Xingjulang stood beside his younger brother, holding his head, but his hand holding the knife was trembling slightly.

Because when my mother gave birth to Senjuro, it was not so painful.

Uncle Purgatory, who arrived at an unknown time, finally realized that something was wrong. He roared and forced the medical staff to tremble with fright, and stammered what was going on.

The body was already on the verge of reaching its limit, but she had to fight tooth and nail to conceive this life. Even if she drank all kinds of bitter supplements and medicines during pregnancy, she still had to face the moment of life and death!

This is the price of carrying the light of life with a weak body!

And the moment to pay the price has now arrived!

It's just that the figures who came to collect the price include the God of Death! 】

[Listening and staring blankly, Uncle Purgatory learned everything the girl who had been with her since childhood had done for him!

She's always been like this.

When he was a child, he was naughty and would catch beetles in the fields. The little girl who still had a runny nose at that time would squat quietly on the side, weaving small insect cages with straw ropes, and then hand them over fearfully.

When he grew up, he was rebellious and unwilling to take over Yanzhu's troublesome responsibility. He was beaten and kicked by the old man who had been dead for a long time. He was beaten so hard that he couldn't get out of bed and was put in solitary confinement. The person who sneaked in to deliver the meal and applied the medicine was the figure who unconsciously stopped having a runny nose.

She still remembers the time when he wanted to escape to the ends of the earth, but Liao Huo still stayed with her.

On the day when the fireworks were blooming, he pulled the girl in his costume and played a battle royale!

Just when they were closest to freedom, he and she encountered a ghost!

When he needed to stand up the most, he refused to hold the knife but was unable to do so!

If the smelly old man hadn't arrived in time to sweep away the flames inherited from the family, he would have died, but he would have lost her even more! 】

[Later, he held the sword and passed down the family's flame, not for some bullshit ghost-killing responsibility, but to have the strength to protect her.

Slowly, slowly, one day, he got married, and of course the bride was her.

After that, during the days when he was outside, she still did many, many things.

Yan Zhu's feather fabric was sewn for him by Liao Huo.

Every time he goes on a mission, the clothes he wears are prepared for him by Liaohuo.

Of course, there are also meals and happy smiles that come every time. 】

[She gave him a lot, companionship in childhood, pampering in youth, a home that belonged to them - a husband, wife and children, and most importantly - a reason to hold a knife!

Even now, she still wants to give him that wish of "two boys and one girl" as a joke, even if the price is her life!

"Idiot! Idiot!" Uncle Purgatory cried, his body limp and limp outside the delivery room.

Obviously he has been asking for it since he was a child. Apart from watching the fireworks with her sometimes, he has given her nothing! 】

["No way! Dystocia! Damn it! I've tried my best to avoid it! But it's still dystocia!" Mr. Butterfly rushed out covered in blood, picked up the collar of his old friend Uncle Purgatory, and smashed it against the wall.


The sour wall was hit hard by the strong body, and a scream came out.

"Stop crying here! Which one should I protect first, the elder or the younger?"

To protect the elder or to protect the child?

"Big brother." Uncle Purgatory suddenly came back to his senses and growled, "Bao Da! Bao Da! Of course Bao Da!"

"Woo!" Auntie Liaohuo's painful and feeble voice came from the delivery room. She heard the movement outside the room and tried her best to squeeze the air out of her throat. She no longer had the leisurely pace of the past.

"Bao Xiao! Makijuro! You bastard! Bao Xiao! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!" He cried in pain. His consciousness was blurred after struggling for several hours, but he still kept murmuring like an instinct.

"Keep me safe. Keep me safe."

She knew that her body was already exhausted, and even if she survived, she would not last long at all.

But her child is different. As long as she survives, her child will live one day! Ten days! One year! Ten years! Even decades of life!

It didn't matter if she died, because her body was destined not to live long.

But her child must survive, wait for her to see the world, and wait for her to stay in their home!

Got scolded!

He was scolded by his wife who had never scolded him before.

Uncle Purgatory's face is cloudy and painful! anger! struggle!

The last words in the delivery room were filled with angry curses and pleas, which turned into a ferocious twist of gritted teeth.


Those few words seemed to be pulled out of this Yanzhu's spine. He leaned against the wall weakly, and spoke a low tone with his eyes blankly,

"Keep me safe."

The words must be spoken, and the old man sheds tears.

Just like what he once said to you, he has never been a real strong man!

He is just an ordinary person who wields a sword for the person he protects in his heart.

So I cry, I hesitate, I stumble to my knees. 】

[Mr. Butterfly let go of his hand, glanced at the man in front of him with a complicated expression, turned around and rushed into the delivery room.

"Save the child first!"

"Save the child first!"

Just like the judge making the final verdict, Uncle Purgatory's eyes were silent for an instant. 】

[Rustling, rustling!


The flaming red feathers rustled, the sound of friction sliding across the oil-covered wooden wall.

You were gritting your teeth and taking in everything.

Uncle Purgatory's knees bent inch by inch, and his whole body slid down against the only remaining support behind him! Slide down!


Until his body hit the ground hard, the knife at his waist was pushed out by the wall and fell to one side.

"Fire! You have to survive, you have to survive! I want to see the fireworks and the summer festival."

Uncle Purgatory’s delirious whispers,

"With you, with you\

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