Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 156 No one can take your life!

The clouds and mist rolled into the sun, and the cold wind blew through the cold forest.

In the cold winter season, dreamlike white mist rises from the deep green in the mountains and covers the branches.

It's bone-chilling cold, there's condensation of frost, and the sun hasn't risen for a long time. The sky and the earth are colder than at night.

The air sucked in was like a thin needle, passing through the nose, passing through the throat, and entering the stomach with coldness.

Spit it out fiercely and anxiously, and it turns into crystal that can condense the fine fluff around the mouth and nose.

On the branches, white mist swirled crazily around the mouth and nose of the petite body, accompanied by a cry of despair and pleading,

"Sister! Sister!"

Butterfly Ren kept groping for the cold body of her beloved relative in her arms, her hands were trembling, her heart was trembling, and even her bright purple eyes were trembling.

The overflowing tears fell uncontrollably from the corners of her eyes, but were ruthlessly condensed into icy tears on her pale and pretty face.

What is frozen is not only water and tears, but also fear and sadness!

"Sister, look at me! Look at me!"

The godless pink was unblinking, reflecting the rolling frost in the sky like a sea, housing the dying soul of the girl.

"Forbearance? Cough!" Butterfly Kanae's hazy consciousness was briefly recalled.

She slowly turned her gaze to her side, widening her eyes fiercely, as if this could help her see more clearly.

Stare! Stare!

Until a certain moment, the longing to see the will severely shattered the haze in front of my eyes, and I finally saw the face of my loved one clearly.

It’s Ninja!

She is indeed here too.

What a fool!

It's very dangerous.

Butterfly Chane's pink eyes are slightly closed,

It's not because she doesn't want to see her sister more, but because she doesn't have much strength anymore.

Life is constantly passing by, so even the little bit of energy saved by closing her eyes can make her feel better.

She wanted to keep some strength, and she still had some words to say.

But even though she had made the decision to save as much energy as possible, Butterfly Kanae still subconsciously reached out her hand.

No other reason, just because she saw it

Her sister is crying!

But at this moment, Kanae let alone give Shinobu a hug.

She couldn't even lift her hands!

The broken Yuori was flying in the air, and the hand that slid down told everyone that this girl was extremely weak.


The Butterfly Ninja put her sister's trembling hand on her cheek. At that moment, she only felt that her sister's hand was terrifyingly cold!

At the same time, she understood.

It was not her sister's hands that were trembling, but her own!

"Sister! It's me! It's me!"

"Don't cry, my sister is here, she has always been there." Kanae showed a gentle smile effortlessly, because she could no longer feel the pain in her body.

The five senses of a stranger are being lost!

Death was getting closer and closer, and the terrifying sickle seemed to have landed on the girl's slender neck, ready to move.

"But...but sister," Butterfly lowered his head in fear, his pupils shrank, and his body began to tremble.

"Blood, lots and lots of blood!"

The dazzling red flowed like a small stream, stretching along the skin that was originally as smooth as jade and soaking into the clothes.

The black Demon Slayer lining is even deeper!

The pure white coat is no longer the same as before, and is full of dazzling broken red flowers.

Finally, it winds down between the ravines of black and green branches - it's blood!

Dark red blood dripped on the tree trunk, with little orange-red bubbles floating in it!

The swirling blood turned into a pool and passed away! Pass by! Pass by!


The blood bubble suddenly shattered, and there should be no sound, but the sound of breaking echoed in Butterfly Ninja's mind for a long time, one after another, chilling his heart and soul.

The cold blood was taking away her sister's life bit by bit!

The ice crystals on the wound originating from evil spirits are slowly melting and dissipating!

The bones and internal organs were nakedly exposed to the air, still trembling slightly.

Butterfly Ninja is a doctor's child and a demon-slaying swordsman.

She would not have lost her temper like this originally, but the girl in her arms was her dearest relative!

"No! No! Don't do this!"

The Butterfly Ninja tried to cover the bleeding wound, but only got his hands covered in red.

She stared blankly.

Looking at it, Butterfly reluctantly hugged his head, unable to do anything, and screamed at the top of his lungs,

"No! No! No!"

what to do!

What to do!

In this situation, can anyone tell her what to do? ? ?

"Forbearance, calm down! Cough! Calm down!"

The butterfly ninja was on the verge of collapse, and he could no longer even hear his sister's call.

All she knew was that her eyes were filled with flowers and her whole body was cold.

In her dazed mind, a voice told her,

This is just a dream! This is just a dream! This is just a dream! ! !

As long as you wake up, everything will be fine.

Mom and dad are actually still busy at the Butterfly House, Chanahu is still chatting with Grandpa Tokito, and Mingfei is instructing the Tokito twins to practice swordsmanship.

As long as she turns around, she will surely see her sister laughing behind her, and she will ask herself, "Xiao Ren, are you here to feed me again?"



The black shadow flashed, and Ming Fei fell heavily on the branches. He turned around and asked,

"Kanae, how are you?"


Unexpectedly, what came oncoming was a fierce punch without any mercy!


Mingfei covered his sore eyes, raised his hands to stop him, and said in a panic,

"Xiao Ren, it's me, I'm Mingfei!"

"It's not a ghost! It's Mingfei! It's Mingfei!"

"I'm going to beat you!!!" Butterfly gritted his teeth and burst into tears.

She knew she shouldn't blame the boy in front of her, but at this moment, the Butterfly Ninja no longer knew what she was talking about or what she was doing.

In other words, she couldn't control herself at all.

The Butterfly Ninja raised his fist and greeted the naked boy across from him again and again.

Beating and cursing at the same time:

"You bastard! Damn it! Who gave you the courage to knock me out!"

The raging anger is condensed in the petite fist!


"Asshole! Idiot! Am I that weak? So weak that you can only treat me as a burden and still stand aside?"

Bitter unwillingness surges in my heart!


"Damn it! Damn it! This is how you take care of your sister!"

"Is this how you protect your sister, you bastard!?"

Facing the fear of loss, the sadness that overflows my eyes is so thick, so thick, that I can’t stop it no matter what!

"It's a dream, isn't it? It's a dream, isn't it? It's a dream that you'll wake up if you break it, isn't it?"

Butterfly endured the sore eyes and prevented tears from falling.

She kept mumbling and mumbling, denying everything that was happening around her.

But the smell of blood lingering on the tip of her nose and the painful heart told her,

Everything she had seen just now, and what she dared not look at or resist now, was actually happening in reality!

Cold sun, cold fog, cold trees, and my sister’s cold hands!

That frightening injury like disembowelment is a reality that can make people collapse!

It's enough to confuse her thoughts, her language, and her behavior!

Curses, fists and kicks fell hard on the opposite person.

Until it becomes slower and slower, more and more weak.

It seems that she did the same thing not long ago when she saw Ming Fei almost having his throat cut by a ghost because he was distracted.

Fragile, vulnerable.

Butterfly endured a heavy blow in the boy's arms, closed her eyes and trembled, kept murmuring between sobs, and groped up and down.

"You're still alive, you're still alive"


Suddenly, Butterfly Kanae's unbearable coughing sound completely woke up Butterfly Shinobu!

She suddenly came to her senses, and her sister was still there!


Butterfly endured the panic and stumbled around, kneeling next to her sister.

She held her sister's hand and kept rubbing it, lowering her head and breathing, as if this could make her sister warmer.

"Sister! Sister! I'm here! Shinobu-chan is here."

"Say, Shinobu-chan is listening, listening."

"Xiao-nin," Butterfly Kanae struggled to open her eyes, her chest rose and fell weakly, and she squeezed out a weak voice in pain.

Butterfly endured the panic and put her ear to her sister's pale lips, with tears streaming down her face.

I thought that if I didn’t do this, my sister’s voice would even be drowned in the wind!

She didn't blame her sister for her nonsense, because she knew that anyone standing here would have an emotional breakdown if faced with the same situation.

Her sister is already great.

She didn't ask her to take good care of her parents, because she knew that her sister would do everything well.

There was only one thing she wanted to say, all she hoped for.

"Hold on!"

Butterfly Kanae tightly grasped her sister's clothes,

"Quit the Demon Slayer Squad."

Butterfly Ren was stunned. She never expected that her sister would say such things at this time.

So I just listened to my sister with a stiff face.

"The Demon Slayer Squad is not for you."

"No, don't go my way."

"Staying alive is more important than anything else!"

Butterfly Ren said nothing, just shook his head and shed tears.

She held her sister's hand tightly, but was afraid that the strong force would hurt her sister, so she slowly let go.

So the palm of her hand was filled with her fear and uneasiness in the absent-minded purple.

"Sister, you will be fine, you will be fine!"

She couldn't hear anything anymore.

Butterfly Chanehui's eyes flashed with a hint of helplessness and heartache.


Butterfly Kanae's face suddenly turned red, the color of returning light.

She grabbed Mingfei's hand fiercely and stared at his face, wanting to tell him something.

But at this moment, she first noticed the boy's tangled and twisted face, and also gained insight into part of his thoughts.

She knew the boy and knew that at this moment, he might be blaming himself for not catching up in time.

"You did a great job, really, really well."

Butterfly Kanae just comforted, with a smile.

If possible, she would also like to touch Mingfei's head.

Unfortunately, that may not be possible now.

"It has nothing to do with you, Mingfei, don't blame yourself. It's not you who are like this now."

The gentle voice was making excuses for the guilty boy,

"It's my fault. If I hadn't gone out to pick flowers in the middle of the night, I wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing."

"I would also like to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might have turned into a ghost now. To be honest, I really don't want to become that ugly thing who can only survive by eating people."

Butterfly Kanae gently patted Mingfei's hand, which suddenly felt cold and full of praise.

"Very strong! Mingfei is really, really strong! You will definitely be stronger in the future!"

"In this case, I feel relieved. Because you can already take good care of yourself."

"Sorry, Mingfei," his tone was slightly low,

"I may not be able to go on with you anymore."

Then he suddenly became high-spirited, as if nothing was wrong,

"But Shinobi can!"

Butterfly Kanae spoke hoarsely and left her last request,

"Promise me! Mingfei! Take good care of Shinobu!"

"Keep an eye on her, you must keep an eye on her. If I'm gone, the only one who can keep an eye on her is you!"

She knows her own injuries!

She knows her status!

Putting it here and now, there is no solution!

Mingfei said nothing, dispersed the golden light in his eyes, and gently touched Kanae's cold forehead.

With a clear view of the world, we can see that the situation is indeed very bad!

Severe blood loss, there was no blood left in her body!

The horrific penetrating injury extended from the right lower abdomen to the left chest!

What makes all this worse are melting ice crystals!

It’s unclear whether that ghost died in the sun, but its vampire magic is indeed disappearing!

This also means that the injury that was originally suppressed by the ice crystal completely collapsed!

And the most important thing,

Butterfly Kanae accepted her fate from the bottom of her heart!

She believed that she was destined to die and that there was no way she could be saved.

So there was a flashback that gave me everything in front of me!

"Sorry, Kanae, this is the only thing I can't promise you now."

Mingfei did not answer as Butterfly Kanae wanted, but comforted softly,

"You can survive, you still have a chance, don't give up, okay?"

How could there be a chance? She is a doctor's child.

She knew that her chances of survival were extremely slim, and she knew that even if she was lucky enough to survive now, her broken body would not be able to withstand the infection again and again in the future.

"Mingfei, don't be like this, I can't clean my body myself!" Butterfly Kanae whispered with a bitter smile, but Mingfei's lips were gently blocked with her fingers,

"You can survive this."

"Believe me! Believe in Shinobu! The most important thing is that you must also believe in yourself!"

"Did you hear that? Kanae."

Mingfei looked deeply into the girl's dull eyes and whispered softly,

"There are many, many more things we can do, Kanae!"

"But the most important thing is, you must want to survive! You must believe that you can survive!"

"Do you still remember our agreement? We will always be together! Do you want to break the agreement?"


Butterfly Kanae was stunned for a while, slowly closed her eyes, and sighed helplessly,

"How could I forget?"

A lifelong agreement that I will never forget!

"Then just listen to me, trust me, you'll be fine!"

Ming Fei's eyes burned with blazing flames.

The rich voice echoed deep in the dense forest!

"I can't even take your life by winding the two strings,"

"The wounds it left, too!!!"

"Shinobu, wipe away your tears!"

Mingfei stared straight at the absent-minded Butterfly Ninja opposite him, and explained in a deep voice, "As long as I'm here, everything will be fine!"

"Now, follow my command!"

Mingfei took a deep breath, reopened the transparent world, and gave instructions in an orderly manner.

"Kana Megumi, use the full concentration and constant hit!"

He lowered his voice gently, very softly,

"It may hurt, it may be uncomfortable, but no matter what, you can't give up!"

"Absolutely! Absolutely! Don't give up!"

"Then... let me play nonsense with you again."

After all, this is probably the last time.

The seriously injured girl stopped talking, but her flowing breathing told everyone the answer - she might still struggle for a while longer.

The essence of breathing method is to use breathing to fully mobilize every force of the body, which naturally includes the flow rate of blood!

The hideous wound was wide open, and the beating internal organs slowly calmed down.

Not because of dying, but to retain the last strength as much as possible!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The slightly visible heart trembled violently at first, and then beat gently and slowly, being controlled by Kanae's consciousness!

The continuous flow of blood slowly stopped.

There was no plasma here, and Kanae's injuries did not allow them to rush towards the Wisteria House.

So at the very least, the loss of existing blood should be minimized!

"Yes, keep at it, Kanae, you can do it! Come on! Continue to slow down your heartbeat and control the blood flow rate!"

Mingfei's voice was a little excited,

That's right! That's it! That's it!

In this fight against death, they have completed the most important step!

Not to reduce the flow of blood, but to arouse Kanae Eisei's will!


Mingfei suddenly pulled out the blade beside Shinobu and Kanae, aimed at the fragile waist of the blade, his eyes glaring, and they collided fiercely!


Sparks flew and he got a sharp tip!

The environment and time are tight, he can only do this!

Breathe in!


Mingfei exhaled heavily and stopped his trembling hands.

What we have to do next is more and more dangerous every step!

Even he was not sure of success.

But now they have stepped onto the tightrope between the cliffs and are moving forward, with no choice!

"Kanae, below, I will cut off the necrotic meat and remove the broken bones and some internal organs. This is also to avoid future infections," Mingfei said in a trembling voice, holding the sides of the knife tip tightly.

"It may hurt, but sister Kanae, you must endure it!"

A sting!

The knife falls from the hand!

Mingfei gritted his teeth, and the blade wandered on both sides of the hideous wound!

The frozen dark red meat smashed into the cold fog in the air.

Bits of scattered broken bones rolled down from the branches and fell hard to the ground.

There are also broken internal organs, tiny pieces one after another, and a pool of blood thrown under the body, floating deathly - Ming Fei is particularly strenuous to clean up these things, and even sweats profusely, because he wants to ensure as much as possible that no Chanel Hui’s foundation.

All the necrotic tissues were eliminated with the cooperation of the transparent world of Mingfei and the blades of both hands!

Kanae didn't show any signs of struggle, she just focused all her attention on breathing!

The heart beats slower and slower, but still steady!

The blood flowing out is getting less and less!



As the operation progressed, Mingfei's teeth clenched loudly!

It turns out that Kanae no longer has to endure the pain of having her body tissues stripped away, because she can no longer feel it!

Tong Mo, you better not die!

Direct death is too cheap for you!

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